Greenspring Review Proposals

Team 1:

Effective Elements

  1. Search bar
  2. Front page feature of current issue
  3. Oak tree logo
  4. Featured/current event sidebar
  5. Organization of issues into semesters


  1. Empty white space at the bottom
  2. Social media plug in at the very bottom
  3. Bookshelf border
  4. Add featured work from current issue to front page
  5. An archives section for older issues


Team 2:

Effective Elements

  1. Logo/symbol
  2. Genre organization
  3. About page is short and simple
  4. Genre/sections organized by issues
  5. Front page font/pictures choices


  1. Front page is slightly disorganized
  2. Lots of empty white space
  3. Submission form not embedded
  4. Archives isn’t very detailed – link to another site
  5. No social media plugins/Stevenson info


Team 3:

Effective Elements

  1. Social media/Stevenson sidebar
  2. Gray featured boxes
  3. Front page picture
  4. Organized by issues
  5. Embedded submission page


  1. Font color
  2. Song in sidebar?
  3. Font style
  4. Busy sidebar
  5. Features not fully separated from current news

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