UX/UI article summary

Tyrkiel, Kalina. “7 Psychological Principles for Better UX.” LiveSession, 11 Dec. 2019,livesession.io/blog/7-psychological-principles-for-better-ux/.


Tyrkiel states that “UX and psychology go hand in hand”.  Throughout the article she explains how seven psychological principles relate to UX.  These seven principles include: Jakob’s law, the principle of least effort, law of proximity, law of figure/ground, law of similarity, hick’s law and serial position effect.  Jakob’s law, explains that if a site is laid out in similar ways to other sites users know, they won’t need to learn how to use it. The second principle, the principle of least effort, states that people want to do as little work as possible to find something on a website.  Making sure that customers can achieve their goal as soon as possible is important for creating a good UX. The law of proximity explains that elements located close to each other are perceived as one group. The law of figure/ground states that an element can be perceived as a figure or as a background.  This UX principle is applicable through contrast, brightness, or colors. The law of similarity states that if multiple elements are similar, they are often seen as parts of the same group. Hick’s Law simple demonstrates that less is more. Grouping things into categories makes it easier for the user to make a choice as to what they want to find.  Finally, the serial position effect illustrates how people tent to remember the first and last items in a series. This is important for UX because you need to grab the user’s attention at both the beginning and end of the page. Overall, these seven psychological principles can be applied to the greenspring redesign, so that the user experience improves.  I believe that the most important of these seven principles to apply to Greenspring is Jakob’s Law and principle of least effort. Most if not all college students, the most important audience of the Greenspring review, want to find information quickly and with as little effort as possible.  


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