
With virtual reality being easily accessible as all you need is a smart phone and a google cardboard like piece, it can be done just about anywhere. That is why for my app I want to create a tutoring app that way the students with busy schedules can have access to a tutor without issue. This app will especially benefit students in high school who play sports or do any other after school activity and work who don’t have any free time during the week. Also, benefits children with parents who can’t make the time to take their child to a tutor or pay for one. By allowing children to be tutored through VR, it prevents them from any distractions as their whole visual plain is covered by the google carboard. This will be helpful as, “With the users being thrust into the subject matter, research and exploration into multi-sensory learning will be key” (HOW VIRTUAL REALITY IS CHANGING EDUCATION, Lynch).  The way the app will work is there are two settings, visual learner and hands-on learner, for the student to choose from. As we know, not all kids learn the same so by allowing two different techniques to be used on the children it lets them learn how they learn best. The visual learner option will take the student through a lesson and demonstrate how the problem is done. They will have the option to pause, rewind, or fast forward as they please to ensure they fully take in the information. And then for the hands-on learner, their teaching will be done by working with the instructor in the app to complete problems and they will guide them at first. Slowly, or however quickly the student feels comfortable, the degree of help from the app can be adjusted so they can work their way into doing the problem on their own. For both methods there will be a little quiz to go over what the student was taught to see if they understand the material that they went over or if they need more help on the subject. My app targets students of all ages and levels that feel they need additional help but don’t have the time or means to work with an actual tutor in person. This allows them to find any time in their day to get extra work in with their classes without having to pay for a real tutor and can do it in the comfort of your own home.

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