Social Media Post-Dorothy Baker

I chose Facebook as the platform that I would promote my piece on. I think this would be effective for the GSR and my submission because the Stevenson University audience has a heavy presence on Facebook. I also think this would be an easy way to share the page and invite new audiences and people to like the page and look at new pieces. Some people that may be interested in viewing my piece would be activists and people invested in the covid-19 cause. From what I have seen so far it is important for an activist to have an equal presence on all social media platforms that are being used that day so I think that in choosing to promote my work on Facebook I would reach a good number of people. They tend to interact with people that promote the same causes they do and so it would most likely invite viewers that are passionate about helping people who are suffering from covid-19 and/or who are interested in community response to the virus.
I chose to create a post with a caption that was simplistic yet heartfelt. Rather than using imagery such as emojis or other features such as the feeling bar I wanted to let the image speak for itself. For the page itself I chose to have an image of hands gripping a heart and the cover photo is a quote about helping people. I chose these images so that people would be able to interpret the main purpose of the page quickly. When they first visit the page, they will see that the entire thing is highly invested in positivity and helping. I used my GSR submission as the media for the post and so it was accompanied by a caption in the style of Facebook. If I were to keep monitoring this page I would post at least once a day and would keep that post to the morning time. I would want to update each morning so that people would have all day to look at the post and visit the page. I can get more views by asking people to share the page, asking questions on posts that encourage people to respond, and finding issues to explore and endorse that people are interested in at that point in time.

Social Media Remix


I chose Instagram because this is one of the social media platforms that I use the most. With Snapchat, your story can only been seen up to 24 hours. It is the same with Instagram but you can make your InstaStory more interactive. You can add links to websites, link your own or someone else’s Instagram post, music and more. You can @ and use any hashtag to further the engagement of who’s following you or watching your story. Another reason I chose Instagram is because I have a lot of followers that go to Stevenson or are college students. Since my poem is about my COVID experience, many of my followers will be able to relate to it and want to look at other works on the Greenspring Review.

I posted a series of InstaStories as a “teaser” to my Instagram post. This will lead the viewers to my original post that promotes the Greenspring Review and my work. In my post, one of the pictures is the photograph that I attached to my poem. The next pictures are of my poem itself. In the Caption, I explain how COVID altered my way of life which directly relates to my poem. Then, I add on how many others from Stevenson, along with others from different colleges, are experiencing the same feelings and that we put them into art. I tell them to check out the Greenspring Review for more works from students like us. I added the hashtags #stayhome, #staysafe, #covid_19, and #greenspringreview to gain more traction to my post. I also tagged our school’s and the GreenSpring Review’s Instagram profile.

I was a little late in when I originally wanted to post. I wanted to post on my InstaStory and feed at 8 pm but I ended up doing it later for outside reason s other than schoolwork. I’ve noticed that I get the most engagement on my Instagram (story and posts) around 8 pm from my followers.

Social Media Remix



  1. I chose to use Instagram as it is the social media platform I am most familiar with. Also, A majority of users are between the ages of 18 and 24 which is ideal for reaching the students among our audience. More specifically, I utilized the ‘Stories’ feature. With this I was able to insert a gauge sticker into the story which allows the viewer to give immediate feedback. Another reason stories works well is engagement, including with links, can be monitored and used to plan for future posts. In the second story, I used the swipe up feature which would take the user directly to The Greenspring Review to view more student submissions.


  1. Instagram offers an array of options for uploading content. Text, color, overlays, and all aesthetic aspects can be manipulated very easily and does not require any extensive knowledge of the application. It is also informal for the most part so the use of gifs, emojis, punctuation, images, and videos are all at your discretion.


  1. Upon scrolling through one’s feed, it is clear that this platform in particular focuses heavily on visuals. Because of this, it is best to use a picture or video of some sort that consist of more than text.


  1. Users are typically more active in the afternoon and late into the evening. For a student publication, daily posts (not too many) would be ideal. Also, stories are only available for 24 hours so they should be used along with traditional posts. Though, from personal experience, I view stories more that posts, with the exception of the explore tab. Polls and stickers are also a nice option for engagement without requiring viewers to leave comments.

Social Media Remix

For posting and promoting the Greenspring Review, I recommend using Instagram. Most college-aged people and college organizations have Instagram accounts, so choosing this platform will make the content more accessible. Instagram is photo-based, so digital media and artwork would thrive on the platform. Poetry and other short written works can be screenshotted and uploaded as pictures. Another advantage of Instagram is that posts can have super long captions, as opposed to Twitter which has a 280 character limit. Instagram does have a ratio limit of posts  to maintain continuity and sleekness, so posts would be edited to be either square, a 4:5 rectangle, or a 1.91:1 rectangle. The only downside is for longer pieces of written work because it would have to be chopped up into multiple slides. Instagram has a limit to 10 slides per post, so problems would arise if the written work is longer than that.

For my post specifically, it can be sized to fit as a single slide on a post. Instagram has filters and in-app editing, but I wouldn’t utilize either. My post has text and images floating around it, so it could be converted into a picture to post. Since captions can be long, I would mention a small blurb from my thought process, a mini biography about myself, and a few sentences about the Greenspring Review. Unfortunately, the caption text cannot be manipulated, but emojis can be included. The Instagram account would be public, so hashtags will be used to increase the traffic to the account and posts.

In terms of running the account, we should post, at minimum every other day. Ideally, I would try to post every day Monday-Friday. From analyzing my personal account, most of my followers are active in the early afternoon, and late night around 9pm. Since this account is school-related, the best option is to post in the afternoon anytime from noon-4pm. The best way to increase engagement is to post consistently and include hashtags and locations so others can easily find it. We can ask other Stevenson accounts, including the English Department, Student Activities, and Stevenson’s main account,  to share our posts to increase our engagement.

Social Media Remix Assignment

Instagram is one of the most used platforms for the Greenspring Review’s audiences. Both students and alumni  use Instagram, two of our sub audiences as such, it is one of the best social media platforms to reach our audience and expand it.  (Perrin and Anderson)  Not only do our students and alumni use Instagram but there is also a large community or writers and literary fans on the platform. The hashtag #writerscommunity has over 7.5 million posts which means we can potentially bring a larger audience into our literary magazine.

Due to the versatility  of Instagram, we can employ a different number of strategies to reach our audience and get them to visit the magazine.

For events such as the  Greenspring Review release party tomorrow, we can make use of the story feature or a simple text post. This should also be used when releasing a new issue. Hashtags must be a permanent aspect of our posts and we should create a unique hashtag to use along side other standard hashtags. #Greenspring #magazine #literary are some of the hashtags we should use. 








Aside from promoting greenspring review events, the magazine should also post some of the articles published in the magazine. We will make use of normal text posts and videos when appropriate.

In these posts we can include a small piece of the article with a link to the full article in the  caption. Along our standard hashtags we should include genre hashtags  to reach a broader audience  such as #fiction #poetry #poem and others. These genre specific hashtags should be the same as the tags used in the Greenspring Review website to maintain uniformity.

Posts should, when possible, have our school colors to emphasize our brand.

Posts should not go out too often. Too many posts and we clutter our audience’s feeds and risk losing followers, on the other hand, we risk being forgotten if we post too little. According to Union Metrics, big companies post 1.5 times a day with the highstest level of engagement being “thursday, not just at 3 PM, but at 5 AM, 11 AM, and 4 PM as well.” (Bercovici) (Arens) We should aim to post once a day, preferably on Thursday to maximize our reach.




Perrin , Andrew, and Monica Anderson. “Share of U.S. Adults Using Social Media, Including Facebook, Is Mostly Unchanged since 2018.” Pew Research Center, Accessed 29 Apr. 2020.

Bercovici, Jeff. “The Surprising Data Behind How Often Brands Should Post On Instagram.” Forbes, Accessed 29 Apr. 2020.

Arens, Elizabeth. “The Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2020.” Sprout Social, 10 Mar. 2020,



Social Media Remix Assignment

To promote the Greenspring Review, the platform I would use is Instagram. Instagram provides the ability to use both media and text all in one to grasp attention.

According to Sprout Social, ‘Instagram has the highest concentration of users in the United States at 116 million users, with the highest demographic being those aged 18-24.’ This age range falls in line with the age range for those in university, so it would be perfect to use for a website for college students.

Instagram also allows for the user to create posts and stories. Stories can be fun and interactive and allow for visitors to interact with the Greenspring Review on a platform other than the website. Since you are able to post more than just images but also videos or gifs, there are many options for content.

  I would begin with a simple post to the Greenspring Review’s official instagram page like so. After I would make instagram stories featuring quotes from the chosen submissions with the title and authors name in the bottom. I would keep a link of the Greenspring Review in the header of the Instagram page to allow for visitors to have access to the website at all times.

Though the post seems rather plain it gets the information across to the reader. It is easy to share with others wether by screenshot, direct messaging, or   sending by text message. The posts will all be very concise and consistent because if we do have families, alum, or teachers and staff visiting the Instagram page we would want it to look professional but still approachable to college aged students.



Social Media Remix

The platform that I chose to use was Instagram.  I chose Instagram because as a senior in college myself that is the social media platform I use most often.  Based off of my piece my target audience for my social media page would be young adults between the ages of 18-21 and or adults out of college.

Pitch: Not only will students be able to send in their creative pieces to the GSR email to get reviewed and submitted to the site.  Viewers will be able to use their personal Instagram accounts to post small bits and pieces of their work with the hashtag “Near or Far, Post on GSR.”  Using this hashtag will allow for the editors of GSR to see what other people are writing about, and current hot topics to keep up with the younger crowd.

Depending on the day of week depends on when GSR will be posting on their Instagram page.  According to social sauce these are the ideal times to post, which means the times when you get the most views, likes, and shares. Monday-Thursday the best times to post are 9AM-11AM and 7PM-11PM.  As for the weekends, Friday-Sunday, the best times to post are between the times of 8AM-11Am and 4PM-7PM.  Having this background knowledge allows GSR to capitalize on their posting times, to get more “traffic” on their site.

With every post GSR can share their post on their Instagram Story.  The Instagram story gives a brief look at what has been posted and if clicked on can bring Instagrammers straight to the GSR page to see what content has been posted.  Also sharing things on their Instagram stories can make it easy for the viewers to share on their stories which can allow for people to spread the word which can then gain more followers, views, likes, and comments on the GSR page.

GreenSpring Review Social Media

I chose to use Instagram as my social media platform to advertise the GreenSpring Review.  I am most familiar with this platform, and I thought it would be effective in reaching other students.  I know most college students do not utilize FaceBook much, and SnapChat does not keep posts advertised for more than 24 hours.  This brought me to choose between Instagram and Twitter.  I chose Instagram, though, because I thought it was important to advertise the art that you would find in the GSR, and many college students are attracted by visually appealing posts.

Since I decided to do an actual Instagram post, I had to do a caption.  If I had done a post to my Instagram story, I could have done some text overlay, but I thought it was important to have an original post.  Other viewers could then choose to post this to their stories to which they could add overlays.  Also, font and image could be manipulated in stories, which I think increases interaction with the post.  There is a word limit for the caption, but it is relatively high, and I did not want to overwhelm an audience with an exorbitant amount of text.  In my opinion, a block of text on a social media post is a turn-off.  I chose not to use emojis in the caption because there is not an emoji that directly correlates with Stevenson or the GSR.  I did not want to add a bunch of emojis because it would make it seem rather childish to me.  Once again, though, the use of emojis can be used when interacting with the post.

Pictures, videos, GIFs, etc. are all great to use on Instagram!  I used a picture because it is what I had access to from my own submission.  I believe any other type of media would suffice perfectly to advertise the GSR.

From my own use of Instagram and my own research, I have come to notice that there is a “prime time” to post on Instagram.  I have found that this is between 5 and 8pm.  It is a time students are getting off of work and out of class, so it is the time they check their social medias.  To increase likes, views and comments, I used hashtags.  These help bring more attention to the posts not only to SU students but everyone else in the world as well!  I also tagged Stevenson’s main Instagram page as well as the GSR account I found and the SU English Department page.  These are all important accounts associated with the literary magazine.  Another way to get more views is by sharing the post to Instagram stories and sharing your own thoughts.

GSR Final

The Jump

Growing up, I was an adventurer and always found great joy in exploring the unknown. I explored to learn more about the world and see how in the end, mother nature will always prevail as mankind is at her mercy. 

This idea of nature always seeming to triumph fascinated me at a young age and I always sought to get out of my comfort zone and do things that got my adrenaline flowing. It was a hot, humid July day in the summer of 2015 and me along with two other friends thought of the perfect idea; find a place to go cliff jumping. 

We always found joy in finding spots to adventure, especially places where we could swim and have total freedom. We asked one of our close friends if he knew of any places nearby we could go cliff jumping and he knew the best, most secluded place where we wouldn’t find trouble with anyone. 

He told us of a place about an hour west of Leesburg, Virginia, the place I lived at the time, and gave us a pinpoint on google maps where the spot should be. Me and my two other friends Hunter and George embarked on this journey and found ourselves in the middle of nowhere off a country road deep in rural West Virginia. 

We followed the pinpoint on the map to a massive abandoned quarry filled with sky blue water. This place was like a dream, it was perfect. A long rectangular shaped quarry that was about 100 feet across and a quarter mile in length. 

We then saw across the water a towering cliff that we estimated was about 60 to 70 feet in height. At first glance, I was so intimidated I contemplated even attempting to jump but I knew I came here for a reason and was overcome with the need for adrenaline. Soon we jumped in the water and swam down to check the depth, finding ourselves about 20 feet deep with no bottom in sight, we concluded the jump was safe… enough. 

Next, we had to actually get to the top of the cliff and that was a vast challenge in itself as it was nearly completely vertical. However, through some quick thinking as well as trial and error we found a way to the top. 

Let me tell you, the view from the top of the water was the most nerve racking thing I have ever experienced. Heights have always been a bit of a challenge for me to face but this was something I’d never come close to experiencing; I had no way down other than jumping in the water. 

The only thing we miscalculated was the fact that the last ten feet of the cliff side nearest the water began to jutt out and any mistake would surely be our last. But, I swallowed my pride and began to breathe slowly preparing myself for the jump. I was the first one to the top and that meant I was the first one to go off.

 I asked my two buddies to count down slowly, five, four, three, two, one. Once they hit one I hesitated for a slight second then everything in my mind stopped as I leaped out. It seemed like an eternity on the trip down, then boom. I hit the water unscathed, and yelled with triumph and exhilaration. 

This experience brought me so much adrenaline that I had no choice but to do it again, and shortly there after I did. All in all, I was able to see how at mercy I was with nature and how with courage and bravery I would experience my own personal triumph, conquering mother nature.


Greenspring Review Submission

Bright lights, street performers, gambling, partying, and huge crowds of people coming to one place for the time of their life; because “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” My spring break was all you could ever hope for – filled with love and excitement. This was my first major trip with a boyfriend, staying in a king suite of Mandalay Bay with a view overlooking the Las Vegas strip. Antonio and I were taking the trip of a lifetime.

We arrived in Las Vegas in the morning and were immediately ready to start the fun. Upon arriving at the hotel and checking in, we ran straight into the casino. The room was huge and seemed to go on for miles because we heard people cheering for joy and they were nowhere to be seen. We went straight to the black jack table and put down 100$. The dealer placed down two cards in front of me, a 7 and a 3. I nervously tapped the green felt table, and down landed an Ace, and just like that with beginners luck, I hit 21! I doubled my money on my first play.

We decided not to push our luck and get out to continue exploring, we were instantly captivated by the Mandalay Bay Aquarium. We bought tickets to feed the sea turtles too. Not only did we feed 300 pound sea turtles, but we also got a behind-the-scenes look at the shark tanks too. We spent the rest of our day wondering the aquarium seeing all of the aquatic life they had to offer. We called it an early night due to the jetlag we were beginning to feel after our long day of traveling from Maryland.

The next morning Antonio woke up before sunrise and placed a call into room service. I woke up to the smell of breakfast and freshly brewed coffee which filled the room. Antonio handed me a soft fluffy robe and slippers and told me to wake up so we could watch the sunrise and have breakfast in bed. It was like something out of a movie.

We spend the rest of our day by exploring what felt like the entire world. We went to the New York hotel and saw the Statue of Liberty and rode a roller coaster around the city. Rode in gondolas around Italy at the Venetian hotel. Stopped in Paris and kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Landed in Egypt and saw a sphinx at The Luxor. This whirlwind experience was too good to be true! I started thinking to myself, this really was too good to be true… just like that I woke up to a phone call from the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas, “Hello is this Cynthia Marquez? I’d like to call and inform you that your upcoming reservation is being cancelled due to COVID-19” and just like that my dream spring break was over!