Disability and eLearning

For many years, students with disabilities and mental illnesses have had very few options when it came to getting educations. Most of the time the only choice they had was to attend traditional style classes that did not accommodate the difficulties they had in the classroom. Thanks to the recent eLearning platform, students with disabilities have been able to get better help and accommodations when learning new material. Additionally, the ability to learn online in a comfortable environment is a beneficial aspect because many of the students voiced how they feel very uncomfortable sitting in a classroom with lots of other students. An added bonus with eLearning is also the ability for students to directly receive help from the teacher while they work at their own pace. Even though eLearning is still relatively new, it offer a look into how new technologies are increasingly benefiting students with disabilities.




Kent, Mike. “Disability, Mental Illness, and ELearning: Invisible Behind the Screen?” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, 17 Dec. 2015, jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/disability-mental-illness-and-elearning-invisible-behind-the-screen/.



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