Greenspring Review Redesign

Team 1:


  1. The search bar is easy to find and use.
  2. I thought that it was a good idea to have the latest issue on the home page, since that way people who are visiting the website for the first time can jump right into reading the issues.
  3. The header and oak leaf logo are simplistic and visual pleasing to see.
  4. The inclusion of the event countdown is also something that I really enjoyed because it allows the viewers to get more involved.
  5. I like how there is an option on the side to give your email, so you can follow Greenspring Review and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Needs Improvement:

  1. The contact info on the side is something that can be overlooked, which could be a problem for someone who wants to get in touch with the Greenspring Review staff.
  2. The background with the books is distracting and takes away from the content of the page.
  3. I think the video of Greenspring Campus should have been on the Home page, since you could overlook it on the About Us page.
  4. You can’t directly submit your work through the website.
  5. The Issues page seems dull.


Team 2


  1. Unlike the previous team, this team had a way to submit the work directly from the website.
  2. The quotes on the About page from the editors allows the viewers to get a chance to glimpse at their personalities. It’s nice to know about the people who work on the literary magazine, especially since the editors are fellow students.
  3. I enjoy that there are images associated with each writing piece, since it becomes more visually appealing.
  4. I’m glad that they included a small portion of the writing underneath each written work because it entices the readers to read more.
  5. I like that there is a drop-down menu for the Issues tab in order to see the different genres. This makes things quicker and more efficient, since now, I don’t have to click on the Issues page in order to look at the different genres that I want to view.

Needs Improvement:

  1. There is no search bar.
  2. The font under the featured issues on the Home page is hard to read. I suggest changing the font color from grey to black. I also suggest making the font bigger.
  3. On the Home page, the heading and the logo take up most of the space. The rest of the Home page is bleak in comparison. There is too much white space.
  4. Even though the logo creates a connection to Steven University, for someone who is visiting the website for the first time, they will have no idea what the logo is supposed to be, since it isn’t that distinguishable.
  5. On the About page, under the picture, there should have been a small description that states each person’s name from left to right.


Team 3


  1. I enjoy the Facebook feed on the side. This allows viewers to interact more with Greenspring Review.
  2. I like how the first thing you see on the Home page is what’s new, since it allows viewers to get an idea about the latest activities and events.
  3. I thought the Home page was interactive with the viewer by displaying what’s new, the featured poet, and the featured artist.
  4. The font is easy to read, and the headings aren’t too big or too small in comparison to the text.
  5. I enjoyed the circular pictures of the editors because it seemed more creative and unique.

Needs Improvement:

  1. The side bar was repetitive and some of the categories that went on the side bar could have gone on the top bar such as the what’s new category.
  2. I can’t seem to find the contact information, which means that viewers who want to get into contact with the Greenspring Review wouldn’t know how.
  3. On the Submissions/Guidelines page, I thought that the information about what the Greenspring Review is looking for should come before the part where you submit your work.
  4. Besides the Facebook page, the website has nothing to connect it back to Stevenson University. The color schematic should have been green instead of blue, so that it would at least match the Stevenson’s color scheme.
  5. The header image doesn’t accurately represent Greenspring Review, since Greenspring Review includes more than just pieces of writing.



Greenspring Redesign

Team 1


  1. The drop downs used for the issues tab stood out to me. The font is big, making it easier to navigate the website with each category being displayed. This makes the website fairly easy to navigate.
  2. The way that the header is set up makes the name of the website known. The addition of year it was established along with the purpose of the magazine was to incorporate.
  3. For improvement, the arrangement of elements on the main page could be updated. There is a lot of empty space that can be used for the magazine’s publishements.
  4. The search bar as well as the submission/ contact us section should be moved up on the main page so that users don’t have to keep scrolling to find them.
  5. The issues section should have pictures rather than just words to make it more inviting.


  1. The colors used on the site stand out in particular to the viewer. Specifically, the books that border both sides of the page make it inviting and welcoming in a sense. 
  2. The green as the base color for the website is nice because it represents Stevenson’s color.
  3. The green for the banner and heading should match the green for the rest of the website in order to give an orderly look.
  4. The banner of books can be changed as users click on different sections of the website.
  5. The old fashion pen and ink picture is very creative to use as the magazines logo. However, the title could be bigger to stand out more to the viewer.

Team 2


  1. Having the header as the initial thing users see is very effective.
  2. The banner that opens and closes as you scroll up and down the homepage is a very nice addition.
  3. Drop down menus should be added to each tab not just the one titled Issues.
  4. The Greenspring Review banner should be at the top of the website as you click on every tab.
  5. Featured issues on the homepage make it more interesting. 


  1. The big header makes the website very inviting to the users. Users immediately know what the Greenspring Review does.
  2. However, the white background can be changed to make the website stand out more. 
  3. The fonts of all the subtitles as well as tabs can be made bigger to stand out more.
  4. In the about section, names of the authors should be under the picture so that users know who each individual is.
  5. The addition of quotes by each author gives the website an artsy touch. 

Team 3


  1. The banner and tabs can use a bigger font so that they don’t get lost in page.
  2. The search bar can be moved up to the upper right hand corner so that it is easier to find.
  3. The what’s new section keeps the reader up to date with the Greenspring Review.
  4. The social media tab on the side that can see recent posts is also a good addition.
  5. Having two tab sections makes the website easier to navigate.


  1. The mural incorporated in the border is a good addition however it is a little blurry.
  2. The background can be enhanced slightly to make it stand out more.
  3. Color can also be added to the tab sections.
  4. More pictures or murals should be added to the website to make it more visual.
  5. The featured posts are a nice addition to the homepage but can be incorporated more visually as well. 

Greenspring Review Redesign

GSR Team 1:


  • The search bar is effective, viewable, and handy
  • The Event Countdown
    • The GSR logo with the year it was actually established
    • The link to the current magazine is the first thing you see
    • The menu options are nice and accessible

Needs Improvement:

  • The “library” of books that peak through the sides
  • The layout of the submission guidelines is very confusing
  • “About Us” group picture
  • The “Contact us at this email”
  • There is no social media presence

GSR Team 2: :


  • The attractive logo
    • Featured issues that guide you to other submissions
    • “Share” button on the submissions
    • The Submission section
    • The distinct font change that important words are written in like “submit” and “featured issues.”

Needs Improvement:

  • Although the logo is attractive it is not the whole site, so tone it down a bit
  • The navigation of scrolling and the logo disappearing
  • The way the issues were organized
  • The different quotes on the “About Us” page
  • Very bright and kind of bland

GSR Team 3:


  • The Social Media presence right on the Home Page
  • The cute display for profile pictures; didn’t go for a group picture
  • It is interactive with posts, you can like posts
  • The display of the different issues with pictures
  • The accessibility of search bar

Needs Improvement:

  • The blue font of “The Greenspring Review”
  • The Typewriter image
  • Submission guidelines should be before the actual form
  • The pale colors of the website make it kind of bland
  • There are no names or information about the team members


My favorite website was definitely team 1. It automatically had a certain old school charm to it from the logo to the set up of the site. Once I found out what the oak leaf stood for, I loved that they connected that back to what Stevenson is about. Even though we have this new campus the Greenspring Review still screams “Greenspring” where everything started. Even though the books were the only thing that was throwing off the aesthetic everything else was pretty much on point. They have a few more things to tweak, but I feel moving forward as Stevenson expands our website will be a cute homage to where we came from.


Critique of Winter 2019 Redesigns of Greenspring Review

Team 1
Effective Elements:
1. The image of the oak leaf and ink pot on the homepage was effective because it created a positive experience because it helped frame the viewers mindset that they were entering a creative atmosphere.
2. The search bar was effective because I was able to quickly find article types that I was searching for.
3. The hyperlinked headings such as “issues” and “submissions” navigated the user to the appropriate page and were easy to read.
4. The “take a tour button” on the “about page” is effective because it gives the user some background information on Greenspring Campus that the user may not have if they have never been to the campus.
5. The Facebook window at the bottom of each page was effective because it updates the viewer with goings on that are specific to the organization and the day. The user can receive information about the living organization and their day to day programs while exploring the work that the organization has already completed.
Needs to be improved:
1. The book border on the side needs to be improved because it makes the pages look cluttered and distracts the eye from the other material on the page.
2. The event countdown on the front page could be improved so that the user can easily see it. As it is right now, it is a dark color which does not draw attention to the box and users may skip past it when they are scrolling.
3. The submissions guidelines page could be improved by formatting the information on the page a different way. The site could offer a pdf file which contains submission guidelines that the user could download, save on their personal device, print out and/or refer to multiple times on their own without having to bring up the site each time.
4. The about page could feature the picture of the editors in more business casual clothing rather than the relaxed wear they are currently in.
5. The Greenspring picture on the homepage is unable to be enlarged. User experience could be improved by allowing the picture to be enlarge so that those with bad eyesight could more easily see the photo close.
Team 2
Effective Elements
1. The logo and title on the Home page are large and vibrant. Provides for positive User Experience because the user knows exactly where they are visiting the minute they are on the site.
2. Positive user experience is created through the display of featured works on the home page. It gives the user a sense of what the site is all about.
3. The submission page offers a place in which users can visit and submit their work on that page. It makes it so that the user does not have to worry about an email or other link they must visit.
4. The about page includes quotes from the editors. This shows the user that the editors have an artistic and diverse side to them that speaks to the nature of the magazine.
5. The Archives link takes the user right to the page and when clicking on the link for the older magazine the user is transported to the 2016 “old” issue.
Needs to be improved:
1. The featured works on the home page only allow the user to click on the link for the type of work that the featured work is to be led to the page with that work. It does not allow for the user to click on the work and have it enlarged or click on the work and get taken to a page that includes more works of the same nature. This is poor user interface- the user wants to click on the work but cannot.
2. The issues are not in chronological order. Instead they are in order based on type of work and then according to year. This makes it difficult to see all the items from each year as they are published.
3. The “contact us” section includes too many words. With all the words the email address gets lost. The lack of a phone number is also noticeable.
4. Only providing one drop down menu tends to be a bit confusing. Only having the one menu causes the subtitles to look uneven.
5. The “share this” box needs to incorporate links to other social media sites such as Instagram and Snapchat.
Team 3
Effective Elements
1. The cream background is a relaxing element for the user’s eyes. It does not detract from ay of the information on the page.
2. The issues page uses plain text that does not detract from the pictures representing the information that will be contained in the issues they represent.
3. The submissions/guidelines page gives a form that users may fill out to submit their work on the site. This is a great feature because it eliminates the fear of user error and lost emails when having to email submissions.
4. The Facebook sidebar is an effective element because it gives the user an update as to what is going on with the editors of the magazine, the magazine itself, and events that the club may be throwing.
5. The about page provides professional looking photos of the editors. The format of the pictures allows for the user to see who the editors are without taking too much attention away from the body and purpose of the page.
Needs to be improved:
1. The color of the font does not fit in with the color of the school, organization, or magazine. It is its own theme.
2. The theme of the site does not show that it is affiliated with Greenspring or Stevenson University. This makes it difficult for the user to remember who the review is representing.
3. The submissions/guidelines page gives very little instruction on how to make a submission and what the guidelines of the site are. This can prove troublesome because someone may not have enough information on the medium, they want to submit.
4. The picture of the typewrite on the homepage causes the user to think that the review is mainly focused on writing. While writing is part of the review it is not the whole purpose and should not be given such a large feature on the homepage.
5. The video on the site detracts from the focus of the user. Although it is nice to have a video it does not have an explanation as to why it is on the side and may confuse users.


Team 1


    • The Greenspring Review logo with the year it was established
    • The link to the Spring 2020 magazine is the first thing you see
    • The search bar
    • The event count down
    • I like that all of the menu options are laid out to see


    • The books on the side
    • The layout of the submission guidelines
    • The About Us page group picture
    • The “Contact us at this email”
    • The Lack of Social media presence

Team 2


    • The Greenspring Review logo
    • Featured issues
    • Share the story buttons
    • The Submission section
    • The font that important words are written in like “submit” and “featured issues.”


    • The large size of the Greenspring Review logo
    • The navigation of scrolling and the logo disappearing
    • The way the magazine’s Issues were organized
    • The quotes on the about page
    • The website is too bright

Team 3


    • The linking of social media to the home page
    • The circles for the profile pictures
    • Being able to like post
    • The pictures that accompanied every issue
    • The search bar


    • The blue font of “The Greenspring Review”
    • The Typewriter image
    • The submission guidelines being under the submission form
    • The pale colors of the website
    • There are no names or information about the team members

Overall, my favorite website was team one’s website because, although the books were overwhelming, the website had personality. I liked the logo especially, I felt like it was both very pleasing to look at and entertaining but professional. I also liked the message behind the oak leaf. I like that the website was very functional as well. The platform was nice. However, there are a lot of things from Team three that I feel would benefit team one such as the use of pictures to accompany the issues and post, the circle format around the pictures of the team, and the ability to “like” post which I feel like is very important. Also, the emphasis on social media was nice. What I liked from team two was the idea of having featured work being the first thing you see.

Greenspring Review Proposals

Team 1:

Effective Elements

  1. Search bar
  2. Front page feature of current issue
  3. Oak tree logo
  4. Featured/current event sidebar
  5. Organization of issues into semesters


  1. Empty white space at the bottom
  2. Social media plug in at the very bottom
  3. Bookshelf border
  4. Add featured work from current issue to front page
  5. An archives section for older issues


Team 2:

Effective Elements

  1. Logo/symbol
  2. Genre organization
  3. About page is short and simple
  4. Genre/sections organized by issues
  5. Front page font/pictures choices


  1. Front page is slightly disorganized
  2. Lots of empty white space
  3. Submission form not embedded
  4. Archives isn’t very detailed – link to another site
  5. No social media plugins/Stevenson info


Team 3:

Effective Elements

  1. Social media/Stevenson sidebar
  2. Gray featured boxes
  3. Front page picture
  4. Organized by issues
  5. Embedded submission page


  1. Font color
  2. Song in sidebar?
  3. Font style
  4. Busy sidebar
  5. Features not fully separated from current news

UI/UX Experience of Greenspring Proposals

Proposal 1:

Effective Elements:

  1. I love the look of the logo along with the font. It was very professional and clean. This also connects back to Stevenson without being over the top. I also like that the logo is present on every page.
  2. Organization of the issues’ page: very easy to find topics in each issue.
  3. Submission Guidelines’ page is very easy to read and understand.
  4. Recent issue front and center on home page
  5. I like that the event countdown is on every page

Areas of Improvement:

  1. The book background is distracting, colors clash, and only resembles one form of art.
  2. While I like the organization of the issues page the page where it says the year and issue is a little plain. If it is going to be its own page I feel there should be some imagery to go along with “Spring 2020” and “Fall 2020”.
  3. I would like more info on the “About Us” page. While I agree it shouldn’t be overwhelmed with information I feel like now it is too little. I feel like I don’t know enough and the magazine and its purpose.
  4. I do think there needs to be a submission form on the submission page.
  5. What else can be put on the front page? There feels like a lot of empty space. Can you put flyers on there to also promote events or workshops? Links to direct stories, images, etc? A feature of the day?

Proposal 2:

Effective Elements:

  1. I like the boldness of the logo as the entire opening of the home page.
  2. I like the subheading under the logo “A Literary, Art, and Media Magazine” Right away I already know what this is.
  3. I like that when I scroll the navigation bar always stays up top.
  4. I really like the submission guidelines page. It is informative with all of the rules and requirements and you can submit right there while reading the rules.
  5. I like that the editors put some of their favorite quotes down and included a contact us section to their about page.

Areas of Improvement:

  1. While I like that the navigation bar stays in place when scrolling, I don’t like that the logo disappears. It also makes the page totally white, it would be nice to see some color. In fact, throughout the magazine I felt like there was too much white space.
  2. I don’t like that on the homepage the content there is labeled “Featured Issues” as I don’t see these as issues, I see this as content that is place in issues. I like the idea of featuring content on the homepage, but maybe just word it “Featured content”.
  3. I also don’t like the organization of the Issues’ page. Again when I click on the word issue I expect to see Spring 2020 or Fall 2020 and then click on that to see all of the content. How it is now maybe it almost overwhelming to look at everything.
  4. While I really like the submission page on this website, it was very spacey. I felt like I had to scroll for such a long time and there was a lot of white space. This could be a simple fix as changing the layout, maybe putting the photos to the side instead of the top or closing the gaps between lines.
  5. While I like the quotes the editors picked I would like to know something about them personally or what exactly they do at the Greenspring Review.

Proposal 3:

Effective Elements:

  1. I like on the homepage the “What’s new?” section, along with having featured content on there as well.
  2. I also like that when you scroll on the homepage on the side there is a side navigation bar, along with videos to watch, flyers to view for upcoming events, and a link to the Stevenson English social media page. There is a lot of helpful and fun information on the homepage.
  3. I really like the organization of the Issues’ page. It is similar to the first but there are photos for the page where it lists the issues, and then photos again when you view the different categories for each issue. I also like how when you click on an issue the photos used for the categories are faded. It helps to have an image but also isn’t overpowering.
  4. I love this about us page. It is informative and fun without being a lot of information to take in. I also love the circular shape of the photos. So fun!
  5. The navigation of this website is very easy and clean. Overall, there is nice spacing. It is taking up space without being crowded and even though there is a white background it didn’t feel plain because of all the content covering the background.

Areas of Improvement:

  1. The logo is very plain.
  2. I also am not a fan of the photo chosen above the logo on the homepage.
  3. While there is a lot of great content this website could use some color.
  4. I think the title for the submission/guidelines should just be called submissions as having both words make it a very long title for a navigation bar.
  5. I would also put more the guideline information before the submission form. If I hadn’t scrolled down all the way I could have missed the information I needed to know before submitting.

My personal choice: Proposal one. Overall this was my favorite as it was very appealing to the eye, easy to navigate, had a connection to Stevenson, and just had nice foundation to build upon. The things that need improvement could easily be fixed in this proposal. I think combining things I liked from proposal one and proposal three would create a great online publication.

Greenspring Redesign

Team 1:

Effective elements:

  • Logo is fresh and welcoming

o   Simple but still shows the information that it needs to

  • Search bar where it is easy to find
  • The event countdown is unique but still creates an interactive element
  • The issues covers (short stories) is really unique with the background being an image and the link to that section open up
  • I like how you can sign up for email updates


  •  In the submission section, wish that there was a way to actually submit online rather than through email
  • Add picture to the issues section (spring 2020, fall 2020) like how the short stories section is
  • The background with the bookshelves is distracting
  • The light gray “welcome” section is a little hard to read (may just be my eyes)
  • Homepage could use a link to social media


Team 2:

Effective elements:

  • I do like the way that the header takes up most of the homepage when you open it
  •  Really enjoy the way the about page has quotes with the editors
  • The issues section has a dropdown to go directly to the poem/creative writing/etc. Page
    •  Creates ease to find what one is looking for
  • The font is different yet creates an professional feel
  • The bar does not disappear as you scroll down so you can still easily navigate is you move around on the page


  • Be able to link directly to the article/poem whatever is featured on the homepage
  • When you go to another page (ex. About) the header gets cropped and all one can see is “review” so find a way to have the full header be shown
  • Wish that there was a search bar somewhere on near the top of each page
  • Not sure of the connection of the flower to school
  • Use a little more color overall bland and boring


Team 3:

Effective elements:

  •     Search bar is easy to find and use
  •     Link to social media where it is easy to see the latest post without actually having to go to the separate site
  •     Easier submission area
  •     Overall the site simple and easy to navigate
  •     Audience has the ability to share certain things to their own social media 


  • Header/Logo is not eye catching or really show/tell anything about Stevenson
  • Remove the smiley faces on the about page
  • Have the jobs and the names align on the about page
  • The background is taking away from the content

Greenspring Review Redesign

Site 1-




  1. The what’s new category is a great way to show off events about to happen and get people involved.


  1. The submissions tab is very well organized and the site explains exactly what they are looking for


  1. The tabs are split into good sections and are easily accessible at any time since they do not leave the screen even if click you click one of them


  1. I like the art that is displayed at the top of the home page. It is a great way to get a feel for the site and sets the tone for things that people will read on this site


  1. I like the aspect of being able to share something from the site using the share buttons towards the bottom of the pages. It is easy to do as the buttons are easy to find.


Could use improvement


  1. The color scheme doesn’t match and is very desaturated. For an art blog, I was expecting some bright colors and there are lots of grey and subtle colors to display titles.


  1. The placing of the advertisements made the site seem tacky. There were 3 ads right next to each other all with different size boxes and it did not help the look of the site


  1. The Facebook page and all the videos I think should be moved towards the bottom of the page or all be in one area together. It stays on every page and gets annoying to see every time you change to a new page


  1. The background pattern is distracting. It isn’t adding anything to the site and takes away from the actual content.


  1. There is a lot of white space around the site especially towards the bottom of the page. I feel like it could be better used and display more content.


Site 2-





  1. The title and logo are easy to read and provide a great overview of what the site is about. It explains all anyone needs to know about the site


  1. I enjoy all the pictures around the site. They add color to pages and all fit within the theme of the site. It creates some good visuals to work with the content.


  1. I like the transition from the top of the home page to the rest of the information on the site. It flows very well and is smooth.


  1. I think the font is effective at being playful enough while not being distracting. It gets away from the fonts that are used over and over again which is a nice change of pace


  1. The issues tab has a drop-down menu that lets you easily pick the category of literature or art an individual wants to look at or read.


Could use improvement


  1. There is way too much white space. The pictures should be bigger and the stories should be centered if there isn’t going to be anything on the sides of the page


  1. The advertisements were getting in the way of content and distracting me which should not happen. There is so much extra space for the advertisements to go so that they don’t interfere with the content.


  1. I don’t like how when you click on a page the header at the top shows half the logo and almost all of the word review. Each of those things needs to fit within the header space or it needs to be changed


  1. There really isn’t a color scheme. I thought that with green from the logo that some titles would also be green to match and that isn’t the case. It would provide more site unity if the same colors flowed throughout the site


  1. The issue titles need to be larger. They are so close in size to the titles of the pieces and there is no reason for that. They should be larger to help me know the type of pieces in the section


Site 3-




  1. I think the logo does a great job of portraying what the site is about in addition to the title. They work very well together and give some visual to what is on this site.


  1. The color scheme is effective. It is not too flashy but creates a unity of the site by using the green, black, and gray together.


  1. The organization is effective. Everything on the submission page was bulleted properly and all in the same row which made it easy to follow as you scroll down.


  1. The navigation bar is bolded which makes it easy to find at all times. It stays in the same spot so people can return or change pages with ease.


  1. This site gets to the point quickly and clearly. When you click on a topic it provides the most relevant information in an organized fashion


Could use improvement


  1. The book background is very distracting and I think the site has enough as it is to not have to use the books as a background.
  2. The navigation bar could use a bar underneath the words to separate it from the next title or picture. It would just be a divider that would break up the site more clearly.
  3. The contact information for the site should be moved to the bottom of the page. I was looking for it and expected it to be at the bottom. It seems out of place being on the side of a page.
  4. The event countdown portion needs to stand out more. It just blended into the site for me and it should stand out because you want everyone to see it and know what it is.
  5. The site could use a few more pictures to make it flow better. It doesn’t have to be every page but some pictures of featured work or just of the school could add some quality life to the site.



Greenspring Review Analysis

Team 3:

Good Aspects:

  1. Has a”What’s New?” section on their homepage, this is helpful because it allows users to see new content right away as they enter the page.
  2. Featured pieces are also beneficial as this keeps the site refreshing with new pieces to read or a new artist to look at.
  3. The subscribe function allows fans of the site to get new content sent directly to them, building their connection to the different users.
  4. Multiple ads for upcoming events on campus is helpful for students who want to become more involved in different activities and get all the information about it right there.
  5. Along with the navigation bar, there is also a side bar further down the page which acts as a more focused navigation bar for other functions on their site.

Could Use Improvement:

  1. The header image is low quality and the blurry text is very unpleasing to the eyes as it is difficult to read on the screen.
  2. The aesthetic of the page is very minimalist and feels as though someone didn’t put a lot time into the color scheme to make it more appealing.
  3. Navigation bar at the top of the site is very short and doesn’t have a drop down function to be able to focus your search beyond the given titles.
  4. After clicking on the issues tab, there are only two options for either fall or spring of 2019 with a very generic photo which doesn’t give the user a hint about what they may find within those issues.
  5. Homepage is very short and doesn’t offer a lot of content for the user to look at upon entering the site, not indicative of what else the site has to offer.

Team 2:

Good Aspects:

  1. Right away, once entering the site you are met with the logo and title of the website with a very short description of the website, good brand identification
  2. Logo is unique and open to interpretation to the user, reflective of the versatile content there is to discover on the site.
  3. Homepage has featured pieces from different types of content like journalism, creative writing, and visual art.
  4. Simple and clean layout of the page which makes it very easy for the user to navigate the site with ease and no distraction from unnecessary clutter.
  5. Within the navigation bar, the Issues tab has a drop down function so you can expedite finding the type of content you want.

Could Use Improvement:

  1. A lot of negative space on the homepage, makes it feel empty and unfinished, despite it having the proper information one would expect on a homepage.
  2. Categorical dividers and the titles for pieces are both in black text, though one is bold and the other is underlined, it doesn’t give an immediate indication of which is which.
  3. The descriptions of articles is hard to read as the font is quite small comparatively to the other text that is used, and the light gray color doesn’t stand out very well against the white background.
  4. When clicking on the archives subsection in the Issues tab in the navigation bar, you have to click on another link to be able to access it, not very user friendly as it creates an unnecessary step for the user.
  5. The About tab is very vague and doesn’t answer a lot of questions that a new user could have, and the quotes from the editors feels like a hollow introduction to the new people coming to their site.

Team 1:

Good Aspects:

  1. The logo is very unique and is reflective of the sites identity as it has the oak leaf from Stevenson’s tree, the oak tree, in an inkwell signifying the openness to writing anything.
  2. The search bar function is important since sometimes students come on looking for a friend’s piece and instead of having to sift through all the content, they can search the writers name or title of the piece.
  3. The incorporation of Stevenson colors into the site is refreshing and makes the site feel like it is attached to the school, as it should.
  4. Main text box on the homepage as the newest content they have released on display so it is easy for new and returning users to see what the site has most recently dropped.
  5. After clicking on the Issues tab in the navigation bar, the user has the option between spring or fall 2020 pieces, and those titles of a drop down function to further narrow your search for which pieces you are looking for.

Could Use Improvement:

  1. The siding of the site, the book shelf, is too big and feels like it is taking too much attention from the content the site is offering.
  2. Only one piece of content is on display on the homepage, not giving new users a lot to look at when entering.
  3. In the short stories portion of the spring 2020 issue, the pieces are only title and author, a description is helpful for users to know whether that piece would interest them or not beyond an attention grabbing title.
  4. No imagery to go along with the selection of pieces with the issues tab, makes the page feel dull and allows for the users attention to be pulled elsewhere.
  5. For the Art section within the issues tab, the font is light gray for both the title and the author’s name, making it harder to read as it blends in with the light gray background it is placed on.