Greenspring Redesign

Team 1:

Effective elements:

  • Logo is fresh and welcoming

o   Simple but still shows the information that it needs to

  • Search bar where it is easy to find
  • The event countdown is unique but still creates an interactive element
  • The issues covers (short stories) is really unique with the background being an image and the link to that section open up
  • I like how you can sign up for email updates


  •  In the submission section, wish that there was a way to actually submit online rather than through email
  • Add picture to the issues section (spring 2020, fall 2020) like how the short stories section is
  • The background with the bookshelves is distracting
  • The light gray “welcome” section is a little hard to read (may just be my eyes)
  • Homepage could use a link to social media


Team 2:

Effective elements:

  • I do like the way that the header takes up most of the homepage when you open it
  •  Really enjoy the way the about page has quotes with the editors
  • The issues section has a dropdown to go directly to the poem/creative writing/etc. Page
    •  Creates ease to find what one is looking for
  • The font is different yet creates an professional feel
  • The bar does not disappear as you scroll down so you can still easily navigate is you move around on the page


  • Be able to link directly to the article/poem whatever is featured on the homepage
  • When you go to another page (ex. About) the header gets cropped and all one can see is “review” so find a way to have the full header be shown
  • Wish that there was a search bar somewhere on near the top of each page
  • Not sure of the connection of the flower to school
  • Use a little more color overall bland and boring


Team 3:

Effective elements:

  •     Search bar is easy to find and use
  •     Link to social media where it is easy to see the latest post without actually having to go to the separate site
  •     Easier submission area
  •     Overall the site simple and easy to navigate
  •     Audience has the ability to share certain things to their own social media 


  • Header/Logo is not eye catching or really show/tell anything about Stevenson
  • Remove the smiley faces on the about page
  • Have the jobs and the names align on the about page
  • The background is taking away from the content

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