Coding Reflection

Over break you worked on a self-guided HTML coding lesson. Now it is time to collect and reflect on that experience. Instructions:

  1. Go to and follow along the sections listed on the left navigation menu. Your goal is to compete up to and including the section on “Images” before Monday, March 23rd.

For each section you will complete the “Try it Yourself” and “Exercises” tutorials and save your code in a Google Doc (see screenshots below). You will collect all your lessons with brief reflections on what you learned, how difficult/easy it was, and how you might apply this lesson when building a website.

2. At the end of the week you should have a robust log of all your lessons and reflections. Save the doc as HTML_ENG256_yourlastname. Share the link with by March 23rd. 

3. On the 23rd, you will read over all of your work and compose a reflection on the entire process. In this essay you should detail:

  • A summary of your daily work, with specific skills listed.
  • How you completed the work and what obstacles you overcame. This should include details about how you structured your time, which sections your found easy or difficult, and what problems you encountered working on your own.
  • How familiar or new this coding work was for you, and if you feel confident applying these skills to a real website in the future. Do you think you could put HTML on your resume now? Why or why not?

    This reflection will be posted to our course blog with a link to your Google Doc using category “blog” and tag “html.” Please make sure you set your Google Doc link to “Can Comment” before posting. This is due by March 25th at noon.