Social Media Remix Assignment

I chose Twitter as an effective platform to promote my poem submission and The Greenspring Review because I think it is the easiest platform for content to be shared with the retweet function being available.  From my experience it is easier for a post to catch fire and be exposed to more people because when someone retweets something that interests them, their followers automatically see the post and it is easier for a post to begin trending.  People who would be interested in reading my piece are writing and reading enthusiasts that enjoy a reading or poem with a deeper meaning that can have multiple meanings.  

Twitter has and will always be one of the largest social media platforms where one can make many impressions on their posts in a short period of time.  Even though Twitter allows for a maximum of 140 characters per post, the use of hashtags is yet another tool that can be used to promote a post and increase the number of impressions.  To make the post more enticing one can use pictures and emojis to gain attention and catch a reader’s eye. 

When crafting the pitch I used text as an overlay due to the text restraint to give a bit of a background to the link of my poem that I shared.  A GIF would work best to grab attention but I did not have enough room with the character restraint so a short intro and link will do with how the platform works.

I think that it would work best to get exposure if I posted a few times a day and retweeted the tweets as well to bring them back to the top of the timeline for people to see.  Retweets are key to getting more likes because when someone else retweets your post, all of their followers see it as well and so forth.  An easy way to increase views is by putting the genre of the tweet in the hashtag because you can search for hashtags and if someone is interested in poetry they can search #poetry and my poem will show up along with others.  Overall, Twitter is a wonderful platform to gain exposure and get your creative piece out to the public to read.

Social Media Remix Assignment

I choose Twitter because it is, in my opinion, the second commonly used social media platform after Instagram. Most students in college use either Instagram or Twitter as their main source of fast news or information. I think that Twitter is slightly easier to access and set up for all age groups. In particular for reading my piece, college students in general can relate the most to the theme of my poem. 

For Twitter, I will use text as a caption with a character limit of 280 characters. I can manipulate the color of the text directly in the app but would have to use a third-party to change the font. I will use both emojis and punctuation because they are commonly used amoungst my age group and will draw in the audience. Both can make a simple tweet to something students will remember and make them want to take further action. I will also sometimes  use graphics rather than constant text.

Twitter is a straight forward platform that often contains few words. This is another reason why I choose it. Therefore, each of my posts will not contain many words but will promote the Greenspring Review interactively through polls, images, and links. This is how many authors tend to promote written work through Twitter.

Since posts contain few words, users are often continuously scrolling through Twitter for more content. Therefore, I will post on Twitter often with at least 5 posts a day. My audience uses Twitter during business hours which is between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This also relates to business days which are Monday and Thursday, posting sometimes on Fridays. I will increase likes and comments by posting during this timeframe and these days. I will also use hashtags so that users can see my posts even if they do not follow the Greenspring Review account.  I also interact with those who like, retweet, and comment on my posts. Encouraging others to share the account as well as promoting it on other social media platforms will help build the Greenspring Review’s Twitter page.


Style Sheet Exercise

Immersive Pedagogy_Dawkins

I enjoyed this exercise and learned more about citing as a result. It’s interesting to learn more about different editing and citation styles as each one is unique. The exercise was slightly difficult at first for me but once I caught on, I was able to complete it without any problems. Learning how headings are set up and images are referenced reminded me of the previous HTML exercise. Some references in this exercise were similar to when we learned about coding a website and text. The Chicago Manual of Style was not difficult to learn in that most of it guidelines reminded me of previous citation styles I have learned. The Author-Date Style however is different particularly for the in-line and bibliography citations. Therefore, I had to go through the document and make sure that the authors and dates were cited correctly. Lastly, I learned about the procedures that go into the copyediting style guide and that articles are proofread twice. Traditional articles can usually be copyedited in Microsoft Word which is familiar to most authors but for more complex articles, it may be necessary to edit in a web browser.

Creative Work

Book of Life

Goals are short stories.

We are authors,

Choosing characters and settings – 

Careers, lifestyle, family, friends.


Life is innovative.

Walk with optimism,

Speak with certainty –  

Boundless, limitless, imaginative.


Each day is a learning experience.

Move forward and never backward,

Walk across the stage of accomplishment –

Step into your career


Our stories hold meaning.

I write a new chapter this year,

Bridging into new setting –

Eliminating conflict, choosing a rising action.


Looking ahead –

2020 will be productive and rewarding!

The theme is ever changing,

My resolution is slowly approaching.

Coding Reflection

Working on the HTML tutorials was both an interesting and insightful assignment. Each section of the tutorial had its own level of complexity with each lesson getting more difficult. Time management was especially important as I got into the lessons, as each exercise got harder and longer. This was the biggest challenge for me while completing this assignment. In order to complete the longer sections, it was essential for me to take my time and incorporate breaks in between my work. Therefore, I split up each lesson by section so that I could pay closer attention to each individual exercise. 

Learning how all elements of coding work together was one of most important takeaways from this assignment. As expected, continuing the tutorial the coding started to get more complex. It was essentially for me to remember what was taught previously. Coding is essentially one big formula that starts off with basic characters and is built up from there. Prior to starting this tutorial, I had some coding experience but not too much. Therefore, it did not take me too long to catch on and some sections were easier than others. However, with this being said, I was not as familiar with the more complex material. Knowing the basics of coding beforehand was definitely helpful in my success with this assignment. Adding coding to my list of technology skills will set me apart from others in my career field. It is especially important to have a variety of skills in any industry today. While I feel more confident in my coding skills there is still room for improvement which I would love to invest some time in. I feel that I can apply my knowledge to a real website in the future as I start to build my career. While I continue to improve my coding skills, I plan to add coding to my resume as I continue to learn because it will show employers I can adapt to different work environments.

Social Media Post

I decided to use Twitter to promote my poem. In getting this done later, I was able to actually post the link to what I got published. I decided to use a photo that was kind of related to the content of the poem. It’s hard to capture the more abstract feelings, so I chose a photo I took in Montreal last year that evokes similar feelings. As for when I posted, with friends in other timezones, putting it out between midnight and one in the morning might help it get more visibility. Most of my friends are people I’ve met through creative outlets, so just mentioning something I wrote along with a picture to capture attention (especially a photo with the color of lights in a nighttime city during the rain) that isn’t too boring, but isn’t too interesting to cause people to ignore what I’m saying.

Style Sheet

The process has little difference that I went through at my job. In addition to content generation, I helped copy edit various writings from around the company. So, to look at this, while a bit more in-depth with a style manual than my previous employment, it was very similar. I also had similar experiences being an English major for three years and proofing papers and other projects. So, the process was easy, though the volume of text in an unfamiliar subject matter made for a bit of a difficult process at times.


By: Zach Magaw


Bringing home a newborn is like no other feeling,

A chubby bundle of joy has entered one’s life,

With a personality like no other.


The development process has begun,

Hardship in the near future looming,

The beginning can seem unbearable.


The smell of fecal matter overwhelming,

The disobedience, naughty incidences,

Potty training is like pulling teeth.


No two developing at the same rate,

The learning process continues, 

As slow as molasses.


One year of growth may seem like seven,

But don’t blink,

Time flies like a fighter jet in the sky.


The challenge proves to be rewarding,

A good boy will emerge,

Bringing light and joy to the world.


Formed from guidance,

Making their own footprint,

What seemed like forever.


Really hasn’t been that long,

A final product has surfaced,

Ready to meet the world.


Don’t forget to smell the roses,

What was once a newborn in your arms,

Has gradually become mighty and mature.



Ready to leave those loving arms,

To start a new chapter,

Reminiscence helps move forward, 

To the unknown that the future has in store for us.


GSR Social Media

The platform I am seeking to use is Twitter. I am using this platform because it is a very large and very accessible platform that anyone can use. Twitter is one of the biggest social media platforms today and it allows one to use hashtags, post a maximum of 140 characters per post which can be accompanied by photos and videos. I also chose Twitter because my audience I am seeking to tap into are people in their mid 20’s that strongly use the application and are present on it daily. Since the app only allows one to post 140 characters per post, I’ll have to be crafty with how I post my work and attract my audience. I’ll be using text as a caption within each post. I am unable to change the color of texts but I am able to manipulate the font in order to be more creative or get my message out in a certain context. I feel emojis and punctuation are almost necessary and will help my posts be more friendly and be more attractive for my target audience. When posting on Twitter, I think posting a shorter post that includes a photo or link accompanied by a thread of more posts is the most efficient way to get my message across on Twitter. I’ve seen various people and business accounts use the feature and it’s a simple and convenient way to get out their message in a variety of posts to a variety of people. I think the best time of day to post on this account would be at noon to 1 p.m. as this is prime time for social media as most people are working or doing merely anything will likely take a midday break and this would be my chance to post on Twitter and have them see my message. I think I can increase comments by engaging with my potential and current audience, interacting with them and showing them they can find out more about anything as long as the tweet to me. You can also measure your outreach on Twitter by having polls to see directly what the audience thinks and let them have an opinion and any suggestions about my work.