By: Zach Magaw


Bringing home a newborn is like no other feeling,

A chubby bundle of joy has entered one’s life,

With a personality like no other.


The development process has begun,

Hardship in the near future looming,

The beginning can seem unbearable.


The smell of fecal matter overwhelming,

The disobedience, naughty incidences,

Potty training is like pulling teeth.


No two developing at the same rate,

The learning process continues, 

As slow as molasses.


One year of growth may seem like seven,

But don’t blink,

Time flies like a fighter jet in the sky.


The challenge proves to be rewarding,

A good boy will emerge,

Bringing light and joy to the world.


Formed from guidance,

Making their own footprint,

What seemed like forever.


Really hasn’t been that long,

A final product has surfaced,

Ready to meet the world.


Don’t forget to smell the roses,

What was once a newborn in your arms,

Has gradually become mighty and mature.



Ready to leave those loving arms,

To start a new chapter,

Reminiscence helps move forward, 

To the unknown that the future has in store for us.


GSR Social Media Remix

To advertise my story in the Greenspring Review, I chose to make the social media post on Instagram. I am quite familiar with Instagram, and the types of posts that are often made on the site. If you follow people who  are involved on campus, they often post event flyers on their Instagram pages. This is usually done through Instagram stories, but since the purpose of the account is for this assignment, I will be doing so in post form. In addition, this post will allow me to create a caption for the photo. While Instagram stories contain overlay text, posts are usually accompanied with captions.

Since I decided to use my caption as my text, I was not able to manipulate the text color or font. However, I do not believe this would have added to the post significantly. At the end of the post, I added a playful emoji, along with a Pride flag. Despite the serious nature of the piece, I enjoyed writing it greatly, which I hoped to reflect in the post itself. I did use punctuation throughout, although I decided to forgo the final period where the emojis are.

Pictures are far more popular on Instagram than videos are, which is why I decided to use a slightly modified version of the photo featured in my piece. Instagram uses square photos, which made it difficult to use the banner included in my piece. As such, I grabbed a different image, which also features the asexual/aromantic pride flag in place of the lesbian pride flag. This may be inconsistent, but it broadens the amount of represented identities, and may now include people who were not included before.

I made this post at around 10 P.M., which is just about the best time to post on Instagram (although a little bit earlier may have been better). To increase traffic, I could make this same post on my main account. I could also advertise my piece on social media. In addition, I could make an Instagram story post that says “link in bio” and also advertises the main post itself. I could get more views by encouraging others to like and share the post as well.


GSR Final

The Jump

Growing up, I was an adventurer and always found great joy in exploring the unknown. I explored to learn more about the world and see how in the end, mother nature will always prevail as mankind is at her mercy. 

This idea of nature always seeming to triumph fascinated me at a young age and I always sought to get out of my comfort zone and do things that got my adrenaline flowing. It was a hot, humid July day in the summer of 2015 and me along with two other friends thought of the perfect idea; find a place to go cliff jumping. 

We always found joy in finding spots to adventure, especially places where we could swim and have total freedom. We asked one of our close friends if he knew of any places nearby we could go cliff jumping and he knew the best, most secluded place where we wouldn’t find trouble with anyone. 

He told us of a place about an hour west of Leesburg, Virginia, the place I lived at the time, and gave us a pinpoint on google maps where the spot should be. Me and my two other friends Hunter and George embarked on this journey and found ourselves in the middle of nowhere off a country road deep in rural West Virginia. 

We followed the pinpoint on the map to a massive abandoned quarry filled with sky blue water. This place was like a dream, it was perfect. A long rectangular shaped quarry that was about 100 feet across and a quarter mile in length. 

We then saw across the water a towering cliff that we estimated was about 60 to 70 feet in height. At first glance, I was so intimidated I contemplated even attempting to jump but I knew I came here for a reason and was overcome with the need for adrenaline. Soon we jumped in the water and swam down to check the depth, finding ourselves about 20 feet deep with no bottom in sight, we concluded the jump was safe… enough. 

Next, we had to actually get to the top of the cliff and that was a vast challenge in itself as it was nearly completely vertical. However, through some quick thinking as well as trial and error we found a way to the top. 

Let me tell you, the view from the top of the water was the most nerve racking thing I have ever experienced. Heights have always been a bit of a challenge for me to face but this was something I’d never come close to experiencing; I had no way down other than jumping in the water. 

The only thing we miscalculated was the fact that the last ten feet of the cliff side nearest the water began to jutt out and any mistake would surely be our last. But, I swallowed my pride and began to breathe slowly preparing myself for the jump. I was the first one to the top and that meant I was the first one to go off.

 I asked my two buddies to count down slowly, five, four, three, two, one. Once they hit one I hesitated for a slight second then everything in my mind stopped as I leaped out. It seemed like an eternity on the trip down, then boom. I hit the water unscathed, and yelled with triumph and exhilaration. 

This experience brought me so much adrenaline that I had no choice but to do it again, and shortly there after I did. All in all, I was able to see how at mercy I was with nature and how with courage and bravery I would experience my own personal triumph, conquering mother nature.


Greenspring Review Submission

Bright lights, street performers, gambling, partying, and huge crowds of people coming to one place for the time of their life; because “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” My spring break was all you could ever hope for – filled with love and excitement. This was my first major trip with a boyfriend, staying in a king suite of Mandalay Bay with a view overlooking the Las Vegas strip. Antonio and I were taking the trip of a lifetime.

We arrived in Las Vegas in the morning and were immediately ready to start the fun. Upon arriving at the hotel and checking in, we ran straight into the casino. The room was huge and seemed to go on for miles because we heard people cheering for joy and they were nowhere to be seen. We went straight to the black jack table and put down 100$. The dealer placed down two cards in front of me, a 7 and a 3. I nervously tapped the green felt table, and down landed an Ace, and just like that with beginners luck, I hit 21! I doubled my money on my first play.

We decided not to push our luck and get out to continue exploring, we were instantly captivated by the Mandalay Bay Aquarium. We bought tickets to feed the sea turtles too. Not only did we feed 300 pound sea turtles, but we also got a behind-the-scenes look at the shark tanks too. We spent the rest of our day wondering the aquarium seeing all of the aquatic life they had to offer. We called it an early night due to the jetlag we were beginning to feel after our long day of traveling from Maryland.

The next morning Antonio woke up before sunrise and placed a call into room service. I woke up to the smell of breakfast and freshly brewed coffee which filled the room. Antonio handed me a soft fluffy robe and slippers and told me to wake up so we could watch the sunrise and have breakfast in bed. It was like something out of a movie.

We spend the rest of our day by exploring what felt like the entire world. We went to the New York hotel and saw the Statue of Liberty and rode a roller coaster around the city. Rode in gondolas around Italy at the Venetian hotel. Stopped in Paris and kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Landed in Egypt and saw a sphinx at The Luxor. This whirlwind experience was too good to be true! I started thinking to myself, this really was too good to be true… just like that I woke up to a phone call from the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas, “Hello is this Cynthia Marquez? I’d like to call and inform you that your upcoming reservation is being cancelled due to COVID-19” and just like that my dream spring break was over!

GSR Poem

Why am I

Flags from left to right: Lesbian, Pride, Bisexual, Transgender, Pansexual. VLAW759, 2020.

I sit upon this bed
In this room that I call mine
I dwell inside this house
But it’s not home, and I’m not fine

I found a sense of purpose
Beyond inhabiting this world
It began with the acceptance
That I’m not quite boy or girl

At first it brought such happiness
I found my desired energy
The friends I’ve made are lifelong
And continue to inspire me

But unfortunately acceptance
Is more than just my pronouns
It’s internal, and it’s external
And leaves me hopeless; unbounded

But these feelings are tempoary
And my future is uncertain
However, with Coronavirus
I’m afraid that things will worsen

Just months ago I was thriving
Growing with each passing day
I started therapy, once again
And opportunties came my way

For once, I wasn’t a failure
At least from my own perspective
But as this pandemic continues
It reveals things this world has neglected

The systems that were created
To serve this Earth’s people
Are quite faulty in nature
Corrupted men create this evil

Unfortunately for anyone
Who is not Caucasian
Will receive quite unfair treatment
In this supposedly great nation

Unfortunately for anyone
Who is not heterosexual
Will go through great pains
To embrace who they truly love

Unfortunately for anyone
Who happens to be transgender
Has gotten their protections removed
In the name of “family standards”

To some, it’s an overstated story
They say we have equality
To me, it’s my everyday
I have no other reality

As COVID-19 continues
Those most vulnerable will suffer
I’ll try to help the most I can
But conditions will get rougher

This won’t just end tomorrow
Though Trump makes it out to be
How about for once in life
We deal with this disease

No, not Coronavirus
(Some of us) are doing all we can
It’s capitalism I’m talking about
That’s truly killing Man

Is it really worth any amount
To sacrifice human life
For the sake of the economy
Think about that more than twice

The systems put in place
Are only there to serve the rich
Without corporations, there’s community
Please, just picture this

We seem to have forgotten
How we dealt with those who wronged us
No, we didn’t need police
We looked to those around us

We gave our all to our families
Our friends, and our communities
We can still do that in this world
But that doesn’t help society

This world is not accepting
Of its peoples’ different natures
Bodies, skin colors, even genders
These things still separate us

You can try to make some changes
Help some people out
But at the end of every single day
The Patriarchy tears us down

I suppose I should say “It tries to tear”
For some of us rise above
We live our truths, no matter the cost
True bravery comes from love

GSR Poem

Pickard, Martin. “Shadow of Man.” Flickr. April, 2009.

What Was His Name?


We met on an elevator, just the two of us

I had no idea he would change my life so much

The second we met I could feel him running through my veins

We were completely inseparable


Three days passed and our relationship began to grow and become stronger

A week went by and I begin to notice he doesn’t make me feel as good as before

At this point he attached himself to my friends and family

He knew it would be harder to escape that way


After two weeks, his existence made my blood boil

He was so suffocating it felt like my throat was going to close

I spent night after night uncontrollably shaking because of his poison

He was a monster I couldn’t get rid of


Knowing he was in full control gave me chills

The more I was with him the worse the headaches got

I became weaker and weaker day by day


He took my breath away, but not the way I wanted

He was cruel, vicious, and mean

And his name was COVID-19





GSR Final

College Life


We enter it with caution –

A double dose of fear.

No time to stop and wonder,

Just how we made it here.


The work is all consuming –

Some parties on the side –

The pressures always mounting,

A future to decide. 


Spring break is what you live for –

A time to decompress.

The struggle just to get there,

A week without the stress.


Professors and roommates,

Are sure to make you mad,

But then before you know it,

You are the newest grad.


Well that is now the old way –

Some changes are in place.

Corona’s taken over             

No longer face-to-face.


College was the safe place,

Secure from day to day.

This world is kind of scary,

On second thoughts at home I’ll stay.

GSR Submission


Elizabeth ran around her house, or as she liked to call it, her castle. Weaving in between the different rooms and exploring for hidden treasure, Elizabeth, with an ever-present smile on her face, was set on having a good day. Her laugh echoed through her kingdom as she marched through the halls. Her head tilted proudly upwards like she’d seen all the kings do in her cartoons. She was dressed in her royal attire with her ruby cape and a luxurious golden crown on her head. When she walked into her father’s office, she greeted him as any 6-year-old royal would. 

“Bow peasant.”  She folded her arms and looked at her father with an unwavering gaze. Her lips pressed together into a thin line as she attempted to stop herself from smiling. Her father turned slightly in his office chair to look at her. He merely raised an eyebrow at her as he paused in his work. His fingers still hovering over the keyboard. His eyes, a similar shade of brown as her own, held a hint of amusement as he noticed the long red blanket and burger king crown she wore.

“Gasp. My own daughter dares speak to her king that way.” He placed a hand on his chest as if she had somehow wounded him, which was ridiculous. If she was going to attack him, she would have gone for the legs.

“You are not the king. I am, and as king, I need a throne.” Her finger pointed towards the office chair as if to provide a clarification for the simple peasant. The office chair was the perfect throne. She loved to spin in it, and even though whenever she sat in it, her feet never touched the ground, she still managed to feel mature and powerful.

“Well,” he said slowly as he rose from her soon to be throne, “then where am I going to sit?”

She shrugged her shoulders as she looked up at him. “The floor.” She walked towards the chair and stopped in front of her father, waiting patiently for him to move. 

“There is just one thing though,” he looked thoughtful with one hand stroking his beard like she had seen all those old wizards on TV do before they said something wise, so she paid close attention to what her father had to say next. “In order to gain the throne, you must defeat the tickle monster.” She paled at his words. The dreaded tickle monster was one of her greatest foes. She looked up at her once father and knew what she had to do. She discarded her long ruby cape and made a run for it. Unfortunately for her, her legs were short, and in a few seconds, the tickle monster caught her in its grasp. It was merciless.

She couldn’t stop laughing and there were tears in her eyes. The tickle monster tickled her sides, and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. She heard the demonic laugh of the tickle monster as she was tortured.

“Alright! I have been defeated.” She managed to wheeze out and look up at the tickle monster, her father. Despite her defeat, there was a smile on her face. She took off her crown and placed it on top of her father’s head. His smile was warm and gentle as he bent his head down so she could place the crown on him.

“As king, my first decree,” he picked her up and slowly walked back to his office, “is to share my throne with the princess of this kingdom.” He placed her on the office chair as she beamed at him. He placed the crown she had just given him back on her head and handed back her discarded cape. “Your highness.” He said with a small bow and a smile on his lips. Elizabeth smiled at him from her throne. It was good to be the princess. 


GSR Submission

The Not So Quiet Virus

By Brittany Whitley

The sirens sound as the silence in the city

brushes quietly against the tall buildings. 

“Nobody move!”


Law enforcement posted at every light, 

waiting for an anxious walker to emerge. 

“I’m on my way home, officer!”


Anxiety creeps up the apartment ceilings; 

the walls are closing in all at once. 

“Please mom, let me ride to work with you.”


Stores are closed, so stock up on bread, water, can foods, toilet paper. 

A literal war zone, fighting for scraps and receiving even less. 



The freedom we took for granted is gone,

with no way of knowing if it will return.

“Do not leave your homes!”


A new way of living that no one asked for, 

no one can bear the heartache of the new life we were thrown into.

“I can’t do this anymore.”


A system that leaves us hopeless.

But the new hopelessness is becoming too regular,

Getting used to a system of life that seems never-ending.

“Wear gloves and spray the mail before you come in the house, sweetie.”


A virus busts through the door, loud and uninvited.

Like a burglar, it sneaks in and steals more than material things,

It steals the souls of families one-by-one.

When can we wake up from the not so quiet virus?


A Pandemic for the history books.

Global, with collateral damage and mental hardship. 

A war that is both civil and international.

“ I can tell my kids, I have lived through 9/11 and Coronavirus.”







COVID-19: Final GSR Submission

Dear COVID-19


You’ve caused many people an unbearable type of pain,

When droplets fall from the sky, I see tears instead of rain.

A number of loved ones and friends are no longer here,

For that alone is a reason to create a sense of fear.


The deer still prance lifting their white tail,

While people’s lungs are slowly starting to fail.

The world is trapped: held under lock and key,

Without knowing, when it will then become once free.


The birds are singing and chirping still each day,

While people all over are being forced away.

There is a clear aura of anger and frustration,

That can be felt all across the nation.


The blades of green grass continue to grow taller,

While the limit of interaction gets smaller and smaller.

We are held in a grasp of something quite strong,

To a point of feeling as though we don’t even belong.


As we mourn, the world seems to go on,

The sun often shines from dusk to dawn.

We can’t help but wonder how much time we have left,

COVID 19 that has taken our lives: has been charged for theft.