Clay Tablets

1: How did writing on clay force you to deal with the technology at the same time trying to get the writing done?

The Clay was incredibly limiting. First of all, attempting to bring the clay into a workable format was tedious and difficult to accomplish. Then after laboring away at the shape of the medium, writing in it was even more intensive. The medium makes communication intensive and a tedious process. unfortunately this caused for a select few people in history to record anything.

2. How does technology affect the the content of the writing as well as the writing process.

It makes it considerably more primitive. The amount of information that I was able to communicate became increasingly smaller with the less tools i had. There are fountain of issues I’d never be able to explain without being there in person to give a walk trough of my drawing.

3. How does the type of writing they are doing influence the technology they are using?

The writing back in older ages was often pertained to laws or codes. To have them written in stone or on something permanent meant that they could always refer back to it. There would be no confusion. “An eye for an eye” Just like Hammurabi. Henceforth they needed the material to last for a certain extent of time anyhow. Writing in clay or on stone kept it from being tampered with.

4. How does technology affect the way that we read a document or text?

In the modern era, there are standardized forms of text and certain fonts that we use to get our meanings across to one another. Back in older times, many couldn’t comprehend or understand written documents due to handwriting and illiteracy. With more legible and standardized materials, literacy goes up dramatically since everything is nearly the same and information is processed in one familiar way.

Author: cprice5

Public History Major Junior Harve De Grace, Maritime Museum, Intern