Social Media Remix Assignment

I chose Twitter as an effective platform to promote my poem submission and The Greenspring Review because I think it is the easiest platform for content to be shared with the retweet function being available.  From my experience it is easier for a post to catch fire and be exposed to more people because when someone retweets something that interests them, their followers automatically see the post and it is easier for a post to begin trending.  People who would be interested in reading my piece are writing and reading enthusiasts that enjoy a reading or poem with a deeper meaning that can have multiple meanings.  

Twitter has and will always be one of the largest social media platforms where one can make many impressions on their posts in a short period of time.  Even though Twitter allows for a maximum of 140 characters per post, the use of hashtags is yet another tool that can be used to promote a post and increase the number of impressions.  To make the post more enticing one can use pictures and emojis to gain attention and catch a reader’s eye. 

When crafting the pitch I used text as an overlay due to the text restraint to give a bit of a background to the link of my poem that I shared.  A GIF would work best to grab attention but I did not have enough room with the character restraint so a short intro and link will do with how the platform works.

I think that it would work best to get exposure if I posted a few times a day and retweeted the tweets as well to bring them back to the top of the timeline for people to see.  Retweets are key to getting more likes because when someone else retweets your post, all of their followers see it as well and so forth.  An easy way to increase views is by putting the genre of the tweet in the hashtag because you can search for hashtags and if someone is interested in poetry they can search #poetry and my poem will show up along with others.  Overall, Twitter is a wonderful platform to gain exposure and get your creative piece out to the public to read.

Social Media Remix Assignment

I choose Twitter because it is, in my opinion, the second commonly used social media platform after Instagram. Most students in college use either Instagram or Twitter as their main source of fast news or information. I think that Twitter is slightly easier to access and set up for all age groups. In particular for reading my piece, college students in general can relate the most to the theme of my poem. 

For Twitter, I will use text as a caption with a character limit of 280 characters. I can manipulate the color of the text directly in the app but would have to use a third-party to change the font. I will use both emojis and punctuation because they are commonly used amoungst my age group and will draw in the audience. Both can make a simple tweet to something students will remember and make them want to take further action. I will also sometimes  use graphics rather than constant text.

Twitter is a straight forward platform that often contains few words. This is another reason why I choose it. Therefore, each of my posts will not contain many words but will promote the Greenspring Review interactively through polls, images, and links. This is how many authors tend to promote written work through Twitter.

Since posts contain few words, users are often continuously scrolling through Twitter for more content. Therefore, I will post on Twitter often with at least 5 posts a day. My audience uses Twitter during business hours which is between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This also relates to business days which are Monday and Thursday, posting sometimes on Fridays. I will increase likes and comments by posting during this timeframe and these days. I will also use hashtags so that users can see my posts even if they do not follow the Greenspring Review account.  I also interact with those who like, retweet, and comment on my posts. Encouraging others to share the account as well as promoting it on other social media platforms will help build the Greenspring Review’s Twitter page.


Social Media Post

I decided to use Twitter to promote my poem. In getting this done later, I was able to actually post the link to what I got published. I decided to use a photo that was kind of related to the content of the poem. It’s hard to capture the more abstract feelings, so I chose a photo I took in Montreal last year that evokes similar feelings. As for when I posted, with friends in other timezones, putting it out between midnight and one in the morning might help it get more visibility. Most of my friends are people I’ve met through creative outlets, so just mentioning something I wrote along with a picture to capture attention (especially a photo with the color of lights in a nighttime city during the rain) that isn’t too boring, but isn’t too interesting to cause people to ignore what I’m saying.

When deciding which social media platform to use for this assignment, I thought Twitter would be the best medium. This is because Twitter is a platform that revolves around words as that is the staple of the posts, with pictures and videos to go along. A perfect way to promote my poem about the quarantine as it also is something a lot of users can relate to. Another benefit to using Twitter is the retweeting function allows my followers to repost it for their follows to see and so on and so on. Making this a medium to allow for a lot of interaction between myself and fellow users of the platform. Considering my poem revolves around my experience in quarantine, it may come across as relatable to other users who would share with others. And with everyone supposed to be staying home, people are on social media more so the targeted audience of other teens and young adults would be more likely to see it.

As a good way to use the platform, I would use the 280-character limit with my caption being the title and the first stanza of my poem as that is only 250 characters. The caption reading, “’Quarantine, Trapped inside with my family and my dog, / all these walls feeling my blank stare. /The memories of hanging with friends is becoming a fog. /How I long to be out again in the fresh air.’ If you like this first stanza, check out the whole piece”. In the scenario that I had a real post to link it to, I would add it in the caption at the end. Aside from changing my keyboard on my phone, the font can’t be altered but emojis can be added, however for a serious topic like this I chose not to use them.

For the media aspect of the promotion, I decided it would be best to use a photo of my dog that I took while in quarantine. It is a cute picture to accompany a matter that can be sad for people, so it can hopefully act as a little pick-me-up for them. Also, it is fitting with the excerpt of my first stanza so it gives a visual to what my dog looks like for the reader. The photo could act as an attention grabber for users scrolling through their timelines as well since most people are intrigued by animals. On Twitter, the format of a photo and text to accompany it is very common so it works well with my desired design.

I thought that the best time to post would be around 7-9 o’clock in the evening. This time would work best as for most people they are unwinding for the day and relaxing on their phones using social media. Therefore, if they were to come across my post, they would be more willing to read the full piece now that they are not doing anything else like work or school work. And as I mentioned earlier, Twitters retweeting function will be very helpful in spreading word about the post and getting other users to interact with it.

GSR Social Media Remix

Untitled document (15)

I chose to use the Twitter platform in order to promote my piece. Any use of social media to promote something is a good choice but with Twitter I felt it was the best platform in order to easily share with a retweet, as well as because of the number of users that are on Twitter. The Twitter audience ranges anywhere from professional writers, authors, athletes, students, as well as normal citizens. This allows the piece to be brought to a wider audience and because of the topic of the piece, can appeal to all audiences as well. Since this is a popular topic in the world and something that is very serious, I did not think emojis were appropriate. This also lets the writing be at the forefront of the post. This post would gradually get more views whether it be within hours, days, or even months. In the Twitter world, word spreads quick and sometimes even gets to people far after you think the buzz has gone down. All it takes is one person, or the right person to see the piece for it to become something bigger than what it is.

Social Media Remix







I think Twitter would be the most effective platform for my submission for the GSR. Twitter is my favorite social media platform and it is used by many college students. Although my primary audience is college students at Stevenson University, my secondary audience could be frequent beachgoers since my story takes place at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. When I was creating my social media post, I was debating between Twitter and Instagram. I decided to choose Twitter because of the type of content on the two platforms. When college students are scrolling through Instagram, they only want to see pictures. Usually, people go through Instagram much faster than other social media sites since they do not read much. Meanwhile, Twitter is full of all types of media, so people are more likely to read posts or click on a link that opens a new window with your writing. Another good feature of Twitter is that other users can retweet your post, which increases the number of people that will interact with my tweet.

There is no character or space limit for Twitter. However, no one wants to read a super lengthy tweet, so I think it is best to keep it short. Twitter allows you to include a picture or GIF along with a text caption. I think I should use an attention catching picture with a two sentence caption. The image will catch their attention, and then I will really draw them in with a personal question as a hook. Although you are not able to manipulate the font or color, I do not think it is necessary because I want to keep it simple. Furthermore, I think emojis may decrease my credibility, so I want to keep everything short, simple, and professional.

I think an image with a caption will work best. If I only used text, then I think it would get overlooked since there are so many tweets with just text on Twitter. If I used a video, then that would give away the plot of my story, which I do not want to do because I want people to read my story and be surprised. I think a professional photograph of a man next to a shark is the perfect image because it captures the viewer’s attention without spoiling the story. If I were to use a GIF, then I do not think that would capture their attention as much as a photograph.

I would post around 9 am on a Saturday morning. Many college students wake up and scroll through Twitter like it is the morning newspaper. I think I would get the most likes and comments by posting it on a Saturday morning since that is when many college students are active on Twitter. I do not want to post it on a weekday since most people still have online classes, which leads to a wide range of possible viewing times. I feel like Saturday morning is a safe time since everyone should be home to read their Twitter feed. With Twitter, you are also able to retweet your own post. Therefore, I could retweet it the following week around noon, which would be the second best posting time. This is because people usually have a lunch break around noon, so they are able to check their social media platforms. The last thing I would do is “pin” the tweet to my profile. This means that if someone views my profile, the tweet will always appear at the top. By doing this, I will increase my views even more.

Social Media Remix Assignment

Above is my Tweet that I decided to go with. Here, you can see my line of interest followed by a brief description of what you, as a viewer, can expect to view prior to clicking on it, without giving too much away.

1. Choose your platform, and explain why you think this platform would be effective for the GSR and your submission. Consider choosing the platform that you are familiar with, but that will also address a specific audience of the Greenspring Review. Who might be interested in reading your piece, and what platforms do they interact with most?

For this assignment, I have chosen twitter. I am familiar with Twitter and find it to be much easier to post than Twitter. I feel that Twitter can spread information better than other outlets such as instagram as followers can “retweet” information to allow for their followers on their accounts to see the post. Students from Stevenson who are impacted by COVID-19 can view this story as a romantic tale that exists in the darkness of a dreary world.

2. Craft a pitch that fits the constraints of the platform. Consider the common conventions for that site. Will you use text as a caption or an overlay? Do you have a character or space limit? Can you manipulate the font or color of the text? Should you include emojis and punctuation?

Twitter has a character limit on their posts, but they have a multitude of options to choose from to accessorize your posts such as images, GIFs, links, emojis, and hashtags. This allows for more people to see your tweets and find a relatable subject to the tweet. I intended on using a tweet as a headline with a brief description of what the post will entail and leave the link present for students to view the selected works directly and then can view more content should they choose to do so.

3. Craft media for your post. Should you use an image? A video? A screenshot? A GIF? What works best for this platform?

For my media post, I would use an image of NYC during quarantine as it relates to the theme of the story. Providing a visual element to go along with the headline can let the viewer’s mind wander in wondering what the selected work may be about. All this gives the viewer least effort to maximize the chances of them selecting the story.

4. Consider when and how often to post. What time of day does your audience use this platform? How can you increase likes and comments? How can you get more views?

Twitter is active in the morning and in the evening hours as most people check their phone for social media either before or after work early in the morning or late at night. That being said, incorporating hashtags as well as tweeting when most people are on will generate interaction with the most through likes and retweets, bringing more traffic to the post. As a page as well, the GSR can use Twitter features such as “pinning” the tweet to the profile page to keep a potential “featured post” option available for headline stories or works.

Social Media Remix: #Twitter

  1. Choose your platform, and explain why you think this platform would be effective for the GSR and your submission. Consider choosing the platform that you are familiar with, but that will also address a specific audience of the Greenspring Review. Who might be interested in reading your piece, and what platforms do they interact with most?

I choose to use Twitter because Titter is considered and used as a news and advertisement outlet for many adults and young adults. Also, a lot of other social media platforms are used for aesthetics only. For example, Instagram and Tiktok are mainly for people to see what you look like, whereas Twitter is more focused on what you say and promote. I am using Twitter because I know a lot of Stevenson students who use Twitter as their platform to gain information about what is going on at Stevenson through likes, retweets, and reposts.

  1. Craft a pitch that fits the constraints of the platform. Consider the common conventions for that site. Will you use text as a caption or an overlay? Do you have a character or space limit? Can you manipulate the font or color of the text? Should you include emojis and punctuation?

Twitter has actually improved the conventions of its site in recent years! There used to be a character limit now there is not one so posts can be as long as you would like them. Also, if you would like to add pictures or not you can manipulate the colors and/ or fonts of your post to make it as original as you would like.

  1. Craft media for your post. Should you use an image? A video? A screenshot? A GIF? What works best for this platform?

Twitter is a platform where a lot of people use humor to get their points across. GIF’s have been very popular recently and continue their popularity because there are always new gifs being made, so I think the use of gif’s works best for this platform.

  1. Consider when and how often to post. What time of day does your audience use this platform? How can you increase likes and comments? How can you get more views?

Like I stated earlier, Twitter is used as a news outlet for many Students so we would need to post often. I know I speak for a lot of students when I say that the moment I wake up and grab my phone the first thing I do is check my social media. For a lot of students that first media outlet is Twitter, so I would start making posts either late at night or earlier in the morning before students have class so that when they do wake up and check their phones GSR is the first thing on their feed. Usually when you start the posts earlier one RT or Like can go a long way because those people that interacted with the post now make it available to their followers who might see the posts later on in the day. Either way, starting the posting early and having people interact with it keeps the post relevant throughout the day, if not longer. If for some reason the post starts to go a little dry or unnoticed Twitter also has a feature where the originator can RT their own posts which will be shown to all of their followers and also brings the posts to the top of your feed where everyone can see it if they go to your page. Another useful tool that Twitter has is a pinned tweet. A pinned tweet is a tweet that a user can use that permanently stays at the top of their feed on their page for as long as they would like. So if someone clicks on your page along with your most recent tweets the first thing users will see is your pinned tweet before they check anything else.