Journey Map 101 Summary

Gibbons, Sarah. “Journey Mapping 101.” Nielsen Norman Group, 9 Dec. 2018,

In simpler terms, a Journey Map is an outline, visualization or a plan that highlights the steps you need to get to your end goal. Sarah Gibbons’s article explains what journey mapping is and how it is a vital tool in UX. In the process of creating one, user actions are put together in a timeline which leads to highlighting user thoughts and emotions to create a narrative. After going over it, it is then a full journey map. Gibbons then explains the 5 typical components are the actor which is the point of view of who the map is about/for, scenario and expectations which is the situation that’s addressed and the goals, journey phases are the stages, opportunities are the insights that were gained, and action, mindsets and emotions embodies how the actor feels during the journey. She then address the different variations of journey maps, such as Experience Map, Service Blueprint, and User Story Map, and how they are not interchangeable. Sarah emphasizes that journey maps can be crucial in the enhancement of UX. This technique leads to collaborative conversation within organizations and promotes a universal goal and vision to improve UX. Companies that use this technique tend to be more in-tune with their customers qualms and appreciation so that they can better user experience.

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