Article Summary #2

Fox News Article


My second article focuses on what happened in New Zealand but how the attacks on Donald Trump for being an inspiration to the killer, and the outlash against his behavior on the matter are wrong.

The man accused of the attack on the mosques in New Zealand stated that Donald Trump is a “symbol of renewed white identity…” while Trump made comments seeming to go with the accuser being innocent: “I didn’t see it. I didn’t see it. But I think it’s a horrible event…a horrible disgraceful thing and a horrible act.” However, the accused man of the New Zealand attack also stated Trump as a bad policy maker and leader.

The article then talks about how Trump has always been attacked for his views related to immigration constantly with the most notable being the border wall which he promised when running for president. Regarding the events in New Zealand, Trump took it upon himself to call the Prime Minster of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, and extend his condolences for what happening telling her the U.S. will do whatever it can to help.

The Democratic party still takes aim at Trump opposing his viewpoints on immigration, and for secretly supporting nationalists and the KKK. One of the last paragraphs takes about statistics relating to white nationalists stating that deaths by white supremacists have gone up from 37 to 50 from 2017 to 2018. Donald Trump views the situation as a small group of people doing some bad things, but not a major issue at the moment.