Reflection on Carlos Hernandez Talk

Writer Carlos Hernandez came to class on Wednesday 2/27/19 to talk about his work, career, life in general, and to answer any questions we may have had regarding any of these topics. Carlos gave great insight on varying topics in class and it was a great experience to hear him talk.

Carlos talked a lot about digital publishing, which pertains a ton to our class. He gave great insights on the advantages a disadvantages to digital publishing. One advantage was that white space isn’t very relevant as it is in print. Meaning that you could waste all the white space you want to when you publish digitally rather than if you were to publish in print. A disadvantage to publishing digitally was that to most writers and authors, it’s sort of a bucket list or an accomplishment to publish in print. To most authors and to Carlos himself, print has more sentimental value.

Another aspect of Carlos’ talk that intrigued me was his game design/development experience. As someone who is very much involved in video games, and will hopefully work in the industry some day as a developer, it was very interesting to see his thoughts on the whole thing. I, as a developer, was also very impressed with his programming knowledge. I was not expecting someone who has a been a writer their whole career to understand the nuances of python.

Lastly, Carlos gave some great general life advice. He was talking about when/where should you publish as a beginner. And he said that you should publish everywhere and send out your writing to everyone you possible can. The piece that was important was what he said about rejection. Carlos stated that rejection is a necessity for growth, and the fast/earlier you rejected, the better you will get. So send out your writing, and don’t be afraid to get rejected! This advice not only applies to writing, but anything you may be passionate about.