
“There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening” (pg.25)

This particular quote caught my attention while readingĀ The Medium is the Massage because of how true it is for today’s political climate. The quote reminds me of the phrase “history is destined to repeat itself” which has been true numerous times over the centuries and people theorize will be true again today with the election of President Trump. Many people are comparing Trump’s election to that of Adolf Hitler in the 1930’s in the way that he was popular and fairly well liked and his political ideas were seen as positive things at first, sort of like a story character who we like at first but as their intentions are revealed. I’m not saying that I agree with these people one way or the other, however they raise good points particularly with Trump’s racial views. If people aren’t willing to take a moment, step back, and think about the decisions Trump is making, we may end up reliving one of the darkest moments in history.