By: Zach Magaw


Bringing home a newborn is like no other feeling,

A chubby bundle of joy has entered one’s life,

With a personality like no other.


The development process has begun,

Hardship in the near future looming,

The beginning can seem unbearable.


The smell of fecal matter overwhelming,

The disobedience, naughty incidences,

Potty training is like pulling teeth.


No two developing at the same rate,

The learning process continues, 

As slow as molasses.


One year of growth may seem like seven,

But don’t blink,

Time flies like a fighter jet in the sky.


The challenge proves to be rewarding,

A good boy will emerge,

Bringing light and joy to the world.


Formed from guidance,

Making their own footprint,

What seemed like forever.


Really hasn’t been that long,

A final product has surfaced,

Ready to meet the world.


Don’t forget to smell the roses,

What was once a newborn in your arms,

Has gradually become mighty and mature.



Ready to leave those loving arms,

To start a new chapter,

Reminiscence helps move forward, 

To the unknown that the future has in store for us.



So Close, but So Far


I can see you in front of me,

But it does not feel the same.

Waiting for the day they set us free –

The desire to be with you cannot be tamed.


We know this is not a goodbye,

rather a see you later.

The day we do sparks will fly,

The bond we have will become greater.



But is all this suffering pointless?

Everyone tells us to hide,

But how do we expect this situation to digress?

When everyone else refuses to stay inside.


Going out for their selfish reasons,

Not a care in the world when ours is ending.

This is an act of treason,

While the date we see each other is still pending.


If we do our part, we can kill this quick

Go back to our normal lives

But they want to act like toddlers not listen and throw a fit

Seeing them outside while I still have to say goodbyes


But it’s not goodbye right?

It’s see you soon.

When it’s all over we can take our flight,

Finally escape, maybe to the moon?


To finally go out again with you,

Grab some dinner. I’m in the mood for caviar.

At this point it seems too good to be true,

That day seems so close but so far.

GSR Final Submission

COVID-19: Pandemic Haiku

by Mariama Keita

Eat, Sleep, and Homework –

This is now the new normal. 

How long will this last?


by Mariama Keita

Empty Roads,                                                                                                             

Cleared Sidewalks,                                                                                  

Silence across the horizon – Is this what our life has become?

It was all good just a week ago,

And now we are confined to our homes,

Hiding from an invisible terrorist that no one knows.


This is now a deadly game

You vs Them vs It

Manhattan, New York, USA – March 28, 2020: No crowds in Times Square after self-quarantine and social distancing was put in place

Unless you’re dying or hungry, 

stay put or they’re gonna get you.

Those in the Black and Blue

Even then It still might get you –

A silent killer putting the whole world on pause.

We didn’t pay attention to the beginning,

Now we don’t know if the end is near.

We can’t come out until the coast is clear – 

So, wash your hands because it’s just the first inning.