Career Services

This past Friday I went into the career services office here at Stevenson and sat down with three of the counselors to discuss my future goals. We discussed what I wanted to when I graduated which is to be a salesman. They were very kind and helpful, they asked me to print out my resume, so we could go over it and see what improvements could be made. This is one of many ways career services helps Stevenson students. They gave me an example of a resume, resume buzz words which are key words employers look for when hiring, and they edited and wrote down changes I need to make on my own resume. Since I want to be a salesman, they told me to use words like facilitate and corresponded on my resume.

resume buzz words
example resume
counselors edits to my resume

Also, when editing my resume, they were showing me how to make it more organized and where certain things like being a collegiate athlete should go. I must have edited my resume 100 times and I thought it was great, but they were showing and telling me all these small improvements that could to help it standout over others. One of the small improvements was changing my major from just Business Communication to Bachelor of Science, Business Communication. I was shocked about just how good they were. The counselors told me to look over everything they gave me, make the necessary changed and to come back whenever I need help.