
I found the section in chapter 4 where Obinze transfers into the new school and is quickly admitted into the clan of the “Big guys” most interesting. Obinze was forced to transfer schools after his mother fought another professor. Rumors quickly spread about his mother and what happened. Obinze, with all this going on still had a calm air and inwardness which made him even more intriguing. The “Big guys” are the most popular guys in the school. They never tucked in their shirts which always got them into trouble until Obinze did.  “Obinze came to school every day with his shirt neatly tucked in and soon all the Big Guys tucked in, too, even, Kayode DaSilva, the coolest of them all.” (Adichie 66). I found this quote interesting because I feel this situation would be very different here in the United States. For the new guy in school to come in and not only to be part of the popular group but change the things they do by just being himself is something you don’t see all the time. Most of the time we see that individual change to fit in, for example, Obinze would go in to school with his shirt untucked.

Do you think Obinze would be accepted by the most popular guys in the school and change their bad habits if he was in America?