Proposal Recommendations

Tayla Wibecan 

Amanda Reandeau

Akira Merchant

  1. We would change the background to be less busy, more modern, and link more to the content of the Greenspring Review. We feel that the books make it feel outdated and there’s more to the website than just books or writing. 
  2. We like how team two and three had a direct link to upload a submission. 
  3. We like the organization of team two’s issues area. Where it started with the categories (Creative writing, journalistic writing, and visual art) and then went into the date/time.
  4. The issues and writing submissions should have pictures along with the title. If you look at most literature review websites such as the Guernica Literary Magazine, each writing piece has a picture to grab the reader’s attention. 
  5. We liked a mix of team two and team three’s about me section, with the circle head shots of each editor along with a quote by them. They should also include a short paragraph of what the green spring review is and its history under the about page. 

Greenspring Post Proposal Recommendations

Group Members: Brittany Whitley, Liam Walsh, Aaron Murray

We liked Greenspring Review Redesign #1, but we would suggest the changes of a few things:

  • The font color on the home page header is a light grey and we feel the color should be darker and/or more defined of a color to stand out.
  • With the new logo/title images, there is a lot of grey space in the box and would like to see the image logo/title larger to fill up that space more.
  • Expanding the top navigation bar to spread across the entire page rather than just half the page by either adding more options or making the font larger.
  • We really liked the books in the background, but we wanted to fade the books out or create a more transparent effect to take some of the attention off of the books and to the work in the main middle.
  • Adding a LinkedIn and Instagram link at the bottom with the Twitter and Facebook links because these are two social sites relevant to literary work.

Suggestions for GSR

Morgan Bateman, Jacob Tatum

  1. Take away the books as the background.  It is very distracting and hurts the eyes.
  2. Event countdown widget needs to stand out more.
  3. Needs to be a line under the navigation bar to have its own section.
  4. On the issues page, they need to add pictures for the spring and fall pictures.
  5. On the submission and guidelines page, they need to add an easy submission section like team 2’s (box’s to add information).
  6. Contact info should be at the bottom of the page.
  7. Screen navigation from team 2 into this page.

Proposal Reccomendations

Cari Rusk & Renato Santos

1.) We suggest changing the background of the website to something less distracting. The bookshelves draw the user’s eyes away from the content of the page.

2.) The drop-down menus under the “Issues” page is too big and goes below the fold. The links should be smaller as well as the menu.

3.) The social media link should not be at the bottom of the page. It should be moved to the sidebar. Also, there should be previews for the short stories and poetry entries.

4.) There are too many search bars. It should be limited to just the one on the one on the sidebar.

5.) The submissions page should be updated to allow you to submit directly to the site.