Pitch: Basketball VR

People do not realize what VR can really do for the society. This invention will change the lifestyle for sports, school, and all sorts of events. With my invention, it will be for 15 years old and up. In order for people to see the VR invention and what it does, there will be ads about it for people to click on and explore the magic of the VR. The VR will be educational in the way where the kids and men that play basketball, will never be the same player as they were before. They will be even better. With using the device, the players will be able to see the defense and defensive tactics and be able to learn their plays and run the plays against them. It will give the player the time to practice and learn what is going to happen and how the defense covers the offense. Also, it will be able to put you in real life situations. “Several methodologies, like video and methods based on virtual environments, are currently employed to analyze visual perception during sport situations” (Human Movement Science). For example, it will be able to give you a fourth quarter clutch situation to go with. There will be five seconds on the clock and you have to score to win. This will give you the chance to work on the ability to be clutch in the time that is really needed. When using the VR, there is no need to stress and be mad that you did do the task right and did not win the game. There is time for improvement because the VR gives tips to the player while he is performing the task. In order to get better, there needs to practice, and this is what it gives you. It is time for a player to reflect on what they need to get better at, and how they can improve their skills to be the best player that they can be. It will work and this could be the change that you need to be the basketball player you always dreamed of being.


Can VR Change Education?

VR is going to change the world. VR is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image that can be interacted with in a seemingly real way by a person using electronic equipment. It changes the way people look at the world and gives them a different passageway to the future. It puts you into a new world dimension that we have never seen before. It could be the passageway of the new educational aspect in schools and will change the way students live their lives and do their work. Teachers will soon evolve around the VR method and make it a desired way of learning. I believe it will due to kids having different ways of learning, and different ways of processing information. Schools will soon be all VR and be learning all subjects on VR. Jobs will be using VR also. You never know what VR could do unless you try it, and it’s always good to experience something new because you never know what could happen.

For the teachers of math, this can be the way out of personally teaching a lesson out loud. Even though they all love to teach, it could be the break point of being there for just extra help. With the VR, the students that have trouble learning by just listening, and are better with visual aspects, this is the way to success. In the article, Vivek Wadhwa’s uses in example with a made-up guy named Clifford. For example, “if students are learning shapes, Clifford makes them put on VR headsets and sends them to Egypt” (The future of education is virtual). The source explains how the VR benefits a child in education and what it could do for someone who has trouble learning and seeing things from an eye view. By sending them to Egypt, it gives them the chance to see the pyramids and what angles and what shapes they are. As well as learning math, in a matter of fact, they are learning something about history and how they were formed. Unfortunately, some students have trouble with VR due to the colors and all the moving around, so it makes it hard for them. It takes away the advantage portion of being a visual learner, but there are ways to prevent it from happening, that these students can learn to be successful in the field of math. With VR, it makes the surroundings so much bigger. For example, with the shapes, instead of seeing it on the board in tiny hand writing, it is in your face at maximum level size and very graphic. In addition, when it comes to math, there are so many problems and space that is needed to learn what is going on, and the VR gives you the advantage and making it easy.

Imagine if you did not have to go to class? Wade Watts does not. In the novel, Ready Player One, Wade Watts uses VR to go to virtual class and be someone that is not really him but could look like him. For example, “the school bell rang, and a warning flashed in the corner of my display, informing me I had forty minutes until the start of first period” (Cline 29). He doesn’t even go to real school, he sits in his hideout and goes to school virtually. This could be beneficial because in reality, no student ever wants to get up for class, but imagine if school started later and all they had to do was put on a headset. It would make school so much more interesting for the students and they might just enjoy coming to class on VR. Also, the students are not really themselves. Have you ever wanted to be someone other than yourself? This invention gives you the opportunity to be that someone else and live a different life. Even though you have the same name, which is good for the teachers, students can have fun while learning academics like they are supposed to. Some students are barely awake in their first period class, but when they put on the VR, it gives them the excitement of in a place, where it is like a new home, that everyone can enjoy.

Biology classes will have a different outlook of the experiments they experience. Usually teachers put the molecules up on the board, and it is just on a PowerPoint. Imagine seeing it in 3D structure. The depth and picture through the DNA molecules and body of a human would be unreal. It would be like being inside an actual body floating around the structure and bones and being on a rollercoaster. Likewise, in Vivek Wadhwa’s article, he states that Clifford also teaches biology. With the VR, he can, “observe the children’s pupillary size, their eye movements and subtle changes in the tone of their voice” (The future of education is virtual). Beneficially, there would be no work involved with the assignments, but by just seeing how the student reacts, it is noticeable that the student is handling it well. Everyone knows that somedays, teachers do not want to be in class and they deserve a break from all the work they do for us; this will benefit the teacher due to the fact that they do not even have the teach. The VR system does the work for them. All the teachers have to do is observe and see how the students react. It is all a process, and whether it is going to be big time in the future.

VR is going to change the world one day. Not today, or not tomorrow, but one of these days, it is going to be the gateway to success. Seeing how you can learn biology, and learn about shapes in math, and even not even go to class, but go to class from home, is a life changer. It is giving the students and faculty a new outlook on life. Having the VR can be the new computer in a sense, that instead of watching videos in bad quality, the virtual gives you the 3D all the time. It is a matter of who wants the change and who doesn’t. It takes one person to make a difference but takes everyone to change a lifestyle.


His name is Espartamea. He is from New Jersey, just trying to get away and become one with himself. Underneath his glasses, he does not like people seeing his eyes because his glasses are monitoring who everyone is and what they hold in store, or power wise. He has similar characteristics to me because i want it to be like I am actually in the game playing, instead of just random avatar. He gets along with everyone unless they think they are better than everyone else, even if they are not.

Education Change

The technology of the internet has transformed our brains into depending on it for the answer. It became the downfall of the society because we all depend on it to do our jobs for us, when it is our duty to do it on our own. For example, getting paper work on time to our boss. The technology is not going to get up and bring it there for you. We are non-stop, on the phone and using computers and tablets. Whatever happened to people reading a book on paper, or writing in a notebook and figuring out problems the old way? The technology we have today gives us the answer in the palm of our hands in the matter of five minutes. It is good but, in some cases, it is not always the right answer and can get you in trouble. The world relies on computers and technology, when they could do it by themselves. Schools rely on computers because that’s how the world is evolving. What are students going to do when the real world comes to them, and they cannot use these devices? For example, if you get a job in construction working and have to measure how far the medal has to go to fit in the spot? It takes math and writing out the problems to figure it out, the device is not going to do it for you. What will their jobs be in the future? They cannot rely on technology forever and are going to need to be independent. The world is changing fast, but what could the society do to retaliate and fix the minds of the children?

Students come to class every day and teachers tell them to go online and read this chapter or read this article. Are they actually reading it? It gives them the chance to skim through because they are a computer and have the ability to scroll. With paper and no online sources to distract the students, it makes them realize there needs to be focus and time taken out to read it thoroughly. Nicholas Carr shows the way of “Is Google Making Us Stupid”. When reading a book, thoroughly reading the pages, has the way of letting the brain know this is what happening, and the point that is trying to be made. On the internet, Nicholas Carr states, “Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski” (“Is Google Making Us Stupid”). Stating that he zips along the surface, meaning that he barely reads, he skims through and does not pay attention to the words in front of him. Being a student and wanting to get work done quickly, it happens all the time. It is a  process in which students go through of getting the assignment, read the directions, skimming through the reading fast, and saying they are done. At the end, when the teacher asks questions, there is a handful of students going back because they did not read and did not expect to be asked questions. Class and work should not just be forced to be online but split it up. It depends on the assignment in way. For example, having the kids read on paper, and then write a response is a great way to make them understand the work being read and then putting it into their own words. Having the internet do the work for them does not have it stick into their brains because they will rely on the online process. Due to the reading on paper, it will make them work and work for what is really trying to be accomplished. For example, say your boss gives you papers to read through, and you skim through and do not read a single thing. Next day, he comes in and asked you what you thought and how can we elaborate and make it better, and there is nothing running through your brain because you did not read it. Your fired. Reading takes time, effort, and thought process.

Reading on a screen can be the best for some people but it is common that most people like reading on paper. Ferris Jabr gives us the message that it could be good both ways. For students or teachers, it could go both ways because they use both in their everyday life. For example, “teachers and students routinely switch between working long hours in front a computer at the office or school and reading magazines and paper” (Jabr “Science of Paper versus Screens”). It is relatable because the world of technology gives us the advantage of having it all and making life easier. Sadly, we cannot rely on it because not everything is used with technology and for a job that does not use it, what is going to happen? Some students prefer to read on paper and that is okay. It is better to read on paper because it makes the mind understand better what is being talked about. Before 1992, “studies concluded that people read slower, less accurately and less comprehensively on screens than on paper” (Jabr “Science of Paper versus Screens”). Exactly the point. When reading online, it is hard to follow along, and it is very easy to lose track to where you left off and what you are reading in general. On paper, there are no distractions to take you away from the book and stop you from reading. No other than the words on the paper going all the way down left to right.

Besides having students and teachers use technology, it becomes a problem when they decide to do different things at once. It is called multitasking. Everyone multitasks, and some people see it as a good thing, but others say it is bad. Olivia Goldhill comes to explain that multitasking is bad for the brain. In quote she writes, “it uses up oxygenated glucose in the brain, running down the same fuel that’s needed to focus on a task” (Multitasking, Goldhill). Students, especially at the age of a young child, cannot be able to do this. It loses their focus on their work at hand. Their brains are full functional to be on two things at the same time and be able to put the same time into what they are supposed to do. It is the same for teachers. They cannot teach a class, and try to figure something on their laptops, they start to lose focus on what the task is at hand. Technology of course is designed to help us make life easier in a sense, but people take advantage of what it is giving us. It is used for everything around the world, and it could be used just to search the web, which every kid does instead of doing their work. Daniel Levitin found a study on which, “switching comes with a biological cost that ends up making us feel tired much more quickly than if we sustain attention on one thing” (qtd in Goldhill). Precisely, saying that the kids do not have the attention span to do multiple things at once without getting distracted. Students need one thing to focus on to make sure they understand what the task is. Making the child do separate things will cause them to fail on the task at hand and also fail in the classroom.

Life has come to the point where we all think about is what is on the internet. Everyone is always asking what is on this site, and what is going on in the world. Nobody ever focuses on what is actually needs to be done, the actual work. We rely on the internet like it’s our parents in a way. Always asking them what to do, and what decision to make, and whether this answer is right or wrong. One day, there is going to be no one to tell us if the choice we make is the right choice, it is going to be put on us. It is just part of life, and the school systems to make that a point because the students have no idea what is right and wrong. The internet will be there forever, but when you get a job, it cannot help you with every single thing. It is going to take some of the mind to figure it out, and that is what school is here for. To show the students and also teachers’ life is important and what you learn here is going to be used in the future life. Would you rather be the solution of a student’s successful life, or the problem why they do not? The teachers and system are here to educate the students and that is what they need to. No internet or tablets, but the teacher that is in the class. For example, instead of just using online sources, have students read the paper copy and annotate on paper, and then write a discussion online about what they read and how they felt. Students come to school for one reason, to get a degree and become successful. Without success, you are nobody and everyone wants to be someone. It takes hard work, and determination, and everyone has that. It only takes one person to retrieve it and that person is yourself.

Rhetorical Analysis



We have read three articles that have taught us about the internet, and specifically reading on the internet. Reading on the internet is not the best thing for the brain because it does not receive the amount of words and education that is received when reading out of paperback book. There are many comments about reading on the internet. Some positive and some negative. For example, many people in the world would rather read articles and reports on the internet because they feel scrolling is more beneficial then flipping pages. In addition, other people think that scrolling is worse because it could lose track of where you are in the article, and it does not stick in the brain as well. Reading online is worse because of the ads and distractions that pop up every second. While on paper, following along and analyzing in depth what is being reading and making sure the point of the book is being notice.

The author of the article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, is Nicholas Carr. He is “an acclaimed writer on technology and culture whose books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages” (Nicholas Carr). He is a popular writer and he shows the path of reading on technology and reading through the style of books. Nicholas has written for the “Wall Street Journal, the New York Times,Wired, and many others” (Nicholas Carr). His articles are important to most people because it makes a bold statement about reading online and could change the thought process of online reading. Reading online is very good and enjoy every second of it. Occasionally, reading online is nice but reading this article made me see it in a different way. Seeing it now as reading on paper is the only way. Seeing the words and being able to point and annotate on the paper makes it easier and more beneficial and makes me relate to the book more. I never liked to read but reading his article made me change my mind. In reality, the world makes more sense when reading a book because it points out life lessons each and every way. Online, it is the skimming through that everyone does and never gets the full effect out of it.

I read this article and I bet that millions of others did too. Nicholas Carr in my opinion, wrote this article for ages from teens to elderly. It is an article that would intrigue the world because it relates to everyone. Many of teens and older people read and most of them do both online and paper reading. They never saw it this way. Kids think that when they read online, it is beneficial to them. When the teacher asks the question, “what did you learn from this site”, and all their faces go red, then we have problems. Kids see ads and distractions pop up, it is like their minds get hypnotized and are only focused on what is in front of them. Furthermore, when the elderly people read, and parents and other adults read, they are also interested in the ads, which is the problem. In the other sense, Nicholas Carr thinks that reading online makes it go quicker and it will be done in minutes, instead of hours. He is trying to point out that online reading is good but could have some downfalls with distractions and all of the scrolling, etc.

The purpose of the article is to inform the world and all the readers of the world what online reading does and compares it to the paper reading. Some of the sites are not reliable and could be mistaken. For example, Wikipedia is used all over the world, but some facts are not real. There is way to change the words on that site but people all think it is a reliable source. To show that people have stopped reading because of online reading, and it has changed everyone’s lifestyle. I do not choose to read often, but when I do, I prefer paper. Reading online, my mind would not be able to focus as well because I would be on other websites, just searching the web. Parents do not realize that when their kids read online, are they actually reading? Online has so many resources that are used that kids love to use. Their minds are technology, they just love the internet and live for it. Reading is nothing to them anymore, and the future is more intense for them and they could not careless about reading. The world is changing and so is their minds.

The context of this article to show what reading online does to the brain. This article was published in 2008, and it relates to what happens in the recent times, like now. Everyone definitely read about and did not focus on the fact that it is actually very important. It explains the expectations out of reading on the internet, and also the negativity that it brings also. For example, if kids are reading online, one ad pops up and their minds are on the ad and on to the next website. The mind does not focus on the reading but rather the ads and the website production of pictures and other links. It could happen to anyone, but it is rather happening to the young kids because older adults do not really associate themselves with the internet unless it is work related.

This is for everyone in the world. The genre of this article is technological. It is all about the technology aspect of the world and how reading and the online resources affect the brain. On paper, the reading becomes easier as you go, because it goes through the brain and sticks and processes it all. With online, people do not even look at the words, but rather skim the page and try to get through the articles and readings as fast as they can. It has pictures and other items on the site, so it makes the person want to visit it more and enjoy it as much as possible.

This is My Life…

I am Nicholas McNerney, most of you probably do not know who I am. I am a student athlete, aspiring business man, and determined man of my work. It all started back when I used to read “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss, with my mother. If I was not reading about Green eggs and Ham, I was mostly on the field. Football is where I blow off steam. As a kid, I always looked up to my dad, who came in from work roughly around seven. At that time, my mom was cooking up some of her famous Sunday sauce. As I sat at the kitchen table reading “The Cat in the Hat”, I hear the door slowly starting to open as I see my dad walking in from a long day of work. I was too young to realize it then, but as I started to mature, I realized that the real world requires hard work and determination. You see, my dad worked seven days a week to pay the bills to make sure the family was happy. Now that I am grown, I quickly understood what it is like to work seven days a week. As being a student athlete my whole life, I have never had so high expectations to succeed not only on the field, but in the classroom.

It was a hot summer afternoon, and I had just come home from my first day of kindergarten. I was very excited to see my mom after a long day of school. On the other hand, I was excited to receive my first actual book called, “The Cat in the Hat”. The only problem was, that I did not know how to read. My mother was a great multitasker. As my mom was making dinner, she was also teaching me how to read my first book. We started out with the introduction page. She asked to read the authors name of the book, and I said, “Dur Suss”. Little did I know, it was correctly pronounced “Dr. Seuss”. That was just the beginning. The words became harder and harder every page we went through. I could smell my mom’s cooking and wanted to stop and eat for a quick second. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. At that point my mother taught the trait of procrastination. There was no time to goof around. I had to get back to work if I wanted to catch my daily cartoon show, if I wanted to be in bed by eight. We started to get into depth of the book and I started to feel myself already becoming a better reader. It took time, but it became an ease. I can start to hear my cartoon show coming closer to me. It was a sign of success and it was not fading away. The words started to become more difficult as the book went on. I was just learning how to read, so the words did not make any sense to me. My mother told me, “It takes some time, but you will get it”. We took a break for dinner, but it was back to work right after that. While we ate, she told me to remember the words that I have learned, because they will appear again sooner or later. My brother then walked in and sat down. He looked depressed, so I asked him if he wanted to help me read. A smile came to his face as we went into the living room. Our living room smelled as if my mom cooked our dinner in that very spot. We started from where my mother and I had left off. We came to a word that I had no idea what it was, how it was said, etc. So, my brother made it easy for me. He made me spell it out first before we did anything. So, I spelled it out. Then, he made me sound it out and put it all into one. It worked, and I finally figured out the word. We finished the book and I said thank you to my brother and it was time for bed. As my mom went to tuck me in, she looked into my eyes and said, “You just read your first book”! I went to bed with a smile, and it became one of the happiest days of my life.


Years went by, and I made my way intoelementary school. It was another tough part of my life because reading became a bigger challenge to me. The words became more of a difficultly to me and harder to pronounce. I was put into a class to learn how to read. It was not a class for everyone but more of one to help the children that need it. I was in Northvale Elementary School, and my teacher, Mrs. Vialonga, decided it was time to read our first book. We started to read, “Diary of a Wimpy kid”. These words were a blur to me and I had no idea what any even meant. That’s why I was in the class I was in. We started the first page and I was called on to read the first paragraph. I got passed the first couple words and came to a stop. I could not pronounce the word and I was embarrassed. Students started to laugh at me, but my teacher did not. My teacher paused, and said, “Nick, what’s wrong”? I said, “I cannot pronounce this word”. She wrote it on the board for me and not just the word, but she separated it for me, so I can get the sound of it down. Once she taught me that way of reading words, it became an ease for me just like it did with my brother. I got through another problem with reading and my reading has never be the same from years on. I have become one of the best readers I can be from learning with my mom, my brother and my teacher. There’s a chance, I can enhance my reader to even bigger level. It all it just takes time and practice.


Finally, I arrive into Old Tappan Highschool. I am becoming more of an adult realizing my future is just up ahead. It was September 9th, 2013, and I was about to walk into my first English class of my freshman year. Thinking to myself, that it is syllabus week, and we would not have any work. I was wrong. The first thing we did was read our first book. We were assigned to read, “The Hobbit”. I started to read the first chapter in my classroom, and I had no idea what any of the words were trying to tell me. My teacher, Mr. Conner, saw me struggling from his desk. He came to me, and said, “What’s wrong”? I did not know what to say and my mind was blown. My teacher gave me the best solution to my problem and it was to annotate my words and phrases. I did not know what he meant at first, then he taught me, and it changed my life. He explained to me, that when you highlight and write a little summary about what you read, it makes it easier to realize what the story is trying to point out. I took the advice, and I have never been more impressed with my reading in my life. I never used to like to read books, but with the new tips I have learned, I kind of like it.It took my level of reading to a new peak and I was ready to move on to bigger challenges in my future. I am ready for anything to come my way and there is nothing that is going to step in my way.


Reading has become one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. I would of never knew that reading was so important in the learning experience and even future job experience. Starting out, being in kindergarten reading, “The Cat in the Hat”, and leaving high school reading, “The Hobbit”, knowing what it means in every word, is an accomplishment. My mother always taught me, that when you start something, you better finish it. In my life, I do not go down without at least gaining a little more knowledge about my future, and there is still more to come. I look back to what I have done in the past and I think that none of it was possible at the time. Now, I feel like anything is possible, it just takes time and effort. I live my life one day at a time and I work on what is at hand at that time of the day, no matter what it might be. I never thought that my life would go so fast, but time is running out to be a kid and a student. One of these days, I am going to be a real adult and have a job, and I will look back to all of these memories and think this is where I started. I do not know what my future holds in store for me, and I do not know what is going to happen in my college life. One thing I do know is that I am not going down without a fight and there is no obstacle or challenge that I am going to let stop me from becoming who I am and to let me not become a man. My parents and teachers guided me through half of my life and now it is time for me to step in and take control. This is my life.