Meeting with Career Coach

I met with Kelly Fewster last Wednesday and learned a lot about resources available and opportunities I was unaware of. We spent the first half of our meeting talking about my career goals and resources that were available for me to use. We later transitioned to her computer where she showed me more of what Handshake can do when looking for opportunities and how to specifically look for particular jobs like Digital Publishing. An organization called Agora popped up multiple times in searches with Digital Publishing opportunities as well as Video Productions fitting my area of interest. I learned two new websites: Career Shift and Onet. Career Shift is similar to Handshake when it comes to looking for job opportunities but Onet is the one that stood out. Not only can job searches be done, it shows statistics relating to how much a particular occupation makes roughly comparing state highs and lows to federal highs and lows, and the site shows how much in demand the occupation is.


My career goals are to one day work in the film industry as a producer, screenwriter, and/or director creating short or feature length films, whatever my inspiration is at the moment. After my meeting, I learned how digital publishing is a skill, especially when producing, that may intertwine often in my field especially when marketing or raising awareness for a project. The visit with the career counsellor also made me feel more comfortable about searching for job opportunities over the summer and after college without seeing it as such a mystery. Going in to the meeting, I was skeptical because I didn’t know how much digital publishing intertwined in my field. Afterwards, I am very pleased with the meeting.