HTML Reflection

I found these lessons very helpful because I have never coded before. Each lesson started off explaining exactly what each tag would do and showed you in the try yourself what this would look like on the other end. The exercises were very helpful because they had a check my answer button that helped me understand when I got parts of a tag wrong.

I was not comfortable with this assignment at the start of it and honestly, I wouldn’t say I am confident with my skills now. After taking pretty detained notes I would probably still look through this site if I ever had to do coding again. This assignment took me a little longer then I would have hoped due to my lack of previous knowledge on the subject. I hope that if I find myself doing this again I will quickly remember the things I learned here.

HTML Practice

HTML is something new that I have never used before. The website, , proved to be a useful source. However, I did need the assistance from peers to get started. Though the articles give information on how to code I felt like I did not understand which parts to change and make my own. There are still parts in the coding tutorials that I could not master by myself.

The elements section provided the most information to me when trying to learn but there is a lot more to coding than just the basics.


HTML Code Reflection

The self-guided HTML lessons on were helpful in refreshing my of HTML coding and CSS styling. Each lesson began with a description of the subject matter at hand, a tutorial, and example code for you to practice the code yourself. The lessons taught skills regarding style attributes. These skills included adding title attributes, creating headings and paragraph text, preserving line breaks in text, adding quotations, adding links, and defining images. I walked myself through each lesson beginning with the tutorial first. I read the description of what each piece of code does and played with the example code before trying the exercises. Once I completed an exercise, I checked if my answer was correct and wrote a reflection on what I learned from each lesson. Each lesson taught a new skill. These skills included adding title attributes, creating headings and paragraph text, preserving line breaks in text, adding quotations, adding links, defining images, and other style attributes.

This HTML coding and CSS styling was very familiar to me. It did not take me long to complete each lesson as I have practiced such coding in previous web design classes. There was not many obstacles for me to come. However, some lessons did teach me new pieces of coding that I have not seen before. This code included the <pre> element for preserving line breaks or spaces in a body of text, style attributes for creating sub-scripted text, and the <abbr> element for creating abbreviations. My prior knowledge of web design paired with these HTML lesson refreshers has me feeling very confident in my coding skills. I am positive I can apply these skills to a real website in the near future such as the Greenspring Review.