Villager Analysis

When arriving at the home page of The Villager, the pleasing aesthetic of the black and white lay out of the page is the first thing you see. With the name of the website in the upper left-hand corner and in green color is a nice way to accent the website with school colors but not going overboard. Having a clean and organized home page is very important as it will be the deciding factor for a lot of people if they want to keep looking through the site or not. Many people will click off a website if the visual lay out of the home page is too much for them and hurts their eyes. And the clear display of their navigation bar also bodes well for them as it shows newcomers what other subject matter they articles on. The Villager successfully makes their website a user friendly and visually appealing place for people to come to and learn about the good things Stevenson has to offer.

The Villager makes itself a very easy to use domain with a navigation bar easily visible upon entering the site. The bar contains categories that allows the information they must be nicely organized and focused on common topics people come to the site to learn about. Using the sports tab as an example, once clicking on it and entering the subset of the site, the articles are easy on the eyes as it doesn’t bombard the user with a bunch of titles right away. They do a good job of using an image for every article, so it is attention grabbing and gives a quick idea to the user what to expect in the article. The titles are in bold and a slightly larger font than the short synopsis they offer under every article. With this, it is pleasing on the eyes as it is not a brighter color and kept the lay out simple for all users. This is an effective use of multi-modal content as it allows for the user to have an image along with text to gather more information about the article rather than just an image or text.

As a website, The Villager does a good job of using their multi-modal content to better their website for users. By putting images along with articles, they make the site more user friendly with attention grabbing images accompanied by the text to give a preview into the article. This is something that I think more website should do as it garners a better connection the user by incorporating visual aids into commonly just text headlines. They also do a great job of using subtle colors that compliment one another well without trying to use too much of the green that is associated with the website.