Relateable Meme

This meme has accurately represented my experience so far in college. My teachers have definitely underestimated my power and other people’s power in the classes as well. Procrastination is real, and I work well under pressure and under a time crunch.  I consider myself a good writer, and writing seems to flow easily for me. I recently have had teachers that have said this, and I end up doing the essay the night before and finishing it by the due date. Usually when I get the essays back, I ended up getting the same grade as the ones I write a couple days before it’s due so it seems to work for me. I’ve stayed up until the early hours typing papers before, and it isn’t the most fun but I still am able to get the job done.


“Procrastination Power.” Cheezburger, Accessed 28 Jan. 2020.

College Life Meme

People go to the library only to sit on their phone.
“24 Funny Memes College – Left2Say | Crazy Funny Memes, Funny Spongebob Memes, Funny Relatable Memes.” Pinterest, Accessed 28 Jan. 2020.

I chose this meme because it accurately represents myself.  Whenever I try and be productive, I always find myself sitting on my phone instead of doing my work.  I have been exactly like this meme, sitting down trying to get things done, as organized as possible, but still being on my phone the entire time.  Procrastinating can be a really issue for me because I definitely like to get things done as early as possible.  I would rather do work when I know that I have plenty of time to ask any questions than do it at the last minute.  I know that this is also the case for a lot of my friends as well.  We will try to work on homework together but end up spending most of the time on our phones or talking than actually getting any work done.

College Meme

Elmo College Meme
“It’s Coming.” Cheezburger, Accessed 28 Jan. 2020.

I chose this meme because I really related to it. One night I pulled an all-nighter that consisted of leaving the reading room at 1 am and then finishing the paper at 5am in the common area of my dorm room. When I went to class the next day the teacher said she would push the due date back a week for everyone that was in class that day. I didn’t know if I should have felt relieved that I could spend more time on it or frustrated that I stayed up all night for basically no reason. All in all I got an A on the paper and hopefully never have to pull another all nighter!

College Life Meme


“Back to school back to school.” Meme Generator. Accessed Jan. 2020.

I chose this image for the humor of it and the way it relates to my life when I came to college. When I came into school as a freshman I was 21 years old which can be quite a few years older than most incoming students. On the first day of class this meme depicts the way it felt for me in a humorous way. Although everyone around me was still a young adult, someone around me who was 18 or 19 felt like they were someone who was still in junior high. I felt out of place for a while and I’ll never forget the reactions of other students when I would tell them I was a 21 year old freshman. When they would hear my age the assumption was immediately that I was a senior who for some reason was in a freshman level class. I have always thought of this meme from Billy Madison as one that I can relate to and my first college experience.

Catch 22


Two people arguing back and forth
Two people argue about the “catch 22” of trying to find a job after college
u/TrevorX5J9. “R/Memes – We Want 5 Years of Professional Experience for This Entry Level Job.” Reddit, 3 Feb. 2019,
I picked  this meme because it did a great job of portraying how I felt when I started looking for jobs in my field now that I’m close to graduating. Almost every single entry level position requires years of experience. The only way to gain significant experience is by working unpaid internships. Unfortunately most of us can’t  pay bills working just internships. That leaves us with very little options on what to do after college. Either get a job that is not even remotely close to your field of study, or go all in and  go to graduate school, risk it all and just postpone the inevitable mountain of debt that you put yourself in because there was a time you believed life would be easy.

Commuter Life

If teachers could send emails before leaving for class THAT'D BE GREAT–office-spaces-office-space-meme.jpg

“In My Case, before I Take a Bus and Get Stranded Downtown All Day for Nothing. | Humor, Hilarious, Funny Pictures.” Pinterest, Accessed 27 Jan. 2020.

I commute about thirty minutes to get to Stevenson and sometimes it is only for one class. I relate to this meme because this has happened to me several times throughout my college career. When I attended Howard Community College, also about thirty minutes from my home, I had a teacher email us ten minutes before class started that she was cancelling class. Last semester, I drove here for one class on Greenspring and the professor did not show up. Not only is it a big waste of time for me to drive here and back for nothing, it also eats up gas in my car. I feel like a lot of professors just assume that all students in their class live on campus. It was my choice to commute, but it still would be nice if more professors took that into consideration when planning or cancelling their classes.

First Day of Class

An annoyed facial expression when the professor asks you to "state your name, major, and a fun fact about yourself."
A meme that shows how many college students react when the professor tells the students to talk about themselves to the class.

“30 Funny College Memes.” Funny Memes Weird Funny Pictures, 22 Sept. 2019,

On the first day of most of my college classes, the professor will go around the room asking students to introduce themselves. This meme shows the typical facial expression students exhibit when the professor says, “Please state your name, major, and a fun fact about yourself.” I relate to this meme because I dread the usual first day of school icebreaker activities. These are nervewracking to me because I do not even know a fun fact about myself!Additionally, it becomes very redundant and annoying when you have to do this several times every semester. It is even worse when you have to do this for a class for your major because you usually know everyone in the class already. Although I understand professors want to get to know their students, I would be thrilled to never do another icebreaker ever again.

College Life Meme

“Aaaand Your Total for the 2 Books Is Going to Be $2129020 I Have SS Buying College Books | Books Meme on Ballmemes.Com.” Ballmemes.Com, Accessed 27 Jan. 2020.

This meme shows the extremely high prices of textbooks versus how much students actually have to spend on them. In my experience, I have had my share of professors who assign multiple textbooks and only really use a chapter or two from each book. I have had textbooks that were less than $20 and I have had textbooks that are over $200. With the prices of textbooks varying it is hard for the average student to accurately budget for textbooks. Most students have student loans helping you with the cost of higher education but often you don’t get a loan high enough for the cost of books. A large chunk of students chose to risk it and not purchase the textbooks and hope that the professor never actually uses them. By doing this they are risking their grade in the class just because of the price of the textbook.

Citation Tips

Reece Simpson tapping his head with text above reading: "Don't cite Wiki, Cite sources from wiki"
A relatable meme that is a work around to finding citations when you don’t want to cite wikipedia.

I find this relatable because I have used this method to help me with research papers. Since wikipedia can be used by anyone many teachers don’t find it reliable but the sources used by editors on wikipedia can be reliable so it is a great work around.

“24 Funny Memes College Students Will Relate To.” Cheezburger, Accessed 27 Jan. 2020.