Stevenson Villager

The Stevenson Villager is a newsletter that is run by students and professors at Stevenson University. All the articles that are featured in the publication come from Stevenson students or faculty. The purpose of this publication is to allow students to develop their writing skills by producing original material.




Visually, the webpage’s design gives in a more professional look. In large green letter in the top left, it says “The Villager: Stevenson University” with the rest of the lettering on the page in plain black text. The background of the page is white and does not offer the reader any other things to look at and engage with outside of the page links and videos. The page layout consists of and horizontal top link bar with and additional options on the right-hand side vertically.



There are no aural elements to the villager’s website. Even though there are links to videos present on the main page, it does not have any actual aural elements.



Since it is a webpage that is dedicated to writing publications. The language used is professional and well written. The choice of words used in the brief captions is basic enough for the reader to understand and get an introduction into what the article is about.



As far as gestural elements go, the reader is only able to see the body language of the individuals who are pictured in the articles. The facial expressions of the subjects vary do to the type of photograph that was taken. In some cases the photos are candid and in others they are portrait photos.



The spatial elements of the webpage are relatively neat and organized. There are multiple sections that have links to direct the reader to other material available on the page. There is uniform spacing in between each of the photographs featuring articles.





One thought on “Stevenson Villager”

  1. 1. The analysis does not express a clear thesis.
    2. The author analyzes all 5 modes: visual, aural, linguistic, gestural and spatial. An explanation is given for each that refers back to the website.
    3. The author does not identify the affordances of the website.
    4. The author does not have any screenshots.

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