Copy Edits

This assignment seemed really challenging at first but once I went through each step one at a time I found out it wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought. The main things I learned were how to add alt text to a picture which I thought would be really useful in the future. One thing I could not find out how to do was change the footnote to be a bracket, after googling how to it seemed like all the answers were “google doc doesn’t have the ability to do that” which was upsetting. As far as grammar, the article had a couple run on sentences that I wasn’t sure how to fix because I didn’t want to change the meaning. I feel like I missed out on a few incorrect citations because I’m still learning that style myself however I did make one change for the “et al” citation.  I checked to make sure all of the heading were correct and that each picture was labeled as Figure 1 and so on. From my understanding there were any issues with spelling variants and the lists used looked good. In general I feel like this assignment was good practice to learn how to edit and proofread an article however I’m not sure if I caught on to everything since it was my first time.