Letterpress Reflection

Learning how to letterpress was so much fun. Ursula Minervini was captivating and very informative. I’m happy we had the opportunity to letterpress hands-on because any other way would not have been as effective. Upon first seeing the box containing the letters I was slightly like “what the hell?”, but once Ursula broke down the corresponding map, my mind went from:


From that point, finding my letters was like going on a treasure hunt and deciphering between the p’s, q’s, b’s, and d’s, was like sorting through booty. As finishing a line of letters in the vice-like contraption (I can’t remember the name), my inner Pavlovian dog rewarded himself by topping the line with leading. After completing this, I was amazed and impressed by Ursula’s uncanny ability to read English upside and backwards. My partner and I were very pleased to have only a few corrections to make. Once our full message was sandwiched in the vice, we placed it in the letterpress along with the other messages of our peers. Then, we entered phase two. We all watched in amazement as Ursula applied ink to the rolls, hit switches here and there, and rolled the paper over our inked letters. She walked each of us through how to do this. I had slight trouble my first time keeping the paper under the stubs, but I got this correct on my second try. My paper came out beautifully. Whenever I glance upon it I will be brought back to fine memories. I’ll never forget the things I learned that day.


Drake’s new video for Hotline Bling seems designed to be shared online. Digital image. CBS News Entertainment. N.p., 20 Oct. 2015. Web. 2 Mar. 2017.

Math problems cover blonde woman’s confused face. Digital image. Boing Boing. N.p., 8 Nov. 2016. Web. 2 Mar. 2017.