Coding Experience

This assignment was supper difficult for me to do. I am a person that hates doing things on the computer. I am more of a hands-on person so typing is something that I loathe. With that being said, this was not easy for me.

It was difficult for me to remember what symbols and letters to use for specific elements. Making sure to type in width, length, color, size, font, etc. on my own was tedious to me. I would often forget or use the wrong <> or forget to include / to end the element. The comment section of the lesson was confusing because I couldn’t see what was going on when I practiced it. This happened with bidirectional, borders and values when I tried to do it on my own.

What was pretty easy was doing headings, lists, what color I wanted, images and links. The hiccup I had with images was putting the correct link in for the picture. You have to insert the direct link of the picture to successfully add it. Once I realized that you basically state what you want to add or alter before you include it it got a little easier. It was interesting to see how you can change and create things using certain codings.

It took me around 15-30 minuets per lesson to have a small sense of what I was doing or supposed to do. I was relying on the Try it Yourself function to see what I was doing and what it was supposed to look like. I had the template on the screen at all times when I tried it on my own and it was still very challenging. I would be elated and ecstatic if I never had to do this ever again. I would personally use a template for making a website than use HTML. I don’t really have the patience to do it since I hate computer work. I give props to those that enjoy and are good at using it and creating

Coding Reflection

It took a while to figure some stuff out on the website, but I got the hang of it eventually. For instance, I had a hard time understanding some of the tags, but the practice helped.  I also had a hard time memorizing everything such as how to apply certain tags and attributes. It was difficult structuring my time with this project at first, since it was a little overwhelming at first, but I think I was able to handle it pretty well in the end.

I have never had any prior coding experience, so I’m not that confident in my abilities. Although, I know with more time and practice, I will feel more confident in applying these skills to a real website. I wouldn’t put HTML in my resume just yet, since as I said before, I want more practice. Hopefully, I will feel comfortable enough to add HTML to my resume in the near future. I plan to gain more coding experience, since I actually did enjoy learning these skills. Despite the challenges, I found it to be an interesting process.

Coding Reflection

This assignment was a little confusing for me but easy at the same time. First, I had to familiarize myself with what exactly these coding processes did, like what the goal of changing certain words or not changing words was and what it would actually affect on the other screen. Once, I understood the patterns of HTML however, things got less confusing. I do not have all of the codes memorized so I would more than likely not be able to do it off memory alone, but if I saw it again, I might be able to understand and explain to someone else what to do.

I used a different “Try it Yourself” document every time and I just practiced the little changes and adjustments on a new document. I spent on average 20 minutes on each lesson so that I could learn as much from it as I could. The most difficult section for me was the “subscript” section because there was a lot of information thrown at me at one time and because of my failure to memorize the codes and my limited experience with coding, in general, it made that section even harder. My biggest problem with working on this alone and over spring break was distractions because as I already stated, I do not have a lot of experience or interest in coding, so I was easily distracted. This was not my favorite assignment to do as it was extremely unfamiliar and time-consuming for me but there were certain features, like changing the colors of words or the color blocks, that I found easier and would enjoy playing with again.

In conclusion, this beginner’s HTML program has shown me that although, I might not enjoy it the coding, at least on a basic level, is not as difficult as I originally thought. I do not think that I could put this on my resume just yet as I think that I still need more practice and understanding. And I would not feel completely comfortable applying this to a real website on my own. I would definitely need someone else who is more experienced or comfortable with HTML to help guide me along.

Coding Reflection

The assignment was fairly easy. Took me a short while to familiarize myself with the patterns of HTML, but it is a basic system that offers flexibility. Recognizing how to use that system, even with just one morning of practice to run through what we were assigned, I was able to get the hang of what to do, even if I didn’t have all the codes memorized.

I kept using the same “Try it Yourself” document, and added to it as I followed more lessons, so it represents the solid end result of everything I learned. I had only had limited experience with coding beforehand, mostly command line commands to salve an issue with my computer.

The biggest issue I was faced with was the lack of memorization of the codes for certain things. I’d add to the document after taking that particular lesson, so I had a fresh reference, but it would take me a similar amount of time to put something together on my own, as I would have to reference a fair amount of information to put something together.

In summary, HTML is something I could learn if I dedicated more time to, but at this point, it’s not a skill I could utilize effectively, or put on my resume. I simply do not have enough practice with it, but a few weeks of practice and a continual effort would get me there.

Coding Refelection

This assignment took me a while to do because it was very challenging. This was my first time working with coding, so I had to get the hang of it. When I first looked at the assignments I thought if I pressed the wrong button my computer would explode. It was almost like I was reading one of those extravagant foreign languages. It took me a while to get the hang of it, but as I kept doing the “try it yourself” and the exercises I was getting the hang of it. I even caught myself using a lot of the earlier codes as I was moving on to the different exercises.

As I was getting the hang of codes and HTML, I was getting through assignments much quicker and more efficiently. The majority of the lessons were pretty straight forward, especially in the beginning. They were short and very to the point. For example, the lessons on “Elements”, “Headings”, “Paragraphs”, and “Comments” were very straight forward and easier to navigate and execute. The earlier lessons on “Basics” and “Paragraphs” helped me get the feel of HTML. The elements I learned in these lessons I found myself carrying as I continued the other lessons. My favorite lessons were “Styles” and “Colors.” Even though the codes themselves weren’t that easy to remember and write down, they were definitely fun to play with and experiment with. Especially the “Colors” lesson I just found myself playing with the actual colors and seeing how many colors I could come up with. While those lessons were easy and more entertaining to experiment with the hardest lessons were definitely “CSS” and “Images” the codes were extensive and very particular just to get a small result. It got very confusing the more I continued, and I had to keep going back to the reference page just so I got the codes down the right way.

Overall, the lessons were not insanely difficult to navigate. Once I understood the process more and saw patterns, I felt more and more confident using it. Now I do not see a future for me and HTML, but now I won’t be as scared and intimidated if I were to see it again. I most likely won’t be able to help anyone decode anything serious, but I won’t be completely oblivious and that was a purpose of this assignment. At least now I can say I have some experience in coding!


Understanding and Applying HTML

The last time I coded was my freshman year at Stevenson in my Introduction to Digital Media course. I didn’t retain a lot of the information that we learned. I haven’t had a particular interest in coding, which is why I haven’t made any strides to learn or practice coding. When I went through this exercise, I knew I wasn’t going to find it entertaining or enjoyable. Coding is very specific and particular; there are a bunch of rules and specifications.

Overall, the work wasn’t incredibly difficult, but because there was a lot of guidance, it was relatively easy to follow. Once I apply these rules to an actual project, I know I will be constantly referencing sources. Coding is not something that I can retain easily. mostly due to my disinterest in the activity. Coding is very extensive, and after this coursework understanding a few basic rules, I feel like I have a better idea of coding and HTML.



HTML Reflection

Being a CIS major I am required to take at least one programing class. So majority of this is all review to me. I have taken a html class at Stevenson as well. Some of this reminds me how time consuming programming is and how frustrating it can be. But if you have a passion for it, it becomes really fun. The end results can be satisfying as well.

I do wish I had the patience to be able to sit down and knock out programming and practice it everyday because it can be a very promising career. Re-learning programing makes me nervous about redesigning the Greenspring Review because I do not want to mess anything up.




W3Schools HTML Lessons Reflection Essay

To be honest, I wasn’t thrilled to have an assignment to do over spring break, especially one of this size. But the project was one I was kind of familiar with.  In high school, I took a computer class where we learned HTML coding so I knew stuff like the simple format, the importance of the opening and closing tags, and using CSS to customize the webpage.

I started the W3Schools HTML lessons on Tuesday, March 17 and finished up to HTML Images on Thursday, March 19. I originally planned on completing three lessons a day to break them up, but on Thursday I decided to just complete the last seven sections. When I started the lessons, I decided to use the new skills I learned to build upon the same Tryit Editor web page in order to visually log how much I was learning and what all of the skills combined looked like on screen.

I liked how W3 introduced some skills like adding paragraphs in the first few sections then expounded upon that element in their own separate lessons later on. It got me at least familiar with the concept before delving into them.

The coolest thing I learned was that I could edit code in the Notepad app! I didn’t know about that function. I encountered the hardest lessons on that Thursday: HTML Comments, HTML CSS, and HTML Images. I’m not quite sure when I would use HTML Comments. The lesson made it seem like it could be used to communicate with a collaborator in the editor. HTML CSS just had a lot of confusing different aspects. I don’t understand the concept of adding a link to the heading to refer to an external CSS file, or when to even use it. The most difficult thing for me to accomplish was adding an image. W3Schools didn’t go over the steps on how to insert an image, they just listed the format. I got the format correct, but wasn’t able to insert my image. That frustrated me.

After these lessons, I don’t think I could put HTML on my resume because in order to be proficient I would have to practice those skills and to constantly develop them, not learn them a couple of times. I don’t feel confident applying those skills on a real website, either. However, I do appreciate HTML and learning the inner workings of a website. I thank all coders, programmers, and engineers everywhere for all the hard work they do to keep us connected!

HTML Coding Reflection

When I had first visited the w3schools website, I was a little overwhelmed at the amount of lessons that were available, and the amount we had to do, so it took while for me to actually start the process of completing them. I decided that once I started, I would split the lessons over two days to give me a break, as even the first half of them took a few hours to read through and make my own code, do the exercises and write a brief reflection for each one. Some sections took a little longer to complete because they had more tags to learn and more examples listed, and I tried to implement most of them while I was experimenting with creating my own code from the examples shown. Even though it took quite a while to finish this assignment, it was kind of fun to experiment with different fonts and colors, textboxes and formatting with tags like <i> and <strong>. I took a class in freshman high school where we had to create a website providing information about a topic of our choice, and we could use different colors, images and links to different pages of our website. So walking into this I was kind of familiar with coding, but I certainly didn’t remember most of what I had previously learned.

I think the Attributes section was the most difficult for me, because there were so many new tags to learn and make a code for. Once I got to the exercises I had to refer back to the information on the page because it was hard to remember specific ones for different things. CSS and Images were also pretty difficult as well, since there were many different tags for some of the same style and object that I would try to code. Overall, the lessons weren’t hard to understand, there was just a lot of information to digest at one time. Coding has very structured rules to it, like how open tags (<em>) should always have a closed tag (</em>), and once I understood those staple rules that always applied it was easier to implement the tags and create a webpage. I definitely wouldn’t add this to my resume because there is so much more information to learn in regards to tags and how and where to use them, and I’m not experienced enough to be able to code things without looking at reference information to code specific things.


HTML Reflection

This was my first experience working with coding so this assignment was a challenge for me from the beginning. When I first looked at the assignment and what we had to do it all looked like a foreign language to me. I wasn’t sure where to begin, what it was suppose to look like, and felt a lot of anxiety when getting started with this. I tried to go through the lessons and teach myself but the anxiety of not knowing what is correct or not correct hindered me from being successful. I looked for assistance and help with our teacher and a peer’s example. It was very helpful as I can be a visual learner and sometimes need guidance. After that I restarted the lesson and had a much more successful time the second go around. It felt easier to understand and I was able to focus on each lesson step by step instead of being overwhelmed with it in its entirety.

I continued this method the entire assignment, just focusing on each individual step of each individual lesson so that I wouldn’t overwhelm myself again. I eventually found myself on a roll and getting the hang of HTML. I did half of the lessons on one day, took a break, and then continued the other half of the lessons the next day. This helped me stay focused and remember the steps, but also give my mind some time to rest as it still was a lot of information to absorb. Most of the lessons were pretty straight forward like the lessons on “Headings”, “Paragraphs”, “Formatting”, and “Comments”. I felt like the lessons on “Basic”, “Headings”, and “Paragraphs” helped me get a good grasp of HTML. It was good for me to first understand the general layout and then to add to that, like that each code starts with “<DOCTYPE html>”, and that you need to always put “<h>” and “<p>” when starting a new heading or paragraph. I think having “Attributes” be the first lesson with the exercises made the rest feel overwhelming because I felt like I was trying to understand what attributes are and what they do when I barely even understand the fundamental basics yet. I really enjoyed the lesson on “Styles”, while it was a lot of information to take in, I really enjoyed typing in a code and then automatically seeing the color of the text change, or the font be different, like how typing =”color:blue;” will make the following words blue. I truly never understood just how much went into the simple design of just text, let alone an entire website. The most difficult lesson was probably CSS, which felt similar to the lessons on “Styles” and “Attributes” but was mostly difficult just because it took me a bit to fully understand how CSS is different from what I did earlier. While this probably was the most challenging, I could see it being one of the most helpful skills to know as it can help manage the layout of multiple web pages at once.

Overall, the lessons were fairly easy once I understood the process more. I however, don’t feel confident adding HTML to my resume. There is a lot to remember. One error, like forgetting a bracket, colon, or a greaten than sign, can make it all ineffective. I feel like it is something that takes a lot of practice and repetition, and while this lesson has made me familiar with HTML, it has not made me efficient enough to tell an employer that I know how to do HTML. While it did stress me out in the beginning, I did actually find myself enjoying creating code and am glad I got to have some experience with it.