Immersive Pedagogy Style Sheet


This assignment was super challenging for me. I have never used or wrote in Chicago style or a style sheet. It was hard for me to grasp how to edit my section (second half) because I don’t have any knowledge on the topic they are addressing. Although, the further I got to the end the more I kinda understood what wad going on. Editing the citations wasn’t as bad, but it was just the content itself that was challenging to edit. I wasn’t sure how to reconstruct or alter some sentences because I didn’t have a good understanding on the information. When I write, I refuse to write in long sentences because they tend to confuse me when I’m reading. This article did have a lot of long sentences that was a little hard to understand, let alone alter or edit. I know I missed some things I should’ve caught and may have messed up on, but thats the beauty of learning a new technique. Using a style sheet is very beneficial in writing a piece of work or editing one.

Style Sheets

At first the idea of stylesheets seemed confusing, but as time went on I got used to the idea of what I have to do in terms of this assignment. As middle school education major, I constantly have to grade papers throughout my placements. Being in a Baltimore County public school, I have the opportunity and luxury to work specifically through technology not just with my students and school teacher, but planning with my school mentor. Although I may not have closely analyze this reading as closely as an educator should have in terms of assessment, this exercise allows for me to closely analyze my students writings and to make comments at certain aspects to improve the overall development in their writing structure. This allows for students to be more open in terms of their own assessment of their own writing and for more honest feedback for peer review, allowing for more growth in terms of overall writing skills, as well as another avenue for educators to connect with their students to pinpoint where their writing maybe lacking in structure and development versus where they excel.

Editing Immersive Pedagogy

This editing was not as easy as I had thought it would be. The style guide which is Chicago Style is something I have not used before, so I was forced to be attentive to different parts of a paper than I usually focus on when editing in APA or AP style. I mainly struggled to find issues with grammar because I myself struggle with proper grammar.

Style Sheet Editing

I have zero experience making edits from a style sheet or using Chicago style, so this exercise was very hard and overwhelming. Like I have stated before I am not tech-savvy, so it is all about introductions at this point.  Reading what the assignment was made it seem like it was not that bad, instead it felt pretty self -explanatory. All I had to do was make basic to moderate edits to a word document.  I then went through and made sure that headers and in-text citations looked correct.  I was half right and half wrong. My initial scope was looking through basic typos and grammar mistakes. Then going through again about 3 or 4 times I was making sure the headings and images were okay. Overall, the article was pretty difficult to go through also considering I had no prior knowledge about the topics being discussed, so I had to be careful before I changed certain things like certain words or sentences. I can see how the style sheet is a very useful tool to be applied when the when it comes to editing documents etc. However, this is not something that should be trusted in just anyone. Those with extreme knowledge in editing and technology should be the go to’s when making these corrections. They would need to be very Type A and particular about their work to get the best job done.







Immersive Pedagogy

This assignment was more difficult than I was expecting.  I think my main issue was trying not to edit for stylistic purposes.  I was also not very familiar with Chicago Style citations, so I had to do a little research before making my edits.  I also had to make sure that it was following the guidelines set forth on the copyediting sheet.  It was also a little difficult for me because I was not familiar with the topic, and at first I was trying to understand the topic while reading instead of editing.  Reading for understanding and trying not to make stylistic comments were probably the hardest parts of this assignment for me.  I was taking a long time to get through paragraphs when I was doing this.  Once I got the hang of reading for editing purposes, the process was able to go a little quicker for me.  Overall, I think this just confirmed that I don’t want to go into editing!

Style Sheet Exercise

This process seemed overwhelming at first, especially since I had never even heard of a style sheet before. I looked at the check list and just took it step by step and that helped me not feel as overwhelmed and just focused on one thing at a time. Doing this exercise really showed me all that goes into editing a piece, especially a lengthy one with links, articles, footnotes, etc, things that aren’t always even every piece of writing. I really had to reread it multiple times to do my best not to miss anything, and even then I am sure I missed things as it was a lot to pay attention to. I learned a lot about Chicago style during this process. I have been using APA for so long I forgot a lot of the rules with Chicago style writing and editing, so this was a good refresher. I also learned that to be an editor you have to have a lot of confidence in your skills and knowledge of editing. There were so many times during this process where I was second guessing myself, and if I needed to make a change in punctuation or not. However, by the end I did feel a little more comfortable with the process and overall had a good experience with this assignment and am glad I got some exposure to style sheets and how they work.

GSR Submission


By Jordan Mitchell

Black and white photography falling leaf autumn fall time | Etsy

We began as green and vivacious,

Overflowing with life.

We were one part of something many

We were Untouchable.


Taking so much for granted

We were unaware.

When the end times approached

We were unprepared.




From green to yellow

From yellow to brown

From soft to brittle


We spiral towards the ground.


I twirl this way and that

The wind catches my sides

My landing is soft.


No reason for me to cry.


My friends drop all around me

And they can’t say the same.

Some get crushed,


Things probably won’t be the same.

Foliage,ground,abstract,black and white,fallen leaves - free image ...




Style Guide!Ai3qhO56bJ4onT5npK_PJlQ5WnsX

This was a familiar assignment for me as I have experience with the editing process. However, using the Style Guide did make the process far more difficult. There are a lot of things to look for and I understand why editors have to read the same document multiple times. It would be hard to look for all of those things at one time. Something that I learned was how to in text cite things using the Chicago style. It seems like a mix of APA and MLA formatting as it involves elements of both.

Overall, if I were to be an editor I prefer to be a creative fiction editor. I do not really like reading non-fiction in general and science journals are even worse.

Immersive Pedagogy Style Sheet Exercise

This was my first time working with this type if style guide. I have seen styles guides used in graphic design settings. I was very confused with this assignment, and felt very overwhelmed when reading the directions and looking at the style guide itself. Once I looked at peers’ examples, I realized I was simply proofreading the “Immersive Pedagogy” text. It wasn’t difficult to proofread, although the text itself was not interesting to me; there was a lot of foreign vocabulary. Frankly, even after editing it, I still have no idea what immersive pedagogy is. This assignment was helpful; I did learn what a style guide is and how to use it. I think this assignment would have been better with a text that was a little easier to understand.

I also had issues linking the Google Doc to this post. The link would show the text unedited, without the suggestions I made. After trying several things, I decided to make the suggestions into official changes to the text, so the changes would be visible (instead of simply seeing the unedited document).

Immersive Pedagogy_Harris

GSR Final Submission

GSR drafts- Cassie Harris

For the Greenspring Review, I decided to write a poem, which is something I haven’t done in a while. I didn’t want to write about how I felt the quarantine  or how the quarantine affects me because those felt too overdone. Instead, I decided to write about my parent’s house that I grew up in. Because of the quarantine, I have permanently moved out, so I wanted to share my perspective of how I feel about the house now, but in a way that is almost reminiscent. To incorporate a multimedia element, I decided to add some illustrations.