Transcription of Manuscript X

Young soldier of 17. Charles Cutter of Lawrence City, Mass. 1st class. Heavy Artillery, Battery M.; he was brought to one of the hospitals mortally wounded in the abdomen. Well, I thought to myself as I sat looking at him, it ought to be a relief to his folks if they could see how little he really suffered. He lay very placid in a half lethargy with his eyes closed. As it was extremely hot and I sat a good while, silently fanning him and wiping the sweat at length, he opened his eyes, great wide and clear and looked inquisitively around. I said “What is it my boy? Do you want anything?” He answered quietly with a good natured smile “Oh nothing, I was only looking around to see who was with me.” His mind was somewhat wandering, yet he lay in an evident peaceful state that sanity and health might have envied.

I had to leave for other engagements. He died without any special agitation, in the course of the night.

–Walt Whitman (I think)

One thought on “Transcription of Manuscript X”

  1. This was transcribed very well. Every word from the text is here, even the heavily inked and almost unidentifiable ones like “envied”. Not to be nit-picky, but why did you turn “peacefulness” into “peaceful state”?

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