College Life Meme

Typical Student. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This meme depicts a photograph of Kim Kardashian being bombarded by paparazzi. The caption references the many questions college students get asked by family members and other adults throughout the semester. I chose this college life meme because it is one that I can relate to my college experience. Kim appears to be screaming as if she is overwhelmed and stressed from the amount of people surrounding her. When I am asked about college, my degree, grades or what I plan to do after graduation I feel the same way. It is overwhelming to think of what is to come and the amount of work I have to do. It is especially stressful when I am home on break attempting to relax and am asked these questions from family members.

College Life Meme

College Life Meme

“So The College is Free?” Astrology Memes. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This meme depicts two men discussing how in their current location, college tuition is free, but the taxes are substantially higher compared to those of the United States. I chose this image because the college debt crisis is a current issue debated by some of the 2020 presidential candidates, and politics are a common topic in college life. The meme is poking fun at countries that raise taxes tremendously in order to provide free college tuition, and I agree with the meme. I believe college should not be free because those who chose to not go to college would still have to pay  high taxes. K-12 public schools, which are funded mostly through tax money, are not all equal across the country. Inner city schools typically have less resources and lower student retention rates. If quality cannot be guaranteed, then college should not be free.

Viral Content Assignment

Image result for college memes

“When professor asks how I slept before finals–great, I got a full 40 minutes.” Tumblr. Acessed January 26, 2020.


I relate to this meme and find it to be an incredibly accurate description of my college experience.  By the end of finals week, I am running on very little sleep.  I usually get more rest than my friends (who may actually only get forty minutes), but I do not function normally when I am lacking sleep.  The rather crazed look of Buddy in this meme is one of the common appearances due to a lack of sleep and running on an endless amount of caffeine.  The other look is an unequivocally exhausted student with dark as night bags under their eyes.  This is usually me.  My very few hours of sleep are always represented on my face, so when professors ask how the week is going, I think my face makes it obvious.  Though I may technically have more than forty minutes, it definitely feels like that is all I got.

ID Photo v. Profile Photo

“College ID Photo v. FB Profile Photo.” Flickr. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This meme is relatable because most college photo IDs look nothing like what most people would post on social media. The kitten on the left looks tense and uncomfortable. It looks much more awkward than the one on the right. The kitten on the right is much more posed and comfortable in front of the camera. It’s a more flattering picture you’d choose to put up. I know many people can relate because many talk about how they wish they can retake their pictures. They also say they wished they could submit their social media images instead.

Viral Content Assignment

Look for a meme, gif, video, or social media post about “college life.” Look specifically for a post you feel either very accurately describes some aspect of your college experience, or one you feel is misleading or does not reflect your experience in college.

Post that meme with a link and a citation to our WordPress site. Under the image and citation, please include a 7-10 sentence description of the image with an explanation of why you chose this – focusing on how it does or does not represent your experience and why.

You must use the category “blog” and two tags – “meme” and your section number (ON1 or ON2).


Cat with "Is On the Syllabus" meme

“The answer to your question in on the syllabus.” Quick Meme. Accessed Jan. 2020.