Style Sheet Exercise

Immersive Pedagogy_Dawkins

I enjoyed this exercise and learned more about citing as a result. It’s interesting to learn more about different editing and citation styles as each one is unique. The exercise was slightly difficult at first for me but once I caught on, I was able to complete it without any problems. Learning how headings are set up and images are referenced reminded me of the previous HTML exercise. Some references in this exercise were similar to when we learned about coding a website and text. The Chicago Manual of Style was not difficult to learn in that most of it guidelines reminded me of previous citation styles I have learned. The Author-Date Style however is different particularly for the in-line and bibliography citations. Therefore, I had to go through the document and make sure that the authors and dates were cited correctly. Lastly, I learned about the procedures that go into the copyediting style guide and that articles are proofread twice. Traditional articles can usually be copyedited in Microsoft Word which is familiar to most authors but for more complex articles, it may be necessary to edit in a web browser.

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