Poster Assignment

Using the open source accessibility posters we discussed in class, you will design your own “Do’s and Don’ts” poster for a specific audience for the Greenspring Review. In this poster you want to address the needs of a group that might interact with this site on a regular basis. Think of the common afflictions or concerns of Stevenson students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and be thoughtful about their experience in online spaces. What might help accomodate their needs? What might be triggering or distracting?  The ultimate goal is to ensure the GSR site is as close to “universal” in its design as possible.

Poster Requirements:

  • A poster designed using Canva, or a pre-approved program we have access to at Stevenson (see tutorials on Blackboard).
  • At least 5 “Do’s” and 5 “Don’ts” listed with related images (you can have more, not less).
  • The design of the poster must meet the needs of the audience you are targeting, following your own guidelines.
  • The poster must thoughtfully utilize the modes and affordances of an online publication.
  • You should use the skills learned from reading Writer/Designer and the articles on accessibility, UX/UI, and usability in class.

In addition to the poster you will provide a written justification of the audience you chose and the design decisions you made. This should be at least three paragraphs: one explaining the audience, one explaining your do’s/don’ts, and one explaining your aesthetic choices. You should cite at least two of the articles we read in class using MLA in-text citations. You also need a Works Cited list. If you use sources we have not read in class, make sure they are reliable, trustworthy, academic, and cited correctly.

You will turn this in on WordPress using category “blog” and tag “poster” by noon on March 5th.

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