Article 2: How to Make America Greater Again

This piece by Eduardo Porter touches on the aspects of wage in immigrants. Wage specifically pertaining to refugees from other countries making more money for the same job that an American would make. Porter enhances the fact that coming to America is better for natives. For example, a 35 year old Peruvian man working for the Peruvian economy would make around $452 a month. However, that same Peruvian male working in the United States would make $1,717 per month. Porter says that there are obvious reasons why immigrants come to the U.S and the main one being the financial stability that they gain once they cross that border. However, that stability stays within the one time that they cross opposed to crossing multiple times.

Porter also touches on the ignorance that our government specifically has to the natural human instinct to gaining more financial stability. He inserts an excerpt from a professor, “If trade deals were strictly about efficiency and growing the size of the overall economic pie… trade negotiators would drop everything else on their agenda and spend their whole time trying to strike a bargain…” If the government is so adamant about gaining stability, then why should they penalize immigrants for wanting the same? By simply allowing immigrants to freely cross the border could “double the world’s gross domestic product” (Porter 2017).

This strongly left biased piece leaves some good questions for the readers while including valuable statistics. The statistics still leaves the readers some room to formulate their own opinion. I think this is a well written piece, although I have some bias myself.


Porter, Eduardo. “How to Make America Greater: More Immigration.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 7 Feb. 2017,