Life is Bad…But it Could be Worse: College Meme

“If Britney Can Make It Through 2007, I Can Make It Through This Semester”

I really love this meme because it is Britney in what I think was her prime. Even though her life was a mess her music was absolute fuego around this time. Which brings me into why I can relate to this meme. As a college senior I have been through the good, bad, ugly, and flat our horrendous. Each year get to that point in the semester when I am officially over everything, but there’s still time left and I can’t give up just yet. when I am down on my luck and everything is going left, what always gets me going is comparing my bad situation to something that could be worse. “I failed an exam and now I have two weeks to come back from that I don’t think I can do it” my response to myself could be “Well it could be worse, you could be failing and have to take the class again next semester.” I know it sounds so bad and so negative, but two negatives creates a positive, which in my scenarios equals hope and motivation. Whenever I reach that point where my life is in shambles, I channel my inner ’07 and come out of the tunnel victorious. #youwantapieceofme #strongerthanyesterday

College Meme

“Me in a Group Project.” Memedroid,

I feel like this really depicts part of my college experience. As a business communication major I am in classes that tend to do a lot of group projects. Every time I hear we have a group project I get worried because typically I am the person in the meme. Last semester this meme was the most relatable it has ever been. I am someone who always wants to do well and do the best that I can. When it comes to group projects where no one is taking the initiative I tend to step up because I know that it will effect my group’s grade and ultimately my grade. I might even feel this way again this semester, as I have already been assigned a group for the entire semester and we have two projects to complete together. Hopefully it goes better than last semester.

College Meme

This meme depicts my journey throughout college pretty well. Growing up when i was first looking for colleges, I was greatly worried about how I had to go take out loans and accrue debt to get an education. Though I personally did well in school, this is the approach I often took when addressing admissions counselors. Currently in college, I find myself still doing the same approach as I gear up for a career in education as I explore potential graduate schools and programs to prepare for another financial burden to increase my education. As my GPA grows each year, I basically finding myself relating to this meme portraying me with similarities to this meme.

Michelle, Kara. “I Am Once Again Asking For Your Financial Support.” Twitter, Twitter, 27 Jan. 2020,

College Blog Post

For my first college related meme I chose one about how a teacher may not know a student because they were not attending class. I relate to this because in my first semesters at school I never attended class. Now that I am more responsible and attend class more often, I feel like my professors may know who I am.

College Meme

I chose this picture to accurately represent my college experience in a meme format as I am a college athlete and this happens to me often. On Sunday when we had morning running followed by a three hour practice that was then followed up by team pictures. We took a picture at the Ratcliffe center as a team but had to do individual ones after in the basement of Caves. When I got into a team mates car to take me to Caves, since I was too tired and sore already to want to walk if I didn’t have to, I was hit with a cramp in my right hip. And since we were in the car and I was very limited in the space I could move myself along with the fact I was in khakis and a jacket, I found myself in a weird half standing position in the back of the car. Which was clearly not as acrobatic as this picture but I could relate to the random and instant need to contort in a weird way to relieve a muscle cramp.
YouTube. Accessed 29 Jan. 2020

College meme

“Me cruising thru college” Meme. January 2020.

I chose this meme for its humor and how I can relate to it as I’ve had to paraphrase many times in University. With that I also have a strong interest in journalism and often times when composing an article or piece I have to flip words and phrases around to refrain from repeating myself. Overall, I find this meme interesting and relatable and is surely something I can garner a laugh from.

College Meme


I chose this one as I am about to graduate. Paying attention to the current political landscape, and the idea of college debt is sure to come up. My brother is also set to begin college in the fall. The fact that my debt is about to seriously kick in, and he will be starting to accrue it is troublesome, as wages have not risen as much as the cost of college, and my choice of school was made, in part, due to financial reasons. The idea that the situation is the same as it was even back in the eighties is short-sighted and damaging to the perception of the issue, and to the financial futures of many university students over the next several years.

Exam College Meme

“Hela College Exams.” Meme. Accessed Jan. 2020.

Although this meme is not entirely accurate, it does hold some truth in relation to my college experience. Last semester, one of my classes had the lecture start a very early time three days a week. I usually attended the lecture, but towards the end of last semester I began frequently missing the lectures. This caused me to have to buckle down and study hard the day before the exam. I did end up doing well, but it wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t attend the in-class exam review. I also ended up putting together a review and studying with classmates. I would not recommend this at all, as it was only possible because of the hours and hours of work I put in to learn the material. It is certainly possible, but I have no plans on repeating those actions. Keeping up with the material is a lot less work and stress in the long run.

College Meme

Description: The meme I chose depicts the “appearance” of a college student when they first come in as a freshman and when they are goin into their senior year using Leonardo DiCaprio.  The first picture on the left shows a young Leo with zero facial hair at all looking like a teenager that just received his license.  The second picture shows him with a full beard and long hair looking twice as old as the other picture.  The difference between the pictures shows how even though four years may not seem that long, you grow up and mature at a rapid rate when your college career is coming to an end and your ready for the real world.

I chose this particular meme because not only do I like Leo as an actor but this before and after looks pretty similar to what I looked like coming into freshman year with little to no facial hair.  It also gives an accurate depiction as to how I feel coming to the end of my college career.  The drastic change gives us an idea as to how grueling college can be as well as how much change can occur in that short time.


College Life Meme

“Elementary vs College.” Meme. Accessed Jan. 2020.

I believe that this meme does describe some aspects of my college life. When I first started college, I knew that it would be completely different from high school. I especially knew that the expectations in college would be different from what I experienced so far. Although there are some parts of college that can be difficult such as managing your time wisely, I don’t think college is as bad as the meme depicts it to be. However, I do agree that compared to elementary school, college is much harder. In elementary school, as a kid, you don’t have as many responsibilities as an adult in college.  As the meme displays, there is a sort of naive innocence in elementary students, whereas college students just want their “suffering” to end.