What if you did it for you?

In Frankenstein there is a part at the beginning where the narrator is explaining his life, he says ” Our studies were never forced…It was by this method, and not emulation that we were urged to application.” (Shelley 21). He says this meaning that he learned things that he wanted to learn and there was no pressure to be the best. He got to learn and study at his own pace, doing what he wanted for himself.  His parents didn’t force things on him and his friends were supportive but also studied their own things. Without the competition between friends, the narrator was able to truly enjoy his childhood for himself without worrying about doing what makes his friends and family happy.

The things you are currently doing/studying in your life, do they make you happy? Do you find enjoyment in them? Or are you doing it for somebody else, if so does doing it for them make you happy.

2 thoughts on “What if you did it for you?”

  1. Currently I’m studying Fashion Design and I legitimately do love it. It’s such a joy to make my imagination come to life and manifest itself in the 3D world. While I do love my art, and subsequently my job, I went to college so I could get a job to provide for my mother as she ages. The woman has done so much for me it’s time I return the favor. Of course I do love what I do, and my mom is proud (what mom isn’t proud of their baby though, let’s be honest), but I definitely get my drive to succeed in order to provide for my family after I graduate.

  2. I’m so happy you asked this question! When I came to Stevenson University, I was studying elementary education. Growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher, but I was never happy with working with children. I have worked with children since I was 14 years old and I hated going to work every day. This summer I worked at NRL in the Human Resources Office, and I never happier. I was so happy with my new current job so much; I changed my major to interdisciplinary studies in education and communication. I’m so glad I made this change. I went to college for me, not my Mom or family. 

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