Accessibility Article Summary

I chose the article titled “#OpenAPS, Nightscout, and User-Driven Design for Type 1 Diabetes Technology”

Designers try to help those who are disabled by designing assistive technology to help the disabled better function in everyday life. These designers fail to consider a major aspect of creating their designs which are the end-user. They try to correct the impairment making it seem as if the disabled are wrong and not normal. Designers need to be asking for feedback from the end-user to better make a product that fits their specific disability needs.

One main design process involves input from disabled individuals at every stage in the process. It does have flaws in the fact that not all users will get to contribute as much as others. One project that allows a wider range of individual influence is the Nightscout project for type 1 diabetes. People who know language programming have a larger influence on this assistive technology but anyone with web access can make suggestions for the devices. It allows the technology to develop in direct response to those actually living with the disease. It widens the communication to take into account the multiple roles of those assistive devices. It makes sense to involve the end-user as much as possible as they will be the ones buying and using the product. This is very much easier said than done but the Nightscout project provides a basis to get more people involved and invested in the process and create an open environment that encourages all ideas. This is applicable to all new creations but there is never going to be a perfect process of getting user feedback. It takes time, patience, and focus to meet the needs of those wanting something specific from a project.

“#OpenAPS, Nightscout, and User-Driven Design for Type 1 Diabetes Technology.” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy,

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