Coding Reflection

Working on the HTML tutorials was both an interesting and insightful assignment. Each section of the tutorial had its own level of complexity with each lesson getting more difficult. Time management was especially important as I got into the lessons, as each exercise got harder and longer. This was the biggest challenge for me while completing this assignment. In order to complete the longer sections, it was essential for me to take my time and incorporate breaks in between my work. Therefore, I split up each lesson by section so that I could pay closer attention to each individual exercise. 

Learning how all elements of coding work together was one of most important takeaways from this assignment. As expected, continuing the tutorial the coding started to get more complex. It was essentially for me to remember what was taught previously. Coding is essentially one big formula that starts off with basic characters and is built up from there. Prior to starting this tutorial, I had some coding experience but not too much. Therefore, it did not take me too long to catch on and some sections were easier than others. However, with this being said, I was not as familiar with the more complex material. Knowing the basics of coding beforehand was definitely helpful in my success with this assignment. Adding coding to my list of technology skills will set me apart from others in my career field. It is especially important to have a variety of skills in any industry today. While I feel more confident in my coding skills there is still room for improvement which I would love to invest some time in. I feel that I can apply my knowledge to a real website in the future as I start to build my career. While I continue to improve my coding skills, I plan to add coding to my resume as I continue to learn because it will show employers I can adapt to different work environments.

HTML Reflection

I found this assignment particularly difficult in the beginning because I am not a tech savvy individual at all and it took a bit of time to get started and figure out exactly what to do.  I did four sections a day to complete the assignment over time, but once I got through the first few sections I started to get the hang of the tedious process.   

The HTML headings are by far the easiest to understand but I learned that each HTML heading has a default size unless changed using CSS font-size property to specified size.  Also, there is even an element being <hr> that defines the thematic break in an HTML page, which highlights the extent of detail that goes into creating the code for a website.  In addition I learned HTML headings are defined by <h1> to <h6> tags, <h1> being the most important heading to <h6> being the least important heading. The following exercises were fairly simple, outlining the major elements in the layout of a website.  I found it interesting that every little detail that goes into a website has its own tags that make up the coding of a website. I found the HTML formatting section to be difficult due to the immense detail that goes into the formatting process. I learned that there is an element being <del> that defines even deleted or removed text, which is quite interesting and I wonder how often it is used when coding a website.

This was the first time I had ever been exposed to coding and I feel confident in being able to understand what goes into coding but when it comes to actually coding on my own, I think that would be extremely difficult for me because of all of the nuances and rules there are to create certain code for a web page. I would not put it on my resume because I am not skilled at coding and I feel that if you put something on your resume it means you are proficient in that skill and I feel that it would be misleading to an employer.  Overall, I think the project was interesting and I would like to learn more about coding because I understand that this assignment only scratched the surface.

HTML Reflection Dorothy Baker

Over break I completed the self-guided lesson on HTML. I was not as good at structuring my time to complete it as I had thought I would be. I would complete large chunks over periods of time, leave it for a couple days, and then come back to it later. I found this to be an inappropriate use of my time and it did not benefit me in completing this assignment. It is something that I am not proud of and that I have decided to fix going forward. I completed this assignment in three big chunks which included: home to styles, formatting to comments, and colors to images.
When completing this tutorial, I did learn some specific skills that I believe will prove useful to me when using HTML coding. I learned that it important to format ones HTML code properly. If the code is not properly formatted, then things will not work right and may have to be revisited. I also learned that there is a way that the author of the HTML code can leave notes inside of the coed for other people looking at the code. The notes will not show up on the published site if the person does not want them to, but it provides a good guide for those who are also working on the code.
I also learned that pictures and colors can be edited and included in the html code. This was the most important part to me because I am always more attracted to a website that includes nice pictures, attractive fonts, and vibrant colors. Therefore, I took note on how to do my favorite things. Linking sites to images, buttons, and words was also something that I learned. I did not know how to do these things; however, I always knew that they were done in the code portion of the website. I now know that they are done through HTML coding and that I can do them if I should choose to design a site of my own.
All the skills listed above were skills that I personally found to be easy to learn. I believe this is since I was interested in learning them. When it came to learn about CSS and attributes, I found it more difficult to get through these sections. I found the wording of the prompts and the examples long and difficult to get through. I also found myself more unsure as to how to approach the exercises and get through the sections of work. I think this is partially because I was not interested in these attributes of HTML.
In general, this coding work was very new to me. I did not know anything about HTML before this tutorial. Now I feel confident in adding stylistic features to html code and observing the results. I think that I would like some more practice with coding before adding the skill of HTML to my resume because I want to be affluent in skills that I peddle to potential employers. My worst fear would be that a potential employer asked me to complete a project based off my resume and I not be able to complete it because I lied about my proficiencies on my resume.

Coding Exercises Reflection

When I first looked at the amount of work that is involved in this assignment with coding, which I have never done before, I was daunted by the lot of sections and the multiple pieces each section had. Because of this, I tried to break it up by doing two to three sections each day so I wouldn’t tire myself out too much with an overload of new coding information. It took me a little bit to comprehend each of the sections as this is all new information to me. But after a couple of try-it-yourself attempts I started picking up on how the whole coding thing works. Each section wasn’t overly hard but the challenging part was properly writing the necessary coding where and how it was supposed to be. I found it especially hard with the quotations as my mind is so accustomed to typing as if it were in sentence format, but the spacing and breaks in the coding section felt unnatural. I was able to overcome this the more I did it and just had to really make sure I was using the proper spacing and punctuation that worked, even if it looked a little off in my head. I think if I were to be given a refresher course on what exactly a company wanted me to do with coding, putting these HTML applications on my resume isn’t a too far off thought. But if it were simply off knowledge already possessed, I think I would struggle trying to apply those exercises to real applications if I were asked to. Though I’m not to secure in my abilities as of now, looking into improving my skills is a possibility for the future as I know that these skills are becoming increasingly desirable and having a sister who works in systems engineering, I see first hand how valued that is and how complex it can be.

Coding Reflection

I completed the work kinda all out of order. I first went through and did the try it now sections after reading each one, and then posted them all in the google doc. After that, I went back and summarized each section in my document. I did the exercises last because they took some time for me, and I wanted to just simply go ahead and complete the try it now sections. One fo the main obstacles I overcame (sort of) was frustration and confusion. I was confused first of all because this was basically a different language for me, so it took some time to understand it. I was frustrated for part of it because some of them were short, and some required lots of steps and if you messed up a little step or forgot a letter, the whole code would be messed up and I couldn’t find exactly where I would mess up and would have to start over. One of the problems I also overcame was time management.. I didn’t realize the coding was supposed to be done over break so it was hard jamming it all out in a session to try to get it done on time, especially when I have never done anything like this before.

Like I said before, this coding work was completely new for me. It was stressful, overwhelming, and I did not really enjoy it overall. Although, I did enjoy seeing the end result when it actually worked. I definitely do not feel confident applying these skills to a website in the future and hopefully won’t need to since I am a psychology major who wants to have a private practice and teach to kids. I definitely couldn’t put this on my resume because if you asked me to do the same thing a week later but without giving any instruction, I definitely would not have been able to do it. It was so out of my element and honestly I was really surprised we had an assignment like this at first. But when I thought about it, I understand how it is necessary. I understand we really had no control with this, but I think it would have been a lot easier and a lot more manageable if we were able to maybe do it in class so we could walk through it together and break it down to be more manageable and be there to support each other.

HTML Reflection

Having done some web design classes in high school, the first couple of lessons brought back old memories of creating websites. Since I had some previous experience and I had a better understanding of how to create the codes that were given in the examples and tutorials.  Even though at times I found it a little complicated when it came to remembering and relearning the formatting part of HTML. As I got towards the end of of the tutorials I remembered how I enjoyed feeling like I created something unique when building my own webpage. In the future, I want to get back into learning how to create more features with coding.

HTML Assignment


Most of my work was done within the last week with me doing 3 or 4 subjects each day. I did the try it yourself sections first and then the exercises. I learned the basics of HTML and it was not as bad as it seemed. I understand that I would need more practice but as for a basic understanding of HTML I enjoyed it. I can know use color, titles, headings, paragraphs, and images effectively within HTML. I completed the work by just practicing or rewriting what was given and trying to get it to make sense to me. I encountered problems in some areas with missing punctuation and it frustrated me because I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work right. I found the color and headings sections easier because it set the basis and became easier as I went along. The CSS and links section were the most difficult for me since I really had never seen anything like that before and there was a lot of stuff going on within each exercise to make it work. If something was input wrong it took a little while to find the problem.

I had never done coding before this I thought it was really hard to learn and do. I don’t like it but I understand it is necessary in order to make a website. I don’t like all the techy IT stuff so this was hard for me but I now know a little bit about it. I will not be putting it on my resume as I don’t trust myself to be able to keep up with it or even want to do it. It isn’t the area I want to go into so I don’t feel it is crucial for me to have listed as a skill on my resume. I want to do Sales of some kind so building a website is not in my job description but I am glad to have a better understanding of what HTML is and looks like.


In the basic section, I learned about headings, paragraphs, and links and how to create them and effectively put them into a document. The elements section helps me further understand what each symbol meant which really allowed me to understand why each symbol was used and the meaning behind it.

I also learned about attributes and how they add meaning to the HTML elements. Next, we learned about Headings and the different ways to use and change them to fit the needs of the site. Paragraphs were almost the same as headings in that I was just learning how to format and set them up in different ways.


The styles and formatting section gave me a glimpse of how really tie the site together with looks of Titles and paragraphs. Everything from color to text size helps a site give off an impression.  Formatting is effective in fixing mistakes or making minuscule changes in the words or colors. I liked this the best because I enjoy editing work to make it sound the best it can.


Quotations and comments helped me figure out the right way to set up quotes within a site as well as comments. This allows the reader to write something on the site or see who said something. It is basic but very important. I learned about short and long quotes along with things like abbreviations.


The color section focused on how to use different colors within the site from background to actual text. The CSS section taught me about style sheets and how it can be added to HTML in inline, internal, or external. This is a great way to save time and hold information. I found this section the hardest because of how many little details were needed to make it work properly.


Lastly, the links and Images sections gave basic instructions on how to use both within a site. I included formatting and captions for images and gave pointers on how to set up links for easy usage.



HTML Essay

This assignment was relatively difficult for me.  I am better at looking at things on paper and being hands-on.  I went through each HTML section individually and noted the uses for each type of coding.  Sections like formatting and citations were more difficult for me because I was not familiar with all of the terminology.  I had to spend more time practicing these sections as well as links and CSS format, which included learning what everything meant in the first place.

I think part of the reason it was difficult for me was because I never made myself aware of all the aspects that go into making websites.  I understand things like hyperlinks and margins, but I never attributed their presence on websites to coding.  Sections like images were also a little difficult for me, but I was able to understand them more quickly because it built off of some of the basics that were covered.  I tried to do the exercises in each section and look at the code I saved from each of options.  It took me longer than expected.  I definitely had to reference the basics and elements sections several times to understand the association between them and the more complex codings.  I knew what coding was, but I had never actually tried it, so it was definitely difficult to get the hang of.  I am not sure if I would be comfortable putting HTML coding on my resume–not until I practiced more, anyways.  Learning how to HTML code is definitely an important skill to possess, though.

HTML assignment

This assignment is my first experience with coding, and it is surely interesting. I know that code runs basically everything on the internet and code allows you to create a wide array of things. I learned how everything needs to be perfect and there can be no mistakes when coding, because a mistake would mean the code wouldn’t run correctly and could create something completely different than intended. The skills I learned are basic and small but it’s cool being able to learn how coding works and functions for websites. Some of the obstacles I encountered with this assignment were the “try it yourself” modules, I wasn’t sure what to do with them so I included the link to each on the google doc. I feel confident that if I continue to learn code and how it works I could absolutely apply it to my own site in the future. At this point, I don’t think I could include html on a resume because I have only learned barely the tip of the iceberg and I know there is a lot more to it. All in all, this assignment was fun and my first experience with coding, and this surely gave me the tools to expand on learning code in the future.


HTML Essay

When working with HTML, I immediately began to recall my prior experience with coding. Although it was many years ago in high school, many basic concepts did stay the same. Each code has a beginning and end, with elements inside that can be tweaked to various levels of depth. Size, colors, shape, styles, comments, tests, links, etc. were all concepts that I had dealt with in depth before. Although the specific formats and names of HTML functions were entirely new, they did seem quite familiar. I completed the work by first copying the source code into the initial “Try it for me” code. Then, I edited the elements to my own liking, using this process to understand how the code is assembled. Many of these sections required minimal work, especially the initial sections. I did not struggle with this code until the CSS section. While I understand CSS conceptually, different uses of CSS are often formatted very differently from others. I find these different uses difficult to remember from one another. CSS is also very important, and allows the coder to control many important elements at their whim. In a way, I feel pressure to implement these elements properly, which makes coding intuitively difficult. I also struggled in the images section, as it had a lot more depth than I initially thought it would. The section with background and repeating images was particularly difficult for me, as it wanted the coder to implement many elements that seemed to work against one another. Perhaps I misunderstood how it wanted us to implement it.

While I would feel confident creating my own web page in HTML, I would not yet put it on my resume. My skills are still very new, and it will take time to fully understand the quirks and intricacies of HTML. By the end of this semester, I hope to be able to put it on my resume.