Isolation: a recorded & Live Event

“Isolation: A Recorded and Live Event” was an online event that was held on October 28, 2020 by Stevenson University’s English 325/35: Fiction Writing class. The students that worked on this project were tasked with exploring the different variations that Isolation can be illustrated or interpreted. In a time where COVID-19 has overtaken the livelihood of regular American life and forced many citizens to be confined to their homes, the students chose the theme of Isolation because it is a topic that most of us can understand and relate to. Each piece is presented on its own page with its own individual style that allows the audience to learn more about the personality of the author. Every student has recorded their pieces, reading alone in different locations and positions. Their work ranges from dark and extreme topics to ones that are much more lighthearted in their nature. Regardless, every piece uncovers a new view on the struggles and triumphs that Isolation has forced them to confront. 

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