College Meme

“Me in a Group Project.” Memedroid,

I feel like this really depicts part of my college experience. As a business communication major I am in classes that tend to do a lot of group projects. Every time I hear we have a group project I get worried because typically I am the person in the meme. Last semester this meme was the most relatable it has ever been. I am someone who always wants to do well and do the best that I can. When it comes to group projects where no one is taking the initiative I tend to step up because I know that it will effect my group’s grade and ultimately my grade. I might even feel this way again this semester, as I have already been assigned a group for the entire semester and we have two projects to complete together. Hopefully it goes better than last semester.

4 thoughts on “College Meme”

  1. I relate to this meme so much. I feel like group projects just teach you how to do everything yourself and not rely on people for help. In every group project I have done, sans maybe one, I have had to be the creator, writer, manager, editor, and presenter. Group projects can be fun but I still hate them.

  2. This meme is extremely relatable when it comes to group projects. As a digital marketing major, my marketing classes require group projects and final presentations each semester. I find myself having to pull most of the weight for these assignments and contributing more than my group members.

  3. I can relate to this meme because there are times when I work in a group, and I will be the only one doing most, if not all, the work.

  4. This happens to me with many of the classes I take! As a fellow BizComm major, I have created entire presentations, outlines and projects on my own. I am always facilitating group discussion, and oftentimes speak the most during Powerpoint presentations. My best group members were seniors in a 400-level class, and many of my problems with group members have disappeared as I further complete my degree.

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