Carlos Hernandez Review

The classroom visit from Carlos Hernandez was very interesting and thought provoking. He was really open with how he utilized his talents through all of the different experiences that he has gone through in his career. When Hernandez read his poem out loud to the entire class, i found that it was interesting to hear with an of his personal emotions in with the way that his voice changed throughout the poem. I also thought that you could tell that he is extremely devoted and cares for all the things which inspired the poem.

One of the questions that I put down to ask Hernandez was, “What inspired you to make this documentary?”

The answer that he responded with to the question was really inspiring. He showed that doing little things at one time can really make a difference to a cause or issue that you care about. He gave great insight on digital publishing with all the different channels that he’s used with working with asylum seekers and other refugees.