Greenspring Review Submission

Bright lights, street performers, gambling, partying, and huge crowds of people coming to one place for the time of their life; because “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” My spring break was all you could ever hope for – filled with love and excitement. This was my first major trip with a boyfriend, staying in a king suite of Mandalay Bay with a view overlooking the Las Vegas strip. Antonio and I were taking the trip of a lifetime.

We arrived in Las Vegas in the morning and were immediately ready to start the fun. Upon arriving at the hotel and checking in, we ran straight into the casino. The room was huge and seemed to go on for miles because we heard people cheering for joy and they were nowhere to be seen. We went straight to the black jack table and put down 100$. The dealer placed down two cards in front of me, a 7 and a 3. I nervously tapped the green felt table, and down landed an Ace, and just like that with beginners luck, I hit 21! I doubled my money on my first play.

We decided not to push our luck and get out to continue exploring, we were instantly captivated by the Mandalay Bay Aquarium. We bought tickets to feed the sea turtles too. Not only did we feed 300 pound sea turtles, but we also got a behind-the-scenes look at the shark tanks too. We spent the rest of our day wondering the aquarium seeing all of the aquatic life they had to offer. We called it an early night due to the jetlag we were beginning to feel after our long day of traveling from Maryland.

The next morning Antonio woke up before sunrise and placed a call into room service. I woke up to the smell of breakfast and freshly brewed coffee which filled the room. Antonio handed me a soft fluffy robe and slippers and told me to wake up so we could watch the sunrise and have breakfast in bed. It was like something out of a movie.

We spend the rest of our day by exploring what felt like the entire world. We went to the New York hotel and saw the Statue of Liberty and rode a roller coaster around the city. Rode in gondolas around Italy at the Venetian hotel. Stopped in Paris and kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Landed in Egypt and saw a sphinx at The Luxor. This whirlwind experience was too good to be true! I started thinking to myself, this really was too good to be true… just like that I woke up to a phone call from the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas, “Hello is this Cynthia Marquez? I’d like to call and inform you that your upcoming reservation is being cancelled due to COVID-19” and just like that my dream spring break was over!

Can I Ask You For Dinner?

Ring! Ring! Ring! Slap

I still try to maintain a daily routine, even during these hard times of this new coronavirus ordeal. Things have been awfully quiet around the neighborhood, especially here in Brooklyn as many people have fallen ill due to how fast this virus spreads. Hospitals are overcrowded and schools have closed to prevent the spread of this contagion. Even my job has closed down and asked us to start working from home, allowing me to care for my younger brother Terrance, though he’s been driving me crazy as well.


“Why do you still have that loud ass alarm clock going off this early? It’s been two weeks since you stopped working, learn to chill a little bro,” said Terrence as he barges through the door.


“Routines are important to stay in touch with the world,” I replied. “There’s always something to do, can’t just sit around on your ass all day, let’s see what school work you got going on today-”


“N-O-T-H-I-N-G, I’m trying to get my team more wins in this game and-”


“Did you finish your math from yesterday?” I said cutting him off. 


“Yo, you’re not mom or dad Allen,” says Terrence with a little sass in his voice while walking away. “so just chill stop being annoying. You are barely here and just because mom and dad aren’t here doesn’t make you have to ‘step up.’” 


Getting Terrence to buckle down and do his work has been like pulling teeth. Our parents travel often between mission work and business trips, leaving our parents quarantined over in Africa until cases begin to die down enough to allow air travel in their country. We still talk to them, recently just celebrating my 21st birthday over FaceTime while learning about what things needed to be done at our home here in the states. Though schools have been out, I have been trying to express to him how this is a good time to get ahead of everyone else and give yourself an advantage in school. But what 14 year old wants to hear this now, especially in times like these? I have to ease into the routine with him and hope he follows.


I begin getting ready for the day while saying to Terrence, “Alright, first of all, watch your tone. Second, let’s do our morning workout, eat breakfast, and then finish whatever schoolwork you gotta do and I’ll do whatever work that I have to do. Then we can chill the rest of the day. Sound good?”


“I mean, I guess,” says Terrence begrudgingly.


We begin tackling our day with our newfound ‘quarantine exercise regimen’ that we compiled with all the workouts we learned throughout the years, beginning with our legs. Normally, our neighbors wouldn’t fare well with the noticeable banging from our movements on the floor, but given the circumstances, I think they have begun to take a liking to our noise to feel less alone.


Following the workout, we have breakfast while watching Netflix. We have a running tradition of exchanging who gets to select the show to watch. This time, Terrence put on The Office, a show that pretty much anyone can get on board with. As we watch a few episodes, I began to realize that Terrence is starting to get into some of his “work-time” thinking that I’d forget, but I stop the show and get him into his work. 


Though I have work on my own that I have to do, I sneaked outside for a quick smoke on our balcony before I got started, trying to not let Terrence notice my sudden disappearance. While on the balcony, I noticed a woman on a rooftop across the street doing morning stretches. They weren’t ordinary stretches from a power lifter, or athlete, but looked like stretches of a dancer of some sorts. She was bundled up to start, but throughout the routine took off layer after layer until she seems to be doing her routine at full speed, doing angelic jumps and high leg kicks all on a rooftop. She noticed me observing, and gave me a wave. I decided not to stick around much any longer as I felt that I might have been creeping a little bit., I responded with a wave and headed back inside. 


Later throughout the day, I began helping Terrence with his math work. Pre-calculus is an area that I barely remember myself, but luckily Terrence is smart enough where I just am a means for him to make sense of what he is learning. While Terrence is working, I notice that the same woman is outside still, now on a blanket while reading a book. It’s unusual that I have been in this apartment for so long, yet I am just now noticing people being on a rooftop. Terrence notices me giving him a half-ass ear toward his work and says, “Why are you eyeing that lady down?”


“What you mean?” I replied. “Tell me about this matrix-”


“Nah nah, we gonna be locked up in this house for the next few months, so you might as well shoot your shot with her.” 


“How?’ I asked in pure confusion. “We supposed to be social distancing, not knocking on each other’s doors.” 


“You give her your number-”


“T, how?” 


“I can put your number on my drone, fly it over, and you guys can figure it out from there.” Terrence doesn’t have a bad idea quite frankly, and honestly, I have nothing better to do… the worst that can happen is rejection.


Terrence got his drone and I got a sheet of paper to put my phone number and a little message on and tape to the drone. Luckily, she was still on the rooftop and I eagerly ran out hoping she still was at least looking out for me. While all this is being done, Terrence fires up the drone and gets it in the air. 


“Hurry up, I forgot that it is kind of illegal to be flying drones in Brooklyn without a permit, but maybe cops aren’t out trying to arrest us for this right now,” I said with calming humor. 


“I am the pilot, shush,” said Terrence. 


The drone slowly approached her and landed peacefully on her rooftop. She approached the drone and took the paper, looked at it, and gathered her things and went back inside. 


“Well that was embarrassing,” I said. 


“Just wait,” said Terrence. 


I give him the benefit of the doubt as he’s retrieving his drone. Moments later, I get a FaceTime from a random ‘917’ number, a New York number. 




On the other end answers the woman. “Hey, um, I’m Sandra- from the rooftop,” said Sandra timidly Are you the one to send me this cute little message asking me for a quarantine dinner?”


“Quarantine dinner? Really,” said Terrence in a disgusted tone while eavesdropping. “Smooth.”


“Yo go finish your work, let me handle this,” I barked back. Realizing my tone, I caught him on the way out to thank him for the push to do this. 


After somewhat formally introducing myself, Sandra and I began to talk over our in-house lunches and placed our phones across from each other as we learned more about each other. Even though we were communicating through a phone, we tried to still act as if we were face to face, asking each other about our meals and laughing and making jokes. Sandra and I talk nightly and eat all our meals together now, imagining a life after quarantine together. 



In the darkest of times, a light was able to shine, making this a moment of hope in this time of uncertainty, at least for me…

Final GSR Creative Writing

Kailyn Pater


One frame doesn’t tell the whole story. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about the other thousands of words? 

What about the things just outside the frame? 

What about all of those people?





Do we just completely disregard them? 

Act like the only thing that exists in that moment is what can fit into a 4”x6” frame? 


We cut, and we mold, and we manipulate

What goes in the frame.

Are we looking in,

Or are they looking out?

Will we ever know?

It’s about you.


It’s about me.

Don’t get stuck.


I, for one, cannot accept this concept. 

How could you when there are wars and love,

and tragedies and discoveries,

and pain and beauty?

I, for one, don’t believe in frames.

How could you?


Do’s and Don’t’s Posters

For the Greenspring Review, I have come up with do’s and don’t’s for the athletes as the target audience. Athletes are a large portion of the university’s population and ultimately they have connections that may reach outside of a literary level. I believe athletes would be a good audience to expand the magazine and help spread the content throughout.

When talking bout the don’t’s, I came up with five to capture the essence of what shouldn’t be done or added if this was their target audience. The first don’t is to not create and publish extra long content; athletes unfortunately do not have tons of time in between lifts, games, practices, classes, film and homework and reading a shorter piece would capture more of their attention because they would have time to read in its entirety. My next two don’t’s are to not schedule meetings during games and not to only focus on “star” players. Games are important for athletes and ultimately are their purpose for playing the sport they play, making athletes have to make a decision on which event to attend; a game will mostly likely come over a meeting. When it comes to sport’s features in the magazine, focusing on the same “star” player every week is a factor in the external collaboration of the team. Gonzalez writes “The author cites coaches that ‘focused on favorites instead of the good of the entire team,'” is bad for team chemistry and causes athletes to lose passion for sport. Although the Greenspring review is focused on content of great literary work from student, I believe this is something for them to consider if the opportunity comes along. In Writer Designer, we also learn about the balance of modes. Visual modes are a huge factor in a design and can turn audiences to or against the site. By not using too many designs

With don’t’s, there are also do’s and some of those include, writing and publishing interesting sports poems and short stories. This will make athletes feel as though they are included and that someone was thinking of them during this process. In addition to this, the Greenspring Review could feature more published work from athletes. Sending out interest for “poetry needed” around the gym and the stadium for athletes to see because that is where you will find most of them outside of class. Again, this goes to the idea of inclusion for all student and not making athlete feel like literary art and sports don’t mix because they can mix. Another do would be to include short computer game onto the site. This give the site a competitive and fun edge that will attach not just athletes but other students. Creating that sense of interaction is good for the overall culture and feel for the site. The games can be minimal and art related with a competitive component. A smaller and less invasive change would be to continue to make all meeting be on campus.

These do’s and don’t’s allow for more participation from student athletes on campus and ultimately expands the audience base amongst the school. The modes used to create the Greenspring review can always be changed to attract and expand to new audience members and I feel as though these do’d and don’t’s will help with that based on my research.




Work Cited:

Ball, Cheryl E.; Sheppard, Jennifer; & Arola, Kristin L. (2017). Writer/designer: A guide to making multimodal projects, 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.

Gonzalez, Peter. “A Response to ‘The Coach That Killed My Passion.’” Athletes in Action,