Exam College Meme

“Hela College Exams.” Meme. Accessed Jan. 2020. https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeMemes/comments/ekcp77/not_mine_just_passing_along/

Although this meme is not entirely accurate, it does hold some truth in relation to my college experience. Last semester, one of my classes had the lecture start a very early time three days a week. I usually attended the lecture, but towards the end of last semester I began frequently missing the lectures. This caused me to have to buckle down and study hard the day before the exam. I did end up doing well, but it wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t attend the in-class exam review. I also ended up putting together a review and studying with classmates. I would not recommend this at all, as it was only possible because of the hours and hours of work I put in to learn the material. It is certainly possible, but I have no plans on repeating those actions. Keeping up with the material is a lot less work and stress in the long run.