
Virtual Reality (VR) has become a rising technological device in our generation over the past years. As we look around today, we use video games and play in our activities such as sports to develop as human beings (Isidori, Sandor, & Fazio, 146). VR and sport games together can shape our way of thinking when it comes to motor skills and our cognitive thinking. I plan on reaching people between the ages of 16 to 35 because those are the people who have a wider span of athleticism and are more inclined to be into video game type simulations. I plan on projecting this outlet trough ads on social media outlets such as
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and television advertisements on sport channels, shows that target teens and middle-aged adults, and advertisement channels. You may be thinking how this idea could be something to learn from, let me tell you how. When a college football player steps foot on a field on a given Saturday it requires for them to go through a great deal of practice that involves remembering and going over plays, footwork, and play calling in order to translate that into game play which uses cognitive and motor skills(Isidori, Sandor, Fazio, 148). A player uses what he learned from practice to translate that into game situations which allows for a football player to use cognitive skills to a high degree as you must recall plays that are said to you and execute them on the swift to the highest level possible. The motor skill aspect is so you can take attributes such as foot work and correct form from the VR and translate that into real life actions such as running or lifting weights. You are guaranteed to have learned some basic motor skills such as form and technique in the way we run or assess other actions in our physical or daily lives. You will also be able to choose the experience level you may have in the field of football which will determine the difficulty of the skills you may learn. One thing for sure is that you will complete this VR experience with a new outlook on the way your thinking is and how you move physically.

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