JITP Article Summary

After reading “Disability, Mental Illness, and eLearning: Invisible Behind the Screen?” by Mike Kent, discusses how many students that attend online Universities also have mental illnesses or disabilities. Since online courses have become so popular in recent years it is important to understand as to why students may choose online versus in person courses, so studying what type of disabilities or illnesses people have that prevent them from attending school can lead to possible accommodations to make it easier for those who do want to attend in person classes. Through this study it is said that studying online rather than in person helps overcome many issues and allows for students to complete their coursework, although some do come into contact with troublesome websites, they are overall able to complete their courses.

Kent, Mike. “Disability, Mental Illness, and ELearning: Invisible Behind the Screen?” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, 17 Dec. 2015, jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/disability-mental-illness-and-elearning-invisible-behind-the-screen/.

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