Commuter Life

If teachers could send emails before leaving for class THAT'D BE GREAT–office-spaces-office-space-meme.jpg

“In My Case, before I Take a Bus and Get Stranded Downtown All Day for Nothing. | Humor, Hilarious, Funny Pictures.” Pinterest, Accessed 27 Jan. 2020.

I commute about thirty minutes to get to Stevenson and sometimes it is only for one class. I relate to this meme because this has happened to me several times throughout my college career. When I attended Howard Community College, also about thirty minutes from my home, I had a teacher email us ten minutes before class started that she was cancelling class. Last semester, I drove here for one class on Greenspring and the professor did not show up. Not only is it a big waste of time for me to drive here and back for nothing, it also eats up gas in my car. I feel like a lot of professors just assume that all students in their class live on campus. It was my choice to commute, but it still would be nice if more professors took that into consideration when planning or cancelling their classes.

First Day of Class

An annoyed facial expression when the professor asks you to "state your name, major, and a fun fact about yourself."
A meme that shows how many college students react when the professor tells the students to talk about themselves to the class.

“30 Funny College Memes.” Funny Memes Weird Funny Pictures, 22 Sept. 2019,

On the first day of most of my college classes, the professor will go around the room asking students to introduce themselves. This meme shows the typical facial expression students exhibit when the professor says, “Please state your name, major, and a fun fact about yourself.” I relate to this meme because I dread the usual first day of school icebreaker activities. These are nervewracking to me because I do not even know a fun fact about myself!Additionally, it becomes very redundant and annoying when you have to do this several times every semester. It is even worse when you have to do this for a class for your major because you usually know everyone in the class already. Although I understand professors want to get to know their students, I would be thrilled to never do another icebreaker ever again.

College Life Meme

“Every group project in school you have ever done.” Accessed Jan. 2020.

I chose this meme because it illustrates the roles that many in group work take on. Also, it embodies why I usually strongly dislike group school work. In college, I thought the group work scenarios would be different. . . But I was completely wrong. It actually got worse. Because we’re in college, professors expect a level of professionalism and feel it’s common sense for everyone in the group to collaborate together. They’re treating us like adults, but, those who slack off really slack off or don’t contribute at all. Every role described in the meme is exactly how it happens. One person does all the work and tries to facilitate tasks and rally everyone together, another person doesn’t pay attention in class to contribute anything valuable, the other person might have good intentions to contribute but doesn’t for some reason (perhaps they’re swamped with other work or are shy etc.), and the other just shows up at the end to receive the group points. Sadly, I’m the person who always ends up doing most of the work. I hope I experience a good and productive group work scenario one day.

College Life Meme

“Aaaand Your Total for the 2 Books Is Going to Be $2129020 I Have SS Buying College Books | Books Meme on Ballmemes.Com.” Ballmemes.Com, Accessed 27 Jan. 2020.

This meme shows the extremely high prices of textbooks versus how much students actually have to spend on them. In my experience, I have had my share of professors who assign multiple textbooks and only really use a chapter or two from each book. I have had textbooks that were less than $20 and I have had textbooks that are over $200. With the prices of textbooks varying it is hard for the average student to accurately budget for textbooks. Most students have student loans helping you with the cost of higher education but often you don’t get a loan high enough for the cost of books. A large chunk of students chose to risk it and not purchase the textbooks and hope that the professor never actually uses them. By doing this they are risking their grade in the class just because of the price of the textbook.

Citation Tips

Reece Simpson tapping his head with text above reading: "Don't cite Wiki, Cite sources from wiki"
A relatable meme that is a work around to finding citations when you don’t want to cite wikipedia.

I find this relatable because I have used this method to help me with research papers. Since wikipedia can be used by anyone many teachers don’t find it reliable but the sources used by editors on wikipedia can be reliable so it is a great work around.

“24 Funny Memes College Students Will Relate To.” Cheezburger, Accessed 27 Jan. 2020.

College Life Meme

Typical Student. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This meme depicts a photograph of Kim Kardashian being bombarded by paparazzi. The caption references the many questions college students get asked by family members and other adults throughout the semester. I chose this college life meme because it is one that I can relate to my college experience. Kim appears to be screaming as if she is overwhelmed and stressed from the amount of people surrounding her. When I am asked about college, my degree, grades or what I plan to do after graduation I feel the same way. It is overwhelming to think of what is to come and the amount of work I have to do. It is especially stressful when I am home on break attempting to relax and am asked these questions from family members.

College Life Meme

College Life Meme

“So The College is Free?” Astrology Memes. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This meme depicts two men discussing how in their current location, college tuition is free, but the taxes are substantially higher compared to those of the United States. I chose this image because the college debt crisis is a current issue debated by some of the 2020 presidential candidates, and politics are a common topic in college life. The meme is poking fun at countries that raise taxes tremendously in order to provide free college tuition, and I agree with the meme. I believe college should not be free because those who chose to not go to college would still have to pay  high taxes. K-12 public schools, which are funded mostly through tax money, are not all equal across the country. Inner city schools typically have less resources and lower student retention rates. If quality cannot be guaranteed, then college should not be free.

Viral Content Assignment

Image result for college memes

“When professor asks how I slept before finals–great, I got a full 40 minutes.” Tumblr. Acessed January 26, 2020.


I relate to this meme and find it to be an incredibly accurate description of my college experience.  By the end of finals week, I am running on very little sleep.  I usually get more rest than my friends (who may actually only get forty minutes), but I do not function normally when I am lacking sleep.  The rather crazed look of Buddy in this meme is one of the common appearances due to a lack of sleep and running on an endless amount of caffeine.  The other look is an unequivocally exhausted student with dark as night bags under their eyes.  This is usually me.  My very few hours of sleep are always represented on my face, so when professors ask how the week is going, I think my face makes it obvious.  Though I may technically have more than forty minutes, it definitely feels like that is all I got.

ID Photo v. Profile Photo

“College ID Photo v. FB Profile Photo.” Flickr. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This meme is relatable because most college photo IDs look nothing like what most people would post on social media. The kitten on the left looks tense and uncomfortable. It looks much more awkward than the one on the right. The kitten on the right is much more posed and comfortable in front of the camera. It’s a more flattering picture you’d choose to put up. I know many people can relate because many talk about how they wish they can retake their pictures. They also say they wished they could submit their social media images instead.