Visual Rhetorical Analysis

The villager website knows its genre and audience and it is a good example of a simplistic layout with an emphasis on ease of access. However the layout is stretched out too thin.

The Villager does a lot of things right. The word choice and the delivery of text is academic and professional. Most articles are coupled with videos and pictures. Paragraphs are kept short at 2 to 3 sentences each for quick reading. Visually, the colors chosen for the villager help its simplistic look. It only consist of white, black and a touch of green. These colors blend nicely. The slideshow on the home page pulls readers in and helps them jump into a topic that catches their interest. It is a good layout that helps visitors easily start navigating throughout the website. After clicking an article, readers can then use the side bar to find more stories on the website or click next to read the article next in line. The villager also includes a few articles for the reader that they may like. The biggest weakness I can see on The Villager is how its information is laid out too thin. There are 10 tabs on the navigation bar that are at most one layer deep. This could be fixed by reducing the number of tabs and merging topics. So as mentioned before the villager has a great way of simplifying their website and keeping it easy for users to navigate it but too much simplifying eliminates user choice and ultimately turns the website into something static with few interactions.

College Blog Post

For my first college related meme I chose one about how a teacher may not know a student because they were not attending class. I relate to this because in my first semesters at school I never attended class. Now that I am more responsible and attend class more often, I feel like my professors may know who I am.

College Meme

I chose this picture to accurately represent my college experience in a meme format as I am a college athlete and this happens to me often. On Sunday when we had morning running followed by a three hour practice that was then followed up by team pictures. We took a picture at the Ratcliffe center as a team but had to do individual ones after in the basement of Caves. When I got into a team mates car to take me to Caves, since I was too tired and sore already to want to walk if I didn’t have to, I was hit with a cramp in my right hip. And since we were in the car and I was very limited in the space I could move myself along with the fact I was in khakis and a jacket, I found myself in a weird half standing position in the back of the car. Which was clearly not as acrobatic as this picture but I could relate to the random and instant need to contort in a weird way to relieve a muscle cramp.
YouTube. Accessed 29 Jan. 2020

College meme

“Me cruising thru college” Meme. January 2020.

I chose this meme for its humor and how I can relate to it as I’ve had to paraphrase many times in University. With that I also have a strong interest in journalism and often times when composing an article or piece I have to flip words and phrases around to refrain from repeating myself. Overall, I find this meme interesting and relatable and is surely something I can garner a laugh from.

College Meme


I chose this one as I am about to graduate. Paying attention to the current political landscape, and the idea of college debt is sure to come up. My brother is also set to begin college in the fall. The fact that my debt is about to seriously kick in, and he will be starting to accrue it is troublesome, as wages have not risen as much as the cost of college, and my choice of school was made, in part, due to financial reasons. The idea that the situation is the same as it was even back in the eighties is short-sighted and damaging to the perception of the issue, and to the financial futures of many university students over the next several years.

College Meme

Description: The meme I chose depicts the “appearance” of a college student when they first come in as a freshman and when they are goin into their senior year using Leonardo DiCaprio.  The first picture on the left shows a young Leo with zero facial hair at all looking like a teenager that just received his license.  The second picture shows him with a full beard and long hair looking twice as old as the other picture.  The difference between the pictures shows how even though four years may not seem that long, you grow up and mature at a rapid rate when your college career is coming to an end and your ready for the real world.

I chose this particular meme because not only do I like Leo as an actor but this before and after looks pretty similar to what I looked like coming into freshman year with little to no facial hair.  It also gives an accurate depiction as to how I feel coming to the end of my college career.  The drastic change gives us an idea as to how grueling college can be as well as how much change can occur in that short time.


College Meme
AhSeeit. Me Getting a 70% School vs College Meme. Accessed 29 Jan. 2020.

I chose this meme because I feel like it is one of the most relatable memes i’ve seen since beginning college. In middle school, I would feel so horrible for not getting at least a B on an assignment. My first time getting a 70% on an assignment in school was in 9th grade and it practically felt like my world was ending. Once I got to college, I really started to appreciate that grade because it was passing. I knew college was hard, but I didnt know how stressful and draining it was. If I saw that my grade was a 70% in any class, I would just feel so accomplished and grateful.

College Meme


me. me/i/college-twitter-hows-college-going-voice-329586

“How’s college going?” MEME. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This is pretty accurate for me when anyone asks about college. Whether it be stress, academics, athletics, social stuff, relationships or friendships I usually just say “I’m fine”. I may not be at that moment but I know I will pull through and the slump is only temporary. People close to me see right through it and make me talk to them but with others, I don’t feel like getting into it so I just keep it to myself. Other times it really is just fine. I go about my day and do what I need to do. It may not have been enjoyable but it could have easily been a lot worse.

The day in the life of a Student-Athlete

This video was one I related to all too well. Being a college athlete for three years now, I understand the pressure and difficulty of waking up, practicing, lifting weights, going to class, another practice, game, shoot around, going to work, homework, showering and still trying to fit in a feel in between. This video showed the most extreme version of my everyday life and I love every minute of it… most days lol.

I, Suarez. Student-Athlete: A Day in the Lifegs; – IFunny :)., Accessed 29 Jan. 2020.

Relatable Meme

As a fourth year colleges student, I look forward to syllabus week because it is supposed to be easy.  Ideally, the professor walks in; does a brief introduction of themselves, hands out the syllabus; goes over it briefly, and then the class introduces themselves.  This usually means, name, year, major, why you chose to take this course, and an interesting fact.  In a perfect world this takes a maximum of 30 minutes, and then the class is let out for the day.

However, this is not the case for the start of this Spring semester.  Four out of the five of my classes have all gone the full time slot.  As a class we went over the syllabus, introduced ourselves, and learned a whole lesson.  That is where this meme comes into play.  It relates to me as a college student, having the idea that the first week of school is going to be a breeze and not have work to do, but turns out, I am the victim of a hate crime, and have to sit through full classes and dive into work immediately.   This is an image of Michael Scott from The Office.  With the caption "I am a victim of a hate crime."

Funny College Memes – Bing.,2,3,6. Accessed 29 Jan. 2020.