7 Psychological Principles for better UX

Tyrkiel, Kalina. “7 Psychological Principles for better UX.” Livesession, https://livesession.io/blog/7-psychological-principles-for-better-ux/. Accessed 19 February 2020.

This article is about how you can use psychology as a tool to bettering or perfecting your website to engage and lead to a positive experience for the user. The information that I didn’t know prior to reading this article where the different laws of psychology such as Jakob’s Law, Principle of Least Effort, Law of figure/ground, Hick’s Law, and Serial Position Effect. Kalina Tyrkiel explains some of the basic areas of psychology, the laws within them and how using/practicing them can benefit your website. What I definitely want to take with me to apply to the redesign of the Greenspring Review is Jakob’s Law which is “don’t fix anything that isn’t broken”. There is a unofficial “standard” for websites that many use, changing it to something completely different will lead to confusion the user.

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