Coding Reflection

Working on the HTML tutorials was both an interesting and insightful assignment. Each section of the tutorial had its own level of complexity with each lesson getting more difficult. Time management was especially important as I got into the lessons, as each exercise got harder and longer. This was the biggest challenge for me while completing this assignment. In order to complete the longer sections, it was essential for me to take my time and incorporate breaks in between my work. Therefore, I split up each lesson by section so that I could pay closer attention to each individual exercise. 

Learning how all elements of coding work together was one of most important takeaways from this assignment. As expected, continuing the tutorial the coding started to get more complex. It was essentially for me to remember what was taught previously. Coding is essentially one big formula that starts off with basic characters and is built up from there. Prior to starting this tutorial, I had some coding experience but not too much. Therefore, it did not take me too long to catch on and some sections were easier than others. However, with this being said, I was not as familiar with the more complex material. Knowing the basics of coding beforehand was definitely helpful in my success with this assignment. Adding coding to my list of technology skills will set me apart from others in my career field. It is especially important to have a variety of skills in any industry today. While I feel more confident in my coding skills there is still room for improvement which I would love to invest some time in. I feel that I can apply my knowledge to a real website in the future as I start to build my career. While I continue to improve my coding skills, I plan to add coding to my resume as I continue to learn because it will show employers I can adapt to different work environments.

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